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National Project Manager - NDC - UNDP jobs in Liberia


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National Project Manager – NDC – UNDP jobs in Liberia

National Project Manager – NDC is a UN job at the organization of UNDP in Monrovia, Liberia. Both males and females can apply for this job. The grade of this job is not specified and its occupational group is Climate Change, Project and Programme Management, Managerial positions. It is a full-time job and the contract duration of one year. The required language is English. Read the article for more information.

  • Location: Monrovia, Liberia
  • Vacancy No: N/A 
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: UNDP
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-02-20

Job Description

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a ‘leave no one behind’ approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and inspiring stories.
UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
On August 4, 2021, Liberia submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC in fulfillment of its commitments to reduce its economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 64% below the projected business-as-usual level by 2030, through a combination of the following: unconditional GHG reductions of 10% below BAU, resulting in an absolute emissions level of 11,187Gg CO2e in 2030; with an additional 54% reduction conditional upon international support, which would result in an absolute emissions level of 4,536.64 Gg CO2e in 2030. Additionally, Liberia has developed its NDC Financing Strategy and implementation plan. The country intends to engage its partners and national actors to begin the implementation of the NDC. This revised Nationally Determined Contribution is a 10-year nationwide sectoral document aiming at reducing the economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions. The commitment of Liberia is constructed from GHG mitigation targets across nine key sectors – Agriculture, Forests, Coastal zones, Fisheries, Health, Transport, Industry, Energy, and Waste – as well as cross-cutting targets for urban green corridors. The NDC also includes climate change adaptation targets for eight sectors – Agriculture, Forests, Coastal zones, Fisheries, Health, Transport, Energy, and Waste – as well as cross-cutting targets for urban green corridors.
To make agriculture, forestry, and fisheries more productive and sustainable, the NDC provides a number of interventions that include both mitigation and adaptation measures, such as (i) reduce agricultural GHG emissions by 40% through promoting low-emissions rice cultivation and reducing the burning of field residues; (ii) reduce GHG emissions from the livestock sector by 40% through incentivizing improved feed to reduce enteric fermentation, and improved waste management; (iii) ensure agricultural households adopt sustainable agriculture, animal husbandry, soil conservation, and organic management practices; (iv) establish fund for research on sustainable agricultural production and GHG mitigation potential from the agriculture and livestock sectors; (v) increase training and capacity building of farmers and agricultural extension agents to implement mitigation actions; (vi) develop a circular agricultural economy plan to support reuse of organic materials and soil re-carbonization. For the forestry sector, the measures are as follows (i) reduce the national deforestation rate by 50%; (ii) reforest, including through natural regeneration and tree planting through community and school programs; (iii) restore 25% of priority degraded forests; (iv) establish 5 new Protected Areas. As for the agricultural adaptation (i) develop incentives and programs to promote crop and livestock diversification, climate resilient seeds, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), water harvesting, irrigation systems, increased soil fertility; (ii) develop facilities and climate smart technologies to promote post-harvest and value addition practices, including establishment of 5 seed/gene banks and improved storage facilities. In the fishery sector (i) increase the ability of fishing communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change by establishing 2 Marine Protected Areas and supporting alternative fishery livelihoods by developing the foundational structures and extension services needed to increase aquaculture production and reduce the impact on marine fisheries; (ii) invest in marine store and tracking systems for artisanal fisher communities, including the provision of training, fishing gears and alternative livelihoods; (iii) develop and implement climate smart fishery management systems.

To achieve this, UNDP is seeking the services of a National Project Manager to support the Government and UNDP to deliver on the relevant outcomes and outputs of this project. The Project Manager will specifically perform the following tasks:

Duties and Responsibilities
The NDC Manager shall under the supervision of the Environmental Protection Agency coordinate and facilitate the NDC implementation processes in Liberia. This shall include the collaboration with the MFDP, Central Bank of Liberia and the nine (9) NDC sectorial institutions. Additionally, the Manager will coordinate and support implementing partners providing support for the implementation of Liberia’s NDC. In addition, s/he will coordinate with other partners contributing to the NDC implementation and together with government institutions and other non-state actors. The Manager will report to the Executive Director of the EPA through the Manager on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) on day-to-day administrative aspects. S/he will also be reporting to the NDC Support Unit. The Manager will also engage the appropriate Director in the MFDP on leveraging the role of national economic planning in NDC processes and implementation. The Manager will also undertake any other activities assigned to her/him related to Liberia’s NDC.

