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Job Description

Tk. 70000 (Monthly)
1 Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree


  • Vacancy: 
  • Age: 25 to 40 years
  • Location: Cox’s Bazar (Teknaf, Ukhia) …
  • Maximum Salary: Tk. 70000 (Monthly)
  • Experience: At least 1 year
  • Published: 24 Apr 2024



  • Master of Science (MSc) in Psychology


  • At least 1 year

Additional Requirements

  • Age 25 to 40 years
  • Working experience in the Rohingya context and understanding and speaking of the Chittagonian language is Highly preferred
  • Female Candidates will get an extra advantage

Responsibilities & Context

GK was created in 1972 with two visions. Firstly, “the fate of the poor decides the fate of the country”. Secondly, the “development of the country depends on the development of women”. Since 2017, Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK) and UNHCR have entered in a partnership to respond to the Rohingya crisis in Cox Bazar and Bhasanchar. Job Location: Ukhiya/Teknaf at Cox’s Bazar and Bhasanchar

The psychologist will be responsible for the following main activities:

  • Improving the beneficiaries’ mental health well-being and psychosocial condition
  • Supporting the social workers and CPV by providing guidance and capacity building for activities related to MHPSS
  • Implementation of on-the-job training of social workers and CPV within the frame of GK and Partners standards
  • Key tasks and responsibilities:
  • Implement mental health & psychosocial activities in GK and Partners PHC/HP.
  • Assess the beneficiaries’ psychological condition by using psychological tools to detect vulnerable cases
  • Perform individual sessions for detected mental health cases and refer the severe cases according to GK and Partners referral pathway
  • Organize group sessions and support groups for the project beneficiaries
  • Use participatory methods to identify activity needs according to target groups, to facilitate the enrolment of adults and children in MHPSS activities
  • When needed, provide psychological consultations and conduct group discussion activities through home visits for the most vulnerable cases Support CPV & CPC to identify beneficiaries with vulnerabilities and to properly refer them to GK and Partners health post
  • Support CPV & CPC in the facilitation of outreach activities for beneficiaries at the community level when needed
  • Identify MHPSS training needs for GK and Partners health post staff and contribute to training sessions in collaboration with the MHPSS supervisor
  • Train CPV & CPC of GK and Partners health post on psychological first aid
  • Sensitize medical & paramedics staff of GK and Partners health post to psychological and psychosocial issues
  • Produce timely activity reports, including both quantitative and qualitative information on MHPSS activities
  • Ensure all sorts of focused psychosocial services for improving the beneficiaries’ mental health status and promoting psychosocial well-being.
  • Ensure proper psychosocial assessment, treatment and follow-up for IPD beneficiaries.
  • To follow up on the progress of the treatment and modify treatment plans as needed.
  • Provide family counseling to the family member of the beneficiary to strengthen the treatment and all forms of family and social support.
  • Conducting routine patient check-ups to assess their health condition and discover possible issues.
  • Provide IPD referrals when necessary for additional care, evaluation, or treatment.
  • Assist the SC staff in identifying priority health needs and ensuring psychosocial care.
  • Provide referrals when necessary for additional care, evaluation, or treatment.
  • Complete all necessary clinical documentation, reporting in an accurate and timely manner.
  • Ensure all services are completed according to relevant ethical and professional standards of care.
  • Implementation of on-the-job training of social workers and SC volunteers within the frame of GK and Partners standards.
  • Train the SC staff on therapeutic communication and crisis management.
  • Lead to case discussion meetings as part of enhancing the capacity building of the PHC staff.
  • Support to social workers to follow up and track the MHPSS cases under SC support.
  • Participate actively in the meetings with the community health committee, meetings with other stakeholders, and internal meetings in PHC.
  • Take part in OPD and IPD activities as per existing SOPs and Guidelines.
  • Ensure patient confidentiality is respected and treat all the patients with respect and dignity.
  • Perform other duties that may be assigned by the Clinic Manager and MHPSS officer/Technical Supervisor.

Special Note:

Carry out any additional assignment in accordance with her/his position entrusted by the Clinic Manager & MHPSS officer of GK from time to time and mutually agreed upon;

Management may, at any point of time, modify this job description as it is deemed necessary in Gonoshasthaya Kendra’s interests in consultation with the incumbent. and

To follow the GK/UNHCR protocols and regulations while managing all MHPSS cases in SC.

Compensation & Other Benefits

  • Mobile bill, Insurance


Work at office

Employment Status

Full Time

Job Location

Cox’s Bazar (Teknaf, Ukhia), Noakhali (Hatiya)

Read Before Apply

Only shortlisted applicants will be called upon for interviews. Initial engagement will be till 30 June 2024 (subject to the extension of the project and funding availability). The selected candidates need to be joined in 1st week of May 2024. At present vacant recruitment will be recruited for Teknaf only

Company Information

Gonoshasthaya Kendra, Cox’s Bazar


40/ A, Mukti Jodda Shoroni, Saimon Road, Baharchara, Cox’s Bazar.

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এই চাকরির জন্য বিজ্ঞাপন দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান আপনার কাছ থেকে কোন অর্থ চাইলে অথবা কোন ধরনের ভুল বা বিভ্রান্তিকর তথ্য দিলে অতি সত্ত্বর আমাদেরকে জানান অথবা জবটি রিপোর্ট করুন। চাকরি পাওয়ার জন্য কোন ব্যাক্তি / প্রতিষ্ঠানকে অর্থ প্রদান করতে বিডিজবস কাউকে উৎসাহিত করেনা। কোন প্রকার অর্থ লেনদেনের দায়িত্ব বিডিজবস বহন করবে না।


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