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Communication Officer, NO-B, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Fixed Term, ( Ethiopian Nationals)#120186


Opportunity Deadline


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Job Description

  • Country: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • No of vacancies: N/A
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: UNICEF
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-03-07


Communication materials

Ensure that the production of communication products and materials is timely executed and followed up to support country communication strategy, regional and global campaigns and priorities and to support resource mobilization as set out in the work plan.

  • Implement the tasks in the country communication work plan and strategy as assigned.
  • Gather content and coverage of relevant country efforts to identify effective relevant country programme activities and results. Develop complementary, country specific and local community materials and activities.
  • Produce advocacy and communication materials (e.g. briefing notes, images, video. Web pages etc.) that meet the country and global standards as set out in the Communication Toolkit.
  • Assist in drafting and editing articles, press releases, human interest stories and other advocacy/information materials for both web-based and traditional media, as appropriate.
  • Follow up on the production of advocacy and communication materials (e.g., films, videos, audio-visuals, etc.), and oversee the qualitative aspects of production, (e.g., quality control, translations, reviews of layout and graphic design etc.) to meet standards as set out in the Communication Toolkit.
  • Establish or maintain an up-to-date documentation centre for communication materials including publications, press releases and clippings, photographs, audio-visual materials, web resources etc.
  • Recommend appropriate information and communication materials for use in media, and other advocacy and communication activities; recommend the appropriateness, quality and dissemination of printed and audio-visual materials.
  • Recommend established contacts, networks, resources and processes to support communication activities.

Media relations

 Effective and timely professional assistance and support are provided in developing, drafting and maintaining contact information, materials and relationships with journalists and media outlets covering all media – print, TV, radio, web etc. – in the country, to communicate the story of UNICEF’s cooperation to a wider audience.

  • Maintain and update media relations contact list/database. Ensure rapid and accurate information dissemination to the media.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining close collaboration with mass media, as well as with groups and organizations whose support is essential to the achievement of advocacy and communication objectives.
  • Assist in drafting and editing articles, press releases, human interest stories and other advocacy/information materials in all media formats, as appropriate.
  • Prepare background communication and promotional materials for briefing and visits of media and other special interest groups. Assist in the planning, logistic and administrative arrangements for them.
  • Assist in collaborating with the media through activities such as organizing project site visits, facilitating photo coverage and TV footage and utilizing both web-based and traditional media as appropriate.
  • Monitor and evaluate the use and effectiveness of media materials. Maintain a library of coverage (clippings, coverage etc.)

Monitoring and evaluation

Regular monitoring and evaluation activities are undertaken according to the work plan to ensure maximum impact and continuous improvement of country communication efforts. Ensure results and reports are prepared and shared on a timely basis.

  • Contribute to developing an advocacy and communication strategy by coordinating appropriate audience research and compiling and analysing relevant data.
  • Monitor and evaluate the appropriate and timely dissemination of advocacy and communication materials to target audiences, and participate in the evaluation of their impact. Monitor and evaluate the use and effectiveness of media materials. Maintain a library of coverage (clippings, coverage etc.)
  • Monitor the public perception of UNICEF in the country and recommend appropriate action to maintain a positive image for the organization.
  • Assist in providing feedback to DOC on the use and appropriateness of global communication materials such as publications, images and multimedia products.
  • Ensure good quality data collection, analysis and evaluation and reporting to ensure effective communication strategies, planning and effective and efficient advocacy.
  • Undertake lessons learned review of successful and unsuccessful communication experiences as directed by supervisor.

Celebrities, partners and special events

Ensure that the Country Office’s contact list of individuals, groups, organizations and fora (including Government, UN, and bilateral counterparts), are maintained and further developed, whose support is essential to/can assist in achieving the advocacy and communication objectives and who support and are able to actively participate in special events and activities that further the country programme goals.

  • Help organize and generate public support for special events and activities to promote country programme goals.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining close collaboration with mass media, as well as with groups and organizations whose support is essential to the achievement of advocacy and communication objectives.
  • Maintain and update celebrity and partner contact lists/database for country office.
  • Monitor/document process and effectiveness of working with these individuals/organizations.
  • Prepare background communication and promotional materials for briefings and visits of media, Goodwill Ambassadors, donors, National Committee representatives and other special interest groups. The task includes preparing information materials (e.g., press releases, programme summaries, country fact sheets and media kits), and assisting in the planning, logistics and administrative arrangements.

Social media content development and management: Gather, initiate, edit, and develop content (stories, photos, and audio-visual material) to be posted on social media platforms and the web. Develop and manage UNICEF Ethiopia’s social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, the country’s Intranet, and website including posting of messages, photos, and story content, either routinely, ad hoc, or in line with a meeting, visit, event or campaign.

  • Gather, initiate, edit, and develop content (stories, photos, and audio-visual materials) to be posted on social and digital media platforms including the UNICEF Ethiopia website.
  • Coach/train UNICEF Ethiopia staff members on the use of social media.
  • Develop, implement, and manage UNICEF Ethiopia’s strategic approach to social media and develops a work plan.

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

  • A first university degree in Communications, Journalism, Public Relations or a related field.
  • A minimum of two years practical professional work experience in communication, print and broadcast media or interactive digital media. International and national work experience.
  • Field work experience Background/familiarity with Emergency situations.
  • Developing country work experience or field work experience.
  • Training/experience in emergency response management highly desirable.


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