As per the request of the Government of Liberia to the NDC Partnership, UNDP will support the NDC Manager /Facilitator contract.  Additionally, UNDP will support coordination meeting of the NCCSC and relevant stakeholders, and international partners meetings on NDCs.

Considering prior efforts to accelerate the process on the climate change commitments/obligations being constrained by partnership and coordination, and expert facilitation challenges, the need for National NDC – Manager has become imperative.   The NDC Coordinator shall have matrixed supervision working under the direct supervision of the Environmental Protection Agency and reporting duties to UNDP to coordinate and facilitate the NDC implementation processes in Liberia. This shall include the collaboration with the UNDP, MFDP, Central Bank of Liberia and the nine (9) NDC sectorial institutions. Additionally, the Manager is expected to coordinate and support implementing partners (government and other non-state actors inclusive) providing support for the implementation of Liberia’s NDC. The Manager will report both to the Executive Director of the EPA or his designated focal person on day-to-day administrative aspects. S/he will also be reporting to the NDC Partnership Support Unit and UNDP. The Manager will also engage the appropriate senior officials at the MFDP on leveraging the role of national economic planning in NDC processes and implementation. The Manager will also undertake any other activities assigned to her/him related to accelerating action toward Liberia’s NDC fulfilment.

The role of the Manager is to support Government in engaging, coordinating, facilitating and mobilizing actors and resources for the implementation of Liberia’s updated NDC. Working on behalf of Government, the Manager plays a central role in ensuring the advancement of the NDC implementation plan. The Manager will focus on mainly 2 broad components: Working with partners to mobilize technical and financial resources to Implement activities in the NDC implementation Plan and coordinate activities between the EPA, MFDP, and the Central Bank of Liberia.

Summary of key functions:

In consultation with EPA, lead periodic coordination and information exchanges among partners supporting NDC implementation and other partners supporting NDC implementation plan actions in the country:  

  • Coordinate and manage the online NDC implementation Plan- updates and continuous project mapping;
  • Support government in preparing request of support for NDC implementation and other related activities to the NDC Partnership;
  • Support the Government to organize multi-sector/- stakeholder meetings, including with High-Level Policymakers, partners to present the NDC implementation plan and seek donors and partners supports;
  • Work with government focal points to produce a blog on the NDC implementation process;
  • Work with the National Fisheries & Aquaculture Authority and the University of Liberia in collaboration with the World Bank, establish a Regional.

Center of Excellence for Liberia’s fisheries Program at the University of Liberia in fulfillment of the adaptation action under the fisheries sector in the NDC implementation plan: 

  • Work with all the nine (9) NDC sectors and the nine NDC Environmental Sector Working Groups (ESWG) to mobilize technical and Financial resources for the implementation of the NDC at the National and Local levels;
  • Support EPA to coordinate with various government institutions to develop COP27 priorities (Including concept notes) for Liberia;
  • Support EPA to periodically present NDC Implementation progress and gaps to other government entities as well as  the Donor platform – chaired by the President;
  • Support the EPA to enhance coordination with the IPs/DPs coordination platform of more than 20 partners chaired by the president;
  • Support the EPA to hold additional global launch of the NDC Implementation in addition to other products;
  • Support the EPA to establish and rollout the NDC Taskforce Coordination Unit that will work with the Environmental Sector Working Groups (ESWG) to develop NDC tracking tools for reporting Liberia GHGs emission level and progress in collaboration with Support to the government of Liberia.

Coordinate Activities between MFDP and the Central Bank:

  • The National Project Manager is responsible for submitting a monthly report and updates to Developmental Partners, reviewing Terms of Reference (TORs), contracts, and local consultant recruitments for the NDC implementation;
  • The role involves working closely with the EPA and MFDP, in collaboration with the Central Bank of Liberia and the NDC Partnership Support Unit, to establish effective coordination. Additionally, the National Project Manager will provide support for the implementation and coordination through the Environmental Sector and Working Group.

The National Manager reports to the Programme Manager:

  • In this role, there will be close collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) and the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL). The primary objectives include mobilizing technical and financial support for the establishment of climate desks at both the MFDP and CBL, along with providing support for the coordination of government institutions and partners.

