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International Consulting for the Design of a Social and Behavior Change Strategy for the prevention of different forms of violence against children.


Opportunity Deadline


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Job Description

  • Country: Caracas, Venezuela
  • No of vacancies: N/A
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: UNICEF
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-01-11


  • Conduct a documentary review on the causes associated with the different types of violence against children in the prioritized territories. 
  • In accordance with the information found and a first data analysis following the behavioral drivers model, complement and validate the information with key audiences, using qualitative research techniques.  
  • Based on the evidence, carry out the analysis of drivers and their prioritization, which must be validated by the area of ​​SBC, Child Protection, gender and involve other areas such as education, health and participation. 
  • Carry out the integrated design of the SBC strategy that includes Theory of Change (TOC), prioritization of approaches, tactics, monitoring framework and an operational plan, which must be socialized and validated by the SBC and Child Protection teams, as well as by the Deputy Program Representative. 
  • Develop methodological guidelines that guide the implementation of the strategy in the territories. 
  • Mapping strategic partners and allies for the implementation of the strategy, assessing the needs and challenges for their participation.  
  • Design and develop a capacity development plan for EVAC response-related Office staff, implementing partners, CBOs and Government.  

How can you make a difference?

Contribute to the incorporation of strategic Social and Behavior Change actions for the prevention of all forms of Violence against children and adolescents, integrating all programmatic areas and considering the Child Protection strategy in the interventions of the UNICEF Office in Venezuela.

General conditions

Payment of professional fees will be based on the presentation of the agreed deliverables. UNICEF reserves the right to withhold payment in the event that the deliverables submitted do not meet the required standard. 

UNICEF offers reasonable accommodation to consultants with disabilities. This may include, for example, accessible computer programs, assistance on mission trips, or personal assistants. We encourage you to disclose your disability during your application in case you need reasonable accommodations during the selection process and later in your assignment.  

  1. Place of development of the Consulting: The consulting will be carried out in Caracas, Venezuela, with scheduling of field visits in accordance with the work plan approved by the supervisor.
  2. Field visits: The consultant will manage the means of transportation for field trips, either by land or air, as well as the management of lodging, meals and miscellaneous reservations. These costs must be incorporated into the financial proposal as operating expenses.  
  3. Air travel: The cost of tickets will be included in the consulting costs as operating expenses. Other travel expenses, such as transportation to and from air terminals, excess baggage, etc., will also be included in the overall cost of the consultancy as operating costs and the office will not recognize any expenses for these items. 
  4. VISAS: The consultant must carry out the procedures corresponding to the management process and obtaining the corresponding visa for the development of activities in the country.
  5. Per diem: The office will not pay per diem of any kind for the trips that the consultants make for the proper fulfillment of this agreed service, the costs must be included in the global amount of the consultancy as operating costs (which are detailed in the economic proposal ). 
  6. Office space and equipment: The consultant will have his or her own space, office equipment, work materials and administrative services independently of UNICEF, and will attend the UNICEF Venezuela office facilities. 
  7. Insurance: The consultant will acquire his or her own insurance policies to support medical expenses and/or personal accidents that cover these eventualities for the duration of this contract. UNICEF does not assume responsibility for any accident that the consultant may suffer, since this contract does not imply an employer relationship of any kind. 
  8. Delivery of products and/or reports: The consultant will deliver the agreed products and reports electronically, in universally acceptable language. The costs of issuing and delivering these products/reports will be borne by the consultant. 
  9. Reservation of property rights: All documents, materials or products of this consultancy are the property of UNICEF and may not be used by third parties without its authorization. 
Work Assignments Overview Deliverables/Outputs Delivery  deadline Estimated Budget
Design an integrated SBC strategy, which,

based on the evidence,

address the main drivers of the various

types of violence present in the prioritized territories.

Which must include Theory of change,

monitoring framework and an implementation plan.

