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Assistant Health & Nutrition Coordinator


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Job Description

Tk. 147000
5 Year
Male, Female, Both
Bachelor Degree

Vacancy: 1
Age: 35 to 40 years
Location: Cox’s Bazar
Minimum Salary: Tk. 147000 (Monthly)
Experience: At least 5 years
Published: 6 Jun 2024


  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery(MBBS)
  1. Preferable with a Master’s in Public Health (MPH)
  • At least 5 years
Additional Requirements
  • Age 35 to 40 years
    1. At least 3 years of working experience in an Emergency / Refugee context in a managerial role will add an advantage
    2. Demonstrated skills in effectively managing and building programs and/or operations in high-pressure, fluid environments.
    3. Leadership and team management skills are essential.
    4. Excellent communication skills, including the ability to deliver presentations to professional and donor audiences;
    5. Proven writing and editing skills, including the ability to effectively write and edit grant proposals and reports;
    6. Effective people and program management skills in acute emergency contexts: the ability to train, lead, and manage staff productively under stressful circumstances;
    7. Good computer skills
    8. Multi-lingual skills with priority placed on English and Local Chittagonian Languages.
    9. Because of the emergency nature of GK’s work, working hours may be irregular and employees are expected to be flexible in their approach to working hours

Responsibilities & Context

VISION: The fate of the poor decides fate of the country; and The development of the country depends on the development of women.” MISSION: Grame Cholo Gram Goro (In English: Let us go to the village and build village)

Reportable to: Health and Nutrition Coordinator

  • Assistant Health & Nutrition Coordinator will work under the direct supervision of the Health & Nutrition Coordinator. S/he is expected to provide technical leadership in implementing the healthcare activities as described in the project partnership agreement (PPA) at the camp level. Staff members will monitor all the technical activities at the facility level in the camps and directly supervise the Facility manager in the camp health facilities. A minimum 4 days/week field visit will be required to ensure support and technical presence.
  • Represent and coordinate field-level GK health activities with concerned authorities, partners, health sector focal person, UNHCR, and other stakeholders
  • Technical guidance and support to camp-level health staff for implementing project activities to meet the set standard
  • Monitoring the implementation of health activities in the camps through regular field visits as per the preset schedule
  • Adopt appropriate monitoring tools for day-to-day activities in the camps and report back to the health coordinator for corrective measures and improvement
  • Ensure consistent use of HIS data for program monitoring and situation analysis
  • Contribute technical expertise for supporting and monitoring community outreach and mental health & psychosocial support activities
  • Ensure receipt of timely monthly medicine & supplies of all the health facilities
  • Participate in Joint monitoring visits with UNHCR and mission representatives
  • Attend monthly GK staff meetings and facility-based health committee meetings in the PHCs, and HPs and share the minutes with GK management.
  • Assess and support the implementation of emergency preparedness response and activities in the camps
  • Execute the management decisions at the facility level in consultation with the Health & Nutrition Coordinator
  • Support and organize capacity-building activities for the staff and monitor the outcome of training and practice
  • Recommend staffing and resources needed to implement activities for GK management
  • Ensure timely and consistent reporting to MoH, UNHCR, Sector, and other relevant authorities as agreed
  • Prepare technical monthly, quarterly, and annual reports and share them with the Health & Nutrition Coordinator
  • Directly supervise community outreach officer, MHPSS officer, all clinic managers, EPI Supervisor, Laboratory Supervisor, Charge of Shamlapur physiotherapy center, liaison officer and HIS-in charge personnel.

    Special Note:

  • Carry out any additional assignment in accordance with her/his position entrusted by the management of GK from time to time and mutually agreed upon;
  • Management may, at any point in time, modify this job description as it is deemed necessary in Gonoshasthaya Kendra’s interests in consultation with the incumbent and UNHCR.
  • This position has the possibility of extension depending on the availability of funding and performance.

Compensation & Other Benefits

  • Mobile bill, Weekly 2 holidays, Insurance


Work at office

Employment Status

Full Time

Job Location

Cox’s Bazar

Read Before Apply

Only shortlisted applicants will be called upon for interviews. Female Candidates will get an advantage. The selected candidates need to be joined 1st July 2024.Email with cover letter and all certificates should be emailed to this gkunhcr.hr@gmail.com email.

Apply Procedure

Email your CV

Send your CV to the given email gkunhcr.hr@gmail.com or Email your CV from My Bdjobs account

Company Information

Gonoshasthaya Kendra, Cox’s Bazar

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এই চাকরির জন্য বিজ্ঞাপন দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান আপনার কাছ থেকে কোন অর্থ চাইলে অথবা কোন ধরনের ভুল বা বিভ্রান্তিকর তথ্য দিলে অতি সত্ত্বর আমাদেরকে জানান অথবা জবটি রিপোর্ট করুন। চাকরি পাওয়ার জন্য কোন ব্যাক্তি / প্রতিষ্ঠানকে অর্থ প্রদান করতে বিডিজবস কাউকে উৎসাহিত করেনা। কোন প্রকার অর্থ লেনদেনের দায়িত্ব বিডিজবস বহন করবে না।


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