Knowledge Management and Communication:

  • Identify key knowledge constraints and organize learning, knowledge exchange, training, workshops, etc. to build the awareness and capacities on relevant themes (i.e. forstery , local climate risk assessments, environmental sustainability, mainstreaming, in support of women and youth employment, etc.);
  • Contribute to the implementation of the Communication and Visibility Plan of the Programme, in collaboration with Programme team, partners and technical consultants;
  • Identify, collect and disseminate best practices and lesson learned from the Programme in areas of specialty;
  • Manage the process of convening national and regional stakeholders to share lessons learned on selected themes.
Institutional Arrangement

The National Project Manager works under the direct supervision of the UNDP Team Leader for Inclusive Green Growth(IGG),  and the overall supervision of the Deputy Resident Representative for Programme.

Core Competencies:

Achieve Results: LEVEL 3: Set and align challenging, achievable objectives for multiple projects, have lasting impact

Think Innovatively: LEVEL 3: Proactively mitigate potential risks, develop new ideas to solve complex problems

Learn Continuously: LEVEL 3: Create and act on opportunities to expand horizons, diversify experiences

Adapt with Agility: LEVEL 3: Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands

Act with Determination: LEVEL 3: Think beyond immediate task/barriers and take action to achieve greater results

Engage and Partner: LEVEL 3: Political savvy, navigate complex landscape, champion inter-agency collaboration

Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 3: Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity
Technical and cross-functional Competencies:

Communication: Advocacy strategy: Ability to create and implement advocacy strategies which lead to impactful change.

Partnership management: multi-stakeholder engagement and funding: Knowledge and ability to forge multi-stakeholder partnerships, and remove any obstacles to resource mobilization and multi-stakeholder funding platforms.

Business Direction & Strategy: System Thinking: Ability to use objective problem analysis and judgement to understand how interrelated elements coexist within an overall process or system, and to consider how altering one element can impact on other parts of the system.

2030 Agenda: Planet: Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery: Climate Risk Management Disaster and Climate Risk Governance.

2030 Agenda: Planet: Nature, Climate and Energy: 

  • Climate Change Policies: Climate Finance;
  • Climate Change Policies: Governance / integrated planning for climate change investments in the context of urbanization;
  • Climate Change Adaptation: strategies
Required Skills and Experience
  • Advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Marine Ecosystem Based Management and Climate Change, Natural Resources Management; Environmental Studies, Agricultural Economics or related Social Sciences with specific focus on Natural Resources Management is required OR;
  • A first-level university degree (bachelor’s degree) in a relevant field in combination with an additional two years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of the advanced university degree.
  • A minimum of five (5) years (with Master’s degree) or 7 years (with Bachelor’s degree) of experience in implementing/coordinating  Climate Change, Natural Resources Management Environmental Studies, Agricultural Economics or in one of the Social Sciences with specific focus on Natural Resources Management in a relevant related field is required;
  • Experience in the use of computers, office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.), database packages, and web-based management systems such as ERP;
  • The incumbent should have a minimum of five (5) years of practical work experience in the fields of Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change, research in various environmental leadership, writing of various national reports, including the Second National Communication (SNC) and GHGs Inventory Reports;
  • Good knowledge of the system of local governments in Liberia and its framework is desired;
  • Experience and/or proven ability to work with different tiers of government, central government institutions/ministries, and local governments, local stakeholders, local communities;
  • Knowledge/experience of climate change issues and its potential impacts on local economic development particularly for the most vulnerable is desired;
  • Proven track record in addressing gender equality as project objective and/or cross-cutting issue would be an asset;
  • Knowledge and professional experience in coordinating NDC portfolio;
  • Multicultural and gender sensitivity experience;
  • At least three (3) years managerial /professional level work experience working on policy, regulatory and technical advisory services with national and subnational stakeholders is highly desirable;
  • At least three (3) years’ of work experience related to performance-based grants and/or similar instruments like budget support and/or local economic development is desirable;
  • Have a proven record of completing similar assignments successfully, with knowledge and experience in working in Liberia and specifically in the landscapes selected.  Specific knowledge on participatory research methods;
  • Experience, knowledge and understanding of the civil society dynamics like that of Liberia, particularly in targeted landscapes;
  • Proof of identity/nationality and area of current or previous work;
  • Solid understanding of the dynamics, issues, and trends of associated industries’ (agriculture & forestry, climate change & tourism and biodiversity conservation) as well as issues of transparency and good governance;
  • Familiarity with relevant government policies on natural sciences and structures;
  • Experience with a UN organization/agency is desirable.


  • Fluency in English and local language is required.
Applicant information about UNDP rosters
Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.
UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.
UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.
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The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.

Required Skills


Experience in implementing/coordinating Climate Change, Natural Resources Management Environmental Studies, Agricultural EconomicsExperience in the fields of Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change, researchWriting of various national reports, including the Second National Communication (SNC) and GHