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National Consultancy to support the National Secretariat for Care and Family Policy in the preparation and implementation of projects related to the topic of care (Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Combating Hunger - MDS) - UNDP jobs in Brazil


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National Consultancy to support the National Secretariat for Care and Family Policy in the preparation and implementation of projects related to the topic of care (Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Combating Hunger – MDS) – UNDP jobs in Brazil

  • Location: Brasilia, Brazil
  • Vacancy No: N/A 
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: UNDP
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-02-23



UN Women, based on the vision of equality enshrined in the United Nations Charter, works to eliminate discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates the efforts of the United Nations system to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action around the world. Provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors. 

The four global thematic areas are: 

  • Governance and Participation in Public Life. 
  • Women’s Economic Empowerment  
  • End Violence against Women and girls. 
  • Women, Peace and Security, Humanitarian Action and Risk and Disaster Reduction.  



The consultancy proposal contributes to achieving Result 2 of the Strategic Note of the UN Women office in Brazil 2024-2027, “In 2027, Brazil will have advanced in economic inclusion that contributes to the reduction of poverty, hunger, vulnerabilities, of inequalities, and discrimination based on generation, gender, race and ethnicity, and which guarantees the right to transformative education for the full development of the person and access to decent work, opportunities for income generation, social, economic and political protection of care and resilient infrastructures, ensuring equal opportunities and their sustainability”. It also contributes to Results 2.1 “Women, women entrepreneurs, their groups and organizations, especially women who face multiple forms of discrimination, have greater capacity to claim rights to equitable access to services, goods, resources, policies and strategies that meet to their needs in terms of decent work, entrepreneurship, caring society, social protection, procurement and green economy” and 2.2 “National and subnational public and private institutions have increased capacities to formulate, implement and monitor laws, policies, plans and strategies , supported with budgets, for decent work, entrepreneurship, caring society, social protection, purchasing and green economy, with a focus on women who face multiple forms of discrimination. The consultancy takes place within the scope of the contribution to the implementation of the Strategic Note made by the Open Society Foundations.

Women contribute enormously to the economy, whether in paid work or in unpaid domestic and care work. However, care work has historically been unpaid, underpaid, undervalued and unrecognized. Women are disproportionately affected by an unequal social organization of care, as they are expected to perform the majority of unpaid care work for their families and in their homes and also make up the majority of paid workers, such as laborers. housekeepers and nurses. In Brazil, for example, women make up a large proportion of nursing professionals and 92% of all domestic workers – most of them black. With regard to unpaid care, the impact on women is seen in the limited time they have to focus on other activities, such as participation in public and political life and paid work, thus preventing equal access to the labor market. work and affecting their economic empowerment, autonomy and access to social protection throughout their lives (unemployment insurance, disability retirement and old age retirement, maternity leave, among other benefits). When it comes to paid care, female workers tend to be poorly paid and are often employed in the informal sector, which also affects their economic empowerment and access to social protection. Domestic workers, for example, make up a category of workers with one of the largest decent work deficits in the country.

Care, which has only recently been occupying more space as a topic on the public agenda in Latin America and Brazil, is a right and a need for all people throughout their life cycle, already recognized in several international pacts and treaties. This theme articulates the processes of production and reproduction, as it sustains life and makes possible the existence of the economic system based on the mercantile economy and the reproduction of the workforce. The implementation of care policies and programs is, therefore, essential to improve the well-being of society as a whole, reduce gaps in education, health, employment, wages and living conditions, in addition to generating a virtuous circle with multiplier effects on the economy, in the redistribution of resources and in the fight against poverty and social inequalities.

So that the State can have a more robust action in the face of care demands, the National Secretariat for Care and Family Policy was created within the scope of the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS) with the aim of building a Policy and a National Care Plan capable of creating conditions so that all people, but especially those who depend on others for day-to-day activities and those who provide daily care, have decent living conditions. In this sense, on March 30, 2023, the Interministerial Working Group (GTI) was established by Decree No. 11,460, which aims to prepare the proposal for both the Policy and the National Care Plan, within 1 year, and will be coordinated by representatives from the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger and the Ministry of Women. Thus, this GTI will have representatives from 17 ministries [1] – considering MDS, MM, Civil House and General Secretariat of the Presidency – and with representatives from permanent invited entities, such as IBGE, Fiocruz and Ipea.

Decree 11,460/2023 determines that both the Policy and the National Care Plan must be presented within 360 days of the installation of the GTI, therefore, by May 2024. The National Care Plan, in addition to providing for the reformulation of existing public policies, It will also propose the development of new policies that act towards sharing care responsibilities between the State, families, the market, companies and the community.

