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GBV and GRF Commitments Coordination Officer


Opportunity Deadline


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Job Description

  • Country: Geneva, Switzerland
  • No of vacancies: N/A
  • Salary: N/A 
  • Organization: UNHCR
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: January 19, 2024

The GBV Multistakeholder pledges were an opportunity to bring together states, women led organizations, NGOs, civil society, academic institutions and other stakeholders to submit pledges focusing on improved access to inclusive and quality GBV prevention and response services for displaced and stateless women and girls, innovative partnerships with Women Refugee-led Organizations (WRLOs), and providing refugee women and girls and host communities with better tools to address protection and inclusion challenges through all phases of displacement. A high number of pledges were submitted to support the implementation of these aims. Furthermore, a Core Pledge was developed and supported by key stakeholders with the aim of building the foundations for successful inclusion in national GBV prevention and response systems. Equally, efforts were made to mainstream gender equality and GBV risk mitigation across other sectors’ pledges including education, health, economic inclusion, climate resilience, resettlement and complementary pathways, and solutions.

The UNHCR GBV Unit sits within the Field Protection Service, DIP at headquarters and has provided technical leadership and coordination to the above efforts to enhance GBV prevention, response and risk mitigation commitments at the GRF. The need has been identified to continue to provide guidance and coordination, and to ensure that commitments pledged as part of the GRF are fully implemented, and good practices shared.

The position

This consultancy will build on the existing efforts to guide and coordinate gender equality and protection from GBV pledges through following up with different stakeholders on the commitments, providing ongoing guidance, coordination, planning, monitoring and sharing good practices. The key areas of the consultancy include:

– Analysis of gender equality and protection from GBV related pledges in order to develop clear planning for follow-up and ongoing engagement.
– Lead the ongoing coordination and development of the conceptualization phase of the GBV Core Pledge.
– Follow up with different UNHCR sector focal points on linked pledges to enhance the impact and evidence of GBV risk mitigation mainstreaming.
– Ensure that GBV pledge stakeholders are familiar with the process of reporting on pledge progress, documenting good practices and sharing learning.

The consultancy will also work with the wider GBV Unit in the Division of International Protection to share and follow up on opportunities identified through the GRF pledges for closer collaboration with UNHCR GBV coordination and programming in different contexts.
Duties and responsibilities
This consultancy will be supervised by the Senior Interagency Coordination Officer, and will implement the following deliverables:

1. Analysis of gender equality and protection from GBV related pledges in order to develop clear planning for follow-up and ongoing engagement.

– In coordination with the GBV Unit, conduct an in-depth analysis of the GRF 2023 pledges received to identify trends, good example pledges and key entry points for follow up.
– As a result of the analysis produce a mapping and report containing analysis of the pledges, with a particular focus on pledges that respond directly to the aims of the GE and GBV Multistakeholder pledges.
– Ensure that the mapping provides analysis and good example pledges in relation to the participation, funding, and support for women-led organizations, and women refugee led organizations in particular.
– Engage with different sector focal points in UNHCR to identify pledges linked to gender-equality and protection from GBV across all sector pledge areas.
– Present the results of the analysis and mapping to relevant stakeholders such as the GRF GE and GBV facilitation cell, UNHCR units and sectors, as well as coordination fora as required.
– Using the analysis and mapping, develop a joint plan for the monitoring and follow up of gender equality and protection from GBV multistakeholder pledges. The plan should consider regular updates, sharing learning, funding monitoring, and a framework for sustainable follow up led beyond the end of the consultancy in support of the facilitation cell. Ensure that planning and approaches to follow up of the gender equality and protection from GBV pledge consider the approaches of other areas of Protection and other sectors’ GRF follow up.
– Work with relevant coordination fora, such as the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence Emergencies, to integrate GRF follow up and the prioritisation of refugee inclusion in their own strategies and roadmaps based on the objectives of the gender equality and GBV multistakeholder pledges.

2. Lead the ongoing coordination and development of the conceptualization phase of the GBV Core Pledge.

– Establish and support a technical group of stakeholders supporting the GBV Core Pledge on forcibly displaced and stateless people’s inclusion into national GBV prevention and response systems. Convene the group on a monthly basis, document meetings and actions, engage participants and report on the groups progress at other relevant fora.
– Continue to engage new stakeholders into the Core Pledge as relevant, including governments and women-led organizations in countries selected for piloting the initiative.
– Facilitate donor engagement and funding of the Core Pledge, in particular in relation to existing opportunities and GRF funding commitments.
– In collaboration with the Core Pledge technical group, develop a detailed plan and monitoring framework for the initiative, including a conceptualization and implementation phase, and addressing activities and approaches outlined in the existing concept note.
– Initiate the conceptualization phase of the Core Pledge initiative, documenting the design of the detailed project framework and guiding the mobilization of resources and expertise to eventually the desk research step of the conceptualization phase.

3. Follow up with different UNHCR sector focal points on linked pledges to enhance the impact and evidencing of GBV risk mitigation mainstreaming.

– Collaborate with the different UNHCR sector focal points of the GRF, including education, health, economic inclusion, climate resilience, resettlement and complementary pathways, and solutions, to engage them in analysis of cross-cutting pledges, sharing the analysis and mapping with them.
– With the sector focal points, develop a plan for follow up, monitoring and sharing learning and good practices related to gender equality and protection from GBV mainstreaming. This includes through guidance and building the gender equality and protection from GBV mainstreaming capacity of the sectors’ stakeholders networks as relevant.
– Work with the leadership of the Avec Elles multi-stakeholder pledge to support follow up, planning and ongoing stakeholder engagement, ensuring linkages and learning from wider gender equality and protection from GBV mainstreaming efforts.

4. Ensure that GBV pledge stakeholders are familiar with process of reporting on pledge progress, documenting good practices and sharing learning.

– Through existing coordination forum and networks develop capacity to report on pledge progress, share good practices and learning to show implementation of the objectives of gender equality and protection from GBV pledges.
– Ensure that GRF follow up planning considers support and actions for ongoing progress and good practise sharing. In collaboration with the UNHCR GBV Unit, develop processes to provide ongoing support to good practise dissemination, integrating GRF good practice sharing with existing agency-level initiatives where possible.
– Work with UNHCR focal points involved in the GRF to create a lesson learnt document on gender-equality and protection from GBV at the 2023 GRF. The document should include clear recommendations with the aim of leveraging even further gender equality and GBV at the next GRF.

Essential minimum qualifications and professional experience required

The ideal candidate will have:

a. Education (Level and area of required and/or preferred education)
Higher university degree in International Law, Human Rights, International Development, International Relations, Gender Studies, Political or Social Science.

b. Work Experience

– A minimum 6 years of work experience (5 years for master’s degree holders) in gender-based violence prevention, response and risk mitigation in refugee, forced displacement and humanitarian settings.
– Knowledge of GBV coordination between diverse stakeholder and demonstrated experience with leading coordination, and developing coordinated planning, engaging different stakeholder and partners, and leading joint results-based initiatives.
– Experience in drafting project proposals, design, planning and monitoring and experience directly managing GBV projects in refugee/humanitarian settings.
– Experience in working with other sectors to effectively mainstream gender equality and GBV risk mitigation.
– Experience working with or in partnership with UNHCR.
– Experience working in working on inclusion in national systems and with women refugee-led organizations is highly desirable.

c. Key Competencies

Required competencies:

– Strong knowledge of international human rights and humanitarian law, particularly concerning protection of refugees and IDPs.
– Knowledge of and experience of systems strengthening and capacity building on GBV in forced displacement and stateless settings.
– Knowledge of inter-agency GBV coordination mechanisms.
– Demonstrated instructional design experience targeting adult learners.
– Excellent written and spoken English.
Desirable competencies:
• Knowledge of another UN language, especially French or Spanish.


The successful candidate will be home-based with possible travels to locations that will be determined later.

The UNHCR workforce consists of many diverse nationalities, cultures, languages and opinions. UNHCR seeks to sustain and strengthen this diversity to ensure equal opportunities as well as an inclusive working environment for its entire workforce. Applications are encouraged from all qualified candidates without distinction on grounds of race, colour, sex, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.


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