Document containing Methodology and work plan expressed in a Gantt Chart to achieve the planned results. 7 days Indicate in proposal. 
VAC situation analysis document that includes the identification and analysis of the main drivers linked to each violence, with their respective validation by the programmatic areas. 


25 days


Design of the strategy based on evidence, which includes: Situation, Theory of Change, expected results, Theoretical Framework that supports the strategy, Segmentation of participants and prioritization, key strategies and interventions, required competencies to develop, key messages, communication channels. Communication Monitoring and Evaluation Framework that includes indicators and their operationalization.


60 days


Strategy implementation plan and associated budget. 15 days


Develop technical guidelines that guide

the implementation in territories and from there generate

Recommendations to adjust processes

that are currently being advanced.

Design of guidelines that serve as a guide for the implementation and monitoring of the strategy and action plan 15 days


Comparative report of current program documents and their gap in relation to the guidelines of the new strategy and adjustment recommendations.   




10 days


Develop the capabilities of Office staff

EVAC response manager,

implementing partners and government. 

Mapping of key strategic partners and allies for the development and implementation of the SBC strategy to address violence against children in Venezuela. 10 days


Design and implementation of a capacity development plan in SBC and EVAC aimed at personnel linked to EVAC, partners and government. 


20 days 





Consultant Responsibilities

    1. Deliver 100% of the expected products within the agreed times and with the quality expected by UNICEF in accordance with a work plan prepared with the advice of UNICEF staff.  
    2. Use procedures that ensure the quality of the information presented and that are framed in the indicators established by UNICEF. 
    3. Attend follow-up meetings with UNICEF virtually or in person at the Central Office or corresponding field, requested in advance. 
    4. Maintain close communication and coordination with the UNICEF team.  
    5. Maintain close communication and coordination with counterparts identified by the UNICEF team.  
    6. Inform UNICEF in a timely manner in the event of any situation that makes compliance with the proposed activity plan difficult. 

UNICEF Responsibilities

    1. Provide technical guidance on the work to be developed, as well as review and approve the work plan and expected products.
    2. Provide information and any other document or agreement to the consultant required for the exercise of the contract that allows the results to be achieved.
    3. Provide access to the use of meeting space in the UNICEF office when required, to achieve results, after coordination with UNICEF supervisors.


  • The consultant in charge of the study will report to the SBC specialist in close technical coordination with the Deputy Program Representative.

Selection process:

The selection of the consultant will be carried out based on a competitive process in which academic training, professional experience and the technical and financial proposal will be taken into account. A detailed technical proposal will be required, along with the estimated times and the value of each product based on the proposed activities. Individual consulting proposals will be accepted as long as they demonstrate previous experience in the defined territories. 

Application form

  • Complete the online application on our portal in its entirety.
  • Letter of interest indicating how you meet the requirements and highlighting your strengths to meet the objectives of this consultancy.
  • Present technical and economic proposal (Indicating detailed professional fees for each product).
  • Proposal for a work plan that includes the estimated time for the development of each of the products contemplated in the consultancy. 
  • Curriculum vitae (updated) with link to relevant documents that serve as evidence of previous experience in similar consultancies (documents, publications, etc.).
  • Copy of study certificates that guarantee your preparation according to the required profile.
  • Three relevant professional references updated.

Minimum Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in social communication, anthropology, sociology or social psychology. 
  • Master’s degree in social and behavior change or Social Development is considered an advantage
  • Minimum of 8 years experience in the design, development and monitoring of social and behavioral change strategies.
  • Minimum experience of 3 years in the design and development of strategies and processes for the prevention of violence against children.
  • Knowledge in the integration and approach of the gender transformative and differential approach in the design and implementation of the strategy.
  • Minimum experience of 3 years in the development of training processes in social and behavioral change. 
  • Work experience related to human rights, rights of children and adolescents.
  • Experience working with international cooperation organizations or the United Nations will be an advantage.


If you are looking for more UN jobs in Venezuela, please click here: UN jobs in Venezuela

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