UN Women has been contributing technically to the activities of the GTI as an observer institution, as well as to the activities of the Secretariat, through a joint work plan. In this sense, this TOR refers to the hiring of technical consultancy to support the National Secretariat for Care and Family Policy within the scope of the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger in the process of formulating actions, policies and programs to be implemented directly or through partnerships with states, municipalities, civil society and companies.


[1] According to art. 3rd of Decree No. 11,460, the following bodies are members of the GTI: Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger; Ministry of Women; Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic; Ministry of Cities; Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming; Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services; Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship; Ministry of Education; Sport Ministery; Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services; Ministry of Racial Equality; Ministry of Planning and Budget; Ministry of Indigenous Peoples; Ministry of Social Security; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Labor and Employment; and General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic

Duties and Responsibilities


The objective of the consultancy is to contribute to the formulation, implementation and evaluation of pilot projects for actions, policies and care programs to be implemented directly or together with municipalities, states, civil society and companies. In this way, work will be carried out to collect information, systematize data, organize meetings and meetings, support the articulation process, support the theoretical and methodological formulation of the aforementioned pilot projects, whether with regard to their proposal – with objectives, calculation of costs, partnerships, form of operation, target audience, among other elements – whether in monitoring and evaluating its implementation with a view to gaining scale as a public care policy.


Under the general guidance of the UN Women Deputy Representative in Brazil and direct supervision of the UN Women Economic Empowerment Area Coordinator carried out in close collaboration with the MDS team , the consultant will implement the following tasks/activities:


Tasks and activities:

Task 1: Identify, analyze and systematize national and different country experiences that aim to guarantee the right to care, and are designed considering the interdependence between those who care and those who receive care.

  1. Create a database with good practices, promising practices, learning and knowledge generated, such as guides, toolboxes, case studies, among others, related to care.
  2. Carry out research and analysis for the development of thematic reports, research articles, diagnoses, reference documents and knowledge products on the topic.
  3. Prepare proposals for concept notes and project documents.

Task 2: Support the elaboration, monitoring and implementation of policy projects, actions and programs to be developed directly by SNCF/MDS or in partnership with municipalities, states, civil society and companies on the topic of care;

  1. Develop methodology for monitoring and evaluating projects, actions, policies, programs to be developed;
  2. Monitor the implementation of projects with the preparation of reports, documents, forms, systems, concept notes, technical sheets, mappings, presentations and any other type of material necessary for recording and evaluating the project.

Task 3: Support SNCF/MDS in coordinating , facilitating, organizing or participating in different types of events, including consultations, technical meetings, working groups, seminars, webinars, exchanges and South-South cooperation actions with different actors:

  1. Production of presentations, research reports, analyses, articles, diagnoses and other reference documents related to the thematic area.



# Products to be delivered Percentage of total value (optional) Deadlines
1 Consulting work plan  30% 15 days after the start of the contract
two Report containing results achieved in the first quarter 20% 3 months after the start of the contract
3 Report containing results achieved in the second quarter 20% 6 months after the start of the contract
4 Report containing results achieved in the third quarter 20% 9 months after the start of the contract
5 Final report with a summary of the results achieved during the implementation of the presented work 10% 12 months after the start of the contract














All reports must be presented in Portuguese and include the complete set of supporting documents, such as training agendas and methodologies, handouts, participant lists, etc. Supporting documents can be submitted in Portuguese.

MDS will review each product and return with comments or recommendations for approval within 7 business days. UN Women will carry out the final approval after approval from the Ministry within 3 working days. In the case of comments, UN Women will approve each product after incorporating comments and the product is considered final. 



Payments for services will be made after delivery of each product established in the table above, upon certification of satisfactory performance by UN Women in accordance with the established schedule. 

Payments will be processed within 15 business days after final approval of the product and delivery of the signed Payment Certification form. 

When processing the last payment, it must be accompanied by the consultant’s Performance Assessment. 

The Special Service Agreement (SSA ) modality establishes that the remuneration for this type of contract must include all expenses necessary for the execution of the service and social protection of the contracted person. The organization will not be responsible for additional costs or benefits. Therefore, it is the consultant’s responsibility to take out adequate and valid medical insurance during the term of the contract, and it is recommended that said policy include coverage for illnesses related to COVID-19. Medical coverage must be international when the contract requires travel/missions or stay in a foreign country during its term. 

If selected for this consultancy, proof of medical coverage must be presented within the first two months of the consultancy contract.

No trips/missions are planned for the development of the consultancy.



The consultant is expected to work remotely during the term of their contract using their own computer, being available for face-to-face and virtual meetings with UN Women, MDS and the Ministry of Women when necessary in Brasília .

UN Women and MDS will provide the consultant with inputs and technical support documents related to the tasks/activities to be developed, as well as logistical and coordination support for organizing meetings with key stakeholders and partners.



The consultant’s work and performance will be evaluated and monitored by the supervisor in coordination with MDS on a regular basis to ensure that contractual obligations are fully met. The consultant will maintain permanent coordination with his/her supervisor to effectively execute and develop the products requested by this consultancy. He/she will also provide the information requested under the terms of reference.



