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Consultant for the Eastern Libya Flood - IRC jobs in Libya


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Consultant for the Eastern Libya Flood – IRC jobs in Libya

Consultant for the Eastern Libya Flood is a job at the organization of IRC in Libya. Both males and females can apply for this job. The grade of this is Consultancy – Consultant – Contractors Agreement and its occupational group is Disaster Management (Preparedness, Resilience, Response, and Recovery). It is a part-time job and its sector is Monitoring & Evaluation. Read the article for more information.

  • Location: Libya
  • Vacancy No: N/A 
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: IRC
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: N/A

Job Description

Eastern Libya Flood Joint Response
The Eastern Libya Flood Joint Response is a crisis response project that has a total budget of Euro 2,000,000 for 6 months to provide life-saving assistance to people in Libya severely affected by the Flood. The project started on 17 September 2023 and ends on 16 March 2023. The project is implemented by four Dutch Relief Alliance members, and their partners: Stichting Vluchteling (SV) with International Rescue Committee (IRC), Terre des Hommes (TDH) with Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (Acted), CARE Nederland with Libyan Red Crescent, CordAID with DanChurchAID (DCA), in four districts, to address some of the most urgent needs through a multi-sectoral approach.
Dutch ReliefAlliance
The Libya Flood Joint Response was launched as part of the Dutch Relief Alliance Acute Crisis Mechanism in the immediate aftermath of the Flood crisis to address the needs of the affected population. Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) is a coalition of 14 Dutch humanitarian organisations, in partnership with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The structure of the alliance enables participating NGOs to respondto major international crises in a timely and effective manner, delivering greater impact than members operating independently. The rising number of humanitarian disasters around the world has placed an increasedburden on international humanitarian organisations, the Dutch Relief Alliance wasestablished to meet these challenges. Improved cooperation and coordination between NGOs enablethem to better respond to major international crisesin a timely and effective manner.

Project Overview
Title Eastern Libya Flood Joint Response

Goal To provide Flood affected people in Eastern Libya with access to lifesaving and life-sustaining humanitarian assistance
Project Results
Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL)
FSC-I2: Number of people enabled to meet their basic food needs.
– Distribution of food parcels and provision of daily hot meals; distribution of ready-to-eat food parcels to IDPs in collective shelters, distribution of regular food parcels to host communities, support to central kitchens and rehabilitation of bakeries.

: Number of people having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs.
WSH-I4: Number of people having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use.
WSH-I6: Number of people reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities.
HEA-I1: Number of Health facilities rehabilitated.
-Renovation/rehabilitation work of facilities damaged by the flood
HEA-15: Number of primaryhealthcare consultations
– Recruit staff and operate mobile medical teams
– Provide medical items (medications, medical consumables) to the
mobile health clinic and mobile medical teams (and associated PHCs if required).

HEA-I2: Number of mental health consultations
Protection, including MHPSS
PRO-I1: Number of persons reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures.
PRO-I2: Number of personswho receive an appropriate response.
– Case management to households, referring individuals to other services, child activities, MHPSS sessions and awareness raising
PRO-I5: Numberof persons with increased/appropriate information
on relevant rightsand/or entitlements
– Protection desk, referral system, information sharing
PRO-I12: Number of survivors of violence against women and girls who receive an appropriate response.
PRO-II5: Number of children that received support specified to their needs
– Child protection activities and PSS,
– Provision of Psychological First Aid (PFA)
– Provision of structured and non-structured PSS.
– Distribution of non-food items – children kits each containing
diapers, small bags for diapers, cream for children, wet wipes, children
blanket, hydration syrup for children, leak-proof texture

Shelter / Non-food Items (NFI)
SHL-I1 Number of people having access to basic, safe and dignified shelters solutions.
SHL-I4: Numberof people provided with non-food items (other than
hygiene/dignity kits)

CSH-I1: Number of people benefitting from unconditional and unrestricted cash transfers
Partners Lead Agency: Stichting Vluchteling with IRC Libya
Terre des Hommes (TDH) with Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (Acted) , CARE Nederland with Libyan Red Crescent, , CordAID with DanChurchAID (DCA)

