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Field Facilitator- Feed the Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity (BNA)


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Job Description

Tk. 30000 - 33000 (Monthly)
3 Year
Male, Female, Both
Bachelor Degree

Vacancy: 10
Age: 22 to 45 years
Location: Cox’s Bazar, Habiganj …
Salary: Tk. 30000 – 33000 (Monthly)
Experience: At least 3 years
Published: 7 Sep 2024


  • Bachelor/Honors
  • At least 3 years
Additional Requirements
  • Age 22 to 45 years
  • Experience of working with USAID projects in resilience, nutrition, food security and livelihood, would be an added advantage
  • Possess technical and program innovations, monitoring and evaluation as well as multi-sector approaches.
  • Experience in data/information collection to track progresses.
  • Ability to drive motorcycle with having valid driving license (driving motorcycle is optional for women)
  • Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, Power point) and email browsing
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills

Responsibilities & Context

Friends In Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB) is implemented Feed the Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity (BNA) supported by Abt associates. Interested candidates are requested to apply for the position:

  • The Filed Facilitator will remain under control, direct supervision and guidance of District Manager and will be responsible for ensuring all operational activities are being implemented in the upazila and Growth Centers to achieve the outcomes of the project.

A: Primary Responsibilities:

  • Organize inception meetings with market vendors, and other market actors.
  • Implement interventions with rural market actors, and community groups.
  • Effective implementation of SBC campaigns and market development strategy.
  • Closely work with Market Management Committee (MMC), permanent and temporary/mobile vendors, women groups, adolescent groups, agro-input retailers, Government Agriculture Officer and other relevant officers.
  • Assist to organize training with mobile sale agents, hat/bazar vendors, women groups, adolescents.
  • Organize linkage meeting among the input & output actors including others stakeholders to ensure better market access.
  • Linkage and networking with union level govt. service provider like SAO, HA, AHI, CHCP etc. private sectors.

B: Secondary Responsibilities:

  • Assist to conduct situational and audience analysis,
  • Participate in research activities in target market catchment areas.
  • Prepare all kind of quantitative and qualitative reports.
  • Collect monitoring data as per requirement of MEL Plan and management purposes, and compile the collected data.
  • Any other task assigned by authority as and when requirement.

Compensation & Other Benefits

  • Mobile bill
  • Salary Review: Yearly
  • Festival Bonus: 1

Employment Status

Full Time

Job Location

Cox’s Bazar, Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Sunamganj, Sylhet

Read Before Apply

FIVDB is an equal opportunity organization Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview. FIVDB is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct and expects staff to promote the welfare of children and adults at all times. FIVDB expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our Code of Conduct. We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate this commitment are recruited to work with us. Join us our Facebook page to more update: www.facebook.com/fivdbngo

Company Information

Friends in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB)


Khadimnagar, Sylhet-3103


FIVDB is a development organization, established in 1979. Its major operation cover 7 major districts and concentrates round in the north-east of Bangladesh. It mission is to give disadvantage women, men and children greater voice, reduce their vulnerability, increase use of citizenship rights and help them enhance their quality of life.

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এই চাকরির জন্য বিজ্ঞাপন দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান আপনার কাছ থেকে কোন অর্থ চাইলে অথবা কোন ধরনের ভুল বা বিভ্রান্তিকর তথ্য দিলে অতি সত্ত্বর আমাদেরকে জানান অথবা জবটি রিপোর্ট করুন। চাকরি পাওয়ার জন্য কোন ব্যাক্তি / প্রতিষ্ঠানকে অর্থ প্রদান করতে বিডিজবস কাউকে উৎসাহিত করেনা। কোন প্রকার অর্থ লেনদেনের দায়িত্ব বিডিজবস বহন করবে না।


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