The consultant’s performance will be evaluated in relation to criteria such as: information/products delivered within the time specified in the contract, responsibility, initiative, communication, precision and quality of the products delivered. The evaluation will be carried out by the supervisor and will serve as input for payments to the consultant upon delivery of the expected products.




Organizational Values ​​and Principles

  • Integrity: Demonstrate consistency in defending and promoting UN Women’s values ​​in actions and decisions, following the United Nations Code of Conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and experience in knowledge of their substantive areas of work.
  • Cultural sensitivity and diversity: Demonstrate recognition of the multicultural nature of the organization and the variety of its employees. Demonstrate an international perspective, appreciation of differences in values ​​and learning from cultural diversity.

Organizational skills

  • Awareness and sensitivity towards gender issues
  • Corporate responsibility
  • Creative problem solving
  • Effective communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Lead by example

Functional skills

  • Excellent analytical and communication skills.
  • Good teamwork skills.
  • Understanding the gender equality agenda
  • Ability to organize events and debates
  • Ease in collective construction of knowledge


Required Skills and Experience


For the candidate to be considered, they must meet the following qualifications and requirements:



  • Bachelor’s degree in social sciences or humanities.
  • Postgraduate studies and/or specializations in the area of ​​Social Sciences or humanities.


Professional experience

  • Experience in the field of public policies with project management and implementation.
  • Experience with the topic of gender.
  • Theoretical experience or social intervention (governmental or not) with the theme of “care”, in particular aimed at populations requiring care, such as children, the elderly, people with disabilities in situations of dependence, or paid care workers or not.



  • Ability to perform a variety of specialized tasks related to results management, including project support, program planning and implementation, data management, and reporting.
  • Distinctive competence in consultancy and communication skills, as well as the ability to work independently and with virtual teams.


Languages ​​and other skills:

  • Excellent knowledge of Portuguese.
  • Proficiency in MS Office



Professional experience:

  • Experience with research, data analysis, production of reports.


Languages ​​and other skills

  • Knowledge of English, Spanish or another UN language is an advantage.



For the selection process, the evaluation committee will carry out a technical review of the CVs (70%) and financial proposals (30%) based on the established requirements and criteria.

The contract will be offered if the proposal presented by the candidate is evaluated as:

  • Adequate/Conforms to rules/acceptable.
  • Have received the highest score according to a predetermined set of technical and financial criteria defined specifically for the contract in question.

The total number of points awarded to the technical qualification component is 70. The candidate’s technical qualification is assessed based on document analysis and following the following criteria:

Assessment of Technical Requirements Maximum points to be obtained: 70
Criterion A – Relevant Education 20
Bachelor’s degree in social sciences or humanities.  8
Postgraduate studies and/or specializations in the area of ​​Social Sciences or humanities. 12
Criterion B – Relevant Professional Experiences 40
Experience in the field of public policies with project management and implementation. 8
Experience with the topic of gender. 8
Theoretical experience or social intervention (governmental or not) with the theme of “care”, in particular aimed at populations requiring care, such as children, the elderly, people with disabilities in situations of dependence or care workers, paid or no. 8
Experience with research, data analysis, production of reports. 6
Ability to perform a variety of specialized tasks related to results management, including project support, program planning and implementation, data management, and reporting. 6
Distinctive competence in consultancy and communication skills, as well as the ability to work independently and with virtual teams. 4
Criterion C – Languages ​​and other skills 10
Excellent knowledge of Portuguese. 3
Proficiency in MS Office. two
English or Spanish – basic level.   5
Financial evaluation 30
Total 100





























Phase 1: long list, based on minimum requirements and correct submission of documentation;

Phase 2: short list based on documentary analysis of the application documents, based on the criteria established in the terms of reference;

Phase 3: technical evaluation of pre-selected candidates;

Phase 4 (optional): based on the shortlist – written test;

Phase 5 (optional): based on shortlist/written test results – interview.



Application package and documentation submission:

If the candidate does not mention the essential requirements in their application, it will be invalidated and, therefore, it will be discarded from the process.

All candidates must include in their applications:

  • Completed and signed Personal History Form (P-11) in English, which can be downloaded here http://www.onumulheres.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/P_11_form_UNwomen-JUL-2021.doc
  • Financial proposal (example is provided in Annex I): The financial proposal must specify a total fixed amount , amounts per product and travel/mission expenses (if applicable), if applicable, as well as other related costs (for example, costs related to communication ).

Interested candidates must register by 23:59 (New York time) , on 02/23/2024 by sending the documents through the UNDP Jobs platform : the P11 form and the financial proposal.

Incomplete applications that do not present a P11 and financial proposal will not be considered in the evaluation process.


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