2. Scope of the end line evaluation
The endline evaluation will be implemented between March and April 2023, with most of the data collection happening after the Eastern Libya Flood Joint Response has ended (end date is 16 March 2023). The scope of theend evaluation is the entireFlood response with a focus on the different project components and their complementarity, the collaboration between Dutch Relief Alliance and local/national partners, and the addedvalue of the response within the larger Flood coordination and responsestructure. The evaluation should cover and provide updates on achievements in all targeted sectors (WASH, FSL, Cash, Health, Protection including MHPSS, Shelter /NFI) across the intervention locations (Benghazi, Shahat, Soussa Al Bayda Almarj, and Derna). Lead agency SV)/IRC Libya will inform the consultant about the accessibility and security situationof the project target areas before startingof the field data collection exercise and will agree withthe consultant on feasible ways of data collection.
3. The objectives of the end line evaluation
The objective of the end line evaluation is to provide a holistic understanding of the project achievements, including the extent to which the project has been adapted according to the changing context and the way in which the Libya Flood Joint Response has impacted the lives of the Flood affected population (accountability). Additionally, the objective of the end evaluation is to provide learnings and recommendations for future projects.
The specific objectives of the evaluation include:
• To assess the performance of the project,paying particular attention to the
outcomes and outputsof the project interventions against its key resultindicators;
• To understand how the project has contributed to thelarger Flood response
and what theadded value of the Joint Flood Response has been;
• To assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and sustainability of
project strategies and activities;
• To assess how the project has implemented the main prioritised cross-cutting
themes, such as, e.g., accountability, localisation, inclusiveness, conflict sensitivity/ do no harm programming;
• To assess complementarity of project interventions and the collaboration between
INGOS and local/national partners;
• To document lessons learned and provide recommendations for future
4. Evaluation criteria

The evaluation shouldbe structured aroundthe OECD-DAC evaluation criteriaand the
additional criteriaas mentioned in the table below.The evaluation questions are indicative. The
consultant is expected to review and improve the evaluation questions in theinitial stage of the
evaluation exercise.
Criteria Key Questions
Relevance Relevance is concerned with assessing whether the projectis in line
with local needs and priorities. It assesses if the intervention is doing
the right things.
• To what extent was the programme able to adapt and provide
an appropriate response to changingneeds and the priorities
of affected people ?
Was the response appropriate the needs of the affected people and
delivered at the right time?

Efficiency Efficiency concernsan assessment of how well resources were used
to achieve intended objectives.
• To what extent were activities of individual organizations and
for the overallconsortium cost-efficient?
• To what extent the project implemented in the most efficient
way compared to alternatives?
• What could have been done differently to complete the
project more timelyand efficiently?
• To what extent could funds be re-allocated in time during
implementation to respond to new developments?
Effectiveness Effectiveness is about the extent to which the project has achieved
its objectives.
• To what extent were the project targets and objectives
• What were the major factors influencing the achievement or
non-achievement of the objectives? How did they have such an impact?

Sustainability Sustainability in thecontext of this intervention is concerned with
responding to acute and immediate needs, while takingthe longer-
term into account.
•How (in what ways) activities carried out in a context that took longer-term
and inter-connected problems into account?
• Did activities contributeto individuals being more prepared,
resilient and less at risk than before?
• How likely is it that any positive changes may be sustained in
the short- and medium-term? And why?
Coherence Coherence refers to the compatibility of the intervention with other
interventions (and policies)in the country, sector and/or institution.
The distinction is made between internal coherence (synergies with
interventions carriedout by the same institution/government, and
with international norms and standards) and external coherence

(consistency of the intervention with other actors’ interventions:
complementarity, harmonization, coordination and added value).
• To what extent was internal and external coherence of the
project ensured?
• How didcoordination and collaboration between the
Joint response members happen and contribute to coherence?
To what extent joint activities are being coherently and effective
carried out.

Other criteria    

Equality and
inclusiveness It was required that the planned response ensures equality and inclusion are addressed in its design to ensure the needs of the most
vulnerable wereaddressed.
• To what extent were approaches to ensure equality and inclusion applied in the project?
• How were the relevant markersused?
• To what degree did the program address the needs of
vulnerable groups?
Accountability Accountability was mandatory to address through the project cycle.
• To what extent was the affected population meaningfully
informed and involved inthe design and planningprocess, and
throughout implementation?
• What feedback mechanisms were in place?  Were these
mechanism  tailored to different groups How has feedback
been received addressed?
sensitive and
programming Conflict sensitive and do-no-harm programming were mandatory.
• How were conflict-sensitivity and do-no-harm programming
integrated into the project design and applied duringproject
implementation? And What effects did this have?
model Collaboration with local partners and localization efforts
• How have local partners been involved in the project design,
throughout implementation and in decision-making?
• To what extent have partnerships withlocal partners been
effective and how has thisadded value to the response?
5. Evaluation Methodology
The consultant is expected to determine the methodological approachfor the end evaluation of the Eastern Libya Flood Joint Response.The methodology should be further detailedinthe inception report including an evaluation that explains for each indicator & research question, how these will be measured/ answered. The methodology will be approved by the Eastern Libya Joint Flood Response Evaluation taskforce, including the research tools. The Libya Flood Joint Response partnersprovide the following guidance for the development of the methodology:
• The consultant is expected to use and review existing project documents during the
end evaluation. These documents include the joint response project proposal and logframes,
monitoring and progress reports,financial reports, policiesand strategies, and any
other relevant project document. IRC Libya will providethe external
consultant with all available project documentation at the beginning of the

• Triangulation of data is important. Therefore, the consultant is expected to use
multiple data sources to allow for the verification of results.
• The consultant (or the consultancy team) will undertake visits to the
project implementation areas to collect primary data across the intervention locations
(Benghazi, Shahat, Soussa Al Bayda, Almarj, and Derna) amongst a variety of
stakeholders, including project staff of international and local partners, local
authorities, people in needand other relevant persons. Participation of stakeholders
in the evaluation should be maintained at all times, reflecting opinions, expectations,
and visions about the contribution of the project towards the achievement of its
• The consultant must consider participants’ safety throughout the evaluation
(including recruitment and training of research staff, data collection / analysisand
report writing) as well as researchethics (confidentiality of those participating in the
evaluation, data protection, age andability-appropriate assent processes) and quality
assurance (tools piloting, enumerators training, data cleaning).
• The consultant is expected to be aware of and understand political sensitivities,
consult the lead agency regularly and adapt the evaluation approachif needed.
6. Deliverables
The table below provides an overview of the expecteddeliverables.
Deliverables Description Timeframe
Report Must contain:
• Logic of end line evaluation proceedings
based on desk review
• Findings from the desk review
• Revised / improved evaluation questions and
an overview on how these will be answered
• Detailed work plan, research methods,
sources, procedures for datacollection,
analysis, sampling of key indicators etc.
• Proposed timeline of activities, schedule of
tasks and submission of deliverables
• The report will be shared with relevant
stakeholders for feedback and approval Within 5 days
after signing of
the contract
(26 March
Draft ReportThe draft report should structurally mimic the final
report (seebelow for structure), address most of
the assessment questions and work towards
presenting meaningful findings, conclusions, and
• The draft report will separately present the
tools used andfindings (figures and graphs)
of beneficiary data
• Draft report will be shared with relevant
stakeholders for feedback and approval 22 April
Final Report The final report will include the following:
Feedback on the draft reporthas been addressed 30 April

Systematically assess the project impact on
beneficiary individuals and institutions
Provide factual evidence of direct and indirect
results of interventions
Synthesize information received for purposes of
conclusion and recommendation
Honest representation of observations from the
desk review and primary data collection
The final report will consistof the following
sections at a minimum:
1. Table of contents
2. Executive summary (not longer than 2 pages)
3. Intervention description
4. Scope of the evaluation
5. Purpose and objectives of the evaluation
6. Methodology
7. Findings
8. Identify and capture Lessons learnt                   9. Conclusion
10. Recommendations
11. Annexes – photos, human stories, final research
tools, bibliography of secondarydata used, a list of
persons interviewed.
Alongside the evaluation report the consultant will
provide the raw data.
Presentation The consultant is required to develop and submit a
high quality power point presentation with the main
findings and recommendations from the end
evaluation. The consultant is expected to present
this to relevant stakeholders beforefinalizing the
final evaluation report. Between 23
and 25

7. Timelines

The consultant is expected to provide a detailedworkplan, including timelines, as part of the
inception report. The below timelines and deadlines should be considered.
Task Date/ deadline
Submission proposals 5 March 2023
Proposal considered, short listing and follow up enquiries.
completed 12 March 2023
Interviews with selected consultants 13 and 16 March
Signing of contract with selected consultant and kick-off
meeting 19 March
Submission inception report 25 March
Data collection Between 1 April
and 15 April
Submission draft report 22 April
Presentation of resultsBetween 23 and 25
Submission final report and final deliverables 30 April
8. Budget
Interested consultants are required to provide a budget includingtravel costs, number of
working days per specific activity, daily rate and any other costs. The budget range for this evaluation is USD 25,000
9. Reporting procedure.
The consultant will directlyreport to IRC Libya and SV focal persons during the entire periodof this assignment. The consultant will closely work with the respective Agencies Evaluation Task Force and relevant staff of the Joint Flood Response INGOs and local partners. 


Required qualifications
The specific requirements for this assignment are hands onexperience in evaluating a joint
response program implemented by international and national partners(or another consortium-
based humanitarian program with a variety of implementing agencies),and experience in
evaluating multi-sectoral humanitarian response programs. Additional required qualifications are
detailed below:

• Extensive experience in research work and in assessments/evaluations. Knowledge of
mixed research methodologies and application of various tools including practical
experience in assessments, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
humanitarian interventions. Proven experience of using participatory methods is
• At least a master’s degree in economics, developmental studies, business
administration and social scienceor related field for the lead consultant/ a minimum
of bachelor’s degree on the relevant academic areas with 7 years of progressive
experience in research.
• Strong experience in humanitarian response,Child Safeguarding and knowledge of
humanitarian standards(CHS, Sphere, Code of Conduct).
•Understanding of and experience in evaluating cross-cutting themes, including equality, accountability and conflict sensitivity / do-no-harm.
• Access and good understanding of the Libyancontext is required. Previousworking experience
in Libya is considered an advantage. The consultant / consultancy team needs to have.
access to the whole ofLibya and the ability to collect data on a short notice. If the consultant/applicant required to have visa, they have to make sure to secure the visa prior to commencing the task.
• Excellent analytical and report writing skillswith skills in using statistical packages
such as SPSS, STATA etc.
• Fluent inEnglish. Understanding of Arabic will be an added advantage.
• Cultural awareness and ability to operate in politically complexand sensitive
environments are required.
11. Application procedure
Individuals/firms that meet the above requirements should submit a full proposal by 5 March 2023. Applicants are highly encouraged to submit their application before the deadline as shortlisting and interview will be conducted in a rolling basis. The proposal should include:

• Technical Proposaldetailing the approach, methodology and work plan of the
• Financial Proposalincluding daily rates in EUR   with detailed breakdownincluding
travel costs, number of working days per specific activity, daily rate and any other
• CV of the lead consultant and contact details of two professional referees. If the
consultant works with a team, CV’s from team members should be included as well;
• Copies of at least 2 (two) similar assignments done in the last 3 years;
• Firms based/registered in Libya must produce operating license;
• Shortlisted applicants will be invitedto an interview.
IRC Libya and SV in consultation with other joint response members will conduct the shortlisting and technical interviews.


If you are looking for more UN jobs in Libya, please click here: UN jobs in Libya

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