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Responsible for Monitoring


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Job Description

  • Country: Parakou, Benin
  • No of vacancies: N/A
  • Salary: N/A 
  • Organization: WHO
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-01-19

 Context and justification
Benin, like other countries in the sub-region, has been confronted in recent years with recurrent epidemic outbreaks and other health emergencies (epidemics of Lassa fever, measles, meningitis, poliomyelitis, and COVID-19). These events, for the most part, result in high morbidity and mortality and lead to disruptions in the health system with significant socio-economic repercussions. They occur in all departments of the country, but some affect the northern departments more because of their geographical positions (climatic factors) and proximity to Nigeria. The occurrence of these events often requires the mobilization of surveillance actors, who must undertake investigations, organize case management and the entire response plan. 
This epidemiological situation in the departments of northern Benin is complicated by the situation of insecurity which reigns in neighboring countries and which favors population movements (displacements) towards certain border communities of Benin.
The WHO, opening its sub-office in the north in Parakou, plans to have within its team a medical epidemiologist who will be responsible for providing assistance to the northern departments in the management of emergencies and epidemiological surveillance activities.
Based at the Parakou sub-office, it will support and establish the health authorities of the four northern departments (Alibori, Atacora, Borgou and Donga) in disease surveillance and management of health emergencies.  
2. Objectives: 
• Provide technical assistance to the municipalities of the 4 departments of northern Benin in the rapid detection and notification of diseases and all new events;
• Support the organization of effective responses to public health emergencies;
• Organize the delivery of samples taken to be transported to the national level;
• Identify training needs with departmental health authorities and strengthen the capacities of surveillance actors;
• Improve the circulation of surveillance information between departmental and central levels;
• Promote the use of electronic tools for data collection and supervision of surveillance actors;
• Support monitoring of municipal performance;
• Increase the participation of clinicians and other health personnel in surveillance activities.

3. Expected results:
The incumbent of the position provides support for strengthening epidemiological surveillance activities and emergency management and collaborates with departmental and municipal officials from the Ministry of Health, other sectors and local partners. 
More specifically, the holder of the position:
1) Supports field stakeholders in the detection and notification of cases of diseases under surveillance;
2) Provides technical assistance in the investigation of cases and outbreaks of epidemics;
3) Organizes the system for transporting samples from the departments to the central level;
4) Assists departmental health authorities in organizing active surveillance activities for disease cases;
5) Monitors trends in surveillance indicators (detection, notification, confirmation, alert and epidemic thresholds, etc.)

4. Qualifications, Experience, Skills and Languages:
• Essential: First university degree (University degree in medicine) 
• Desirable: Master’s level university degree in public health, epidemiology and related fields from an accredited/recognized university

• At least two (02) years of relevant/proven experience in the fields of public health, surveillance of diseases with epidemic potential at the national and/or international level
• At least two (02) years experience in integrated disease surveillance and response
• Experience working similarly within WHO, other agencies of the United Nations system and/or an international organization, in partnership with health sector groups health and/or in recognized humanitarian organizations, including at regional or national level would be an asset.
Functional skills and knowledge:
• A proven ability to coordinate and manage projects, and establish partnerships with several partners 
• A good ability to be tactful coupled with the ability to develop clear and comprehensive strategies and plans.
• Proven organizational skills, as well as an ability to multi-task and produce results while working under pressure.

• Essential: Excellent knowledge of French
• Desirable: Working knowledge of English

Other qualifications (IT example)
• Familiarity with commonly used software: Excellent knowledge of applications in the Microsoft Office software suite, in particular PowerPoint and Excel 
• Good command of data collection software such as ODK, KOBOCOLLECT, data collection software statistical analyzes such as EPI Info and R or any other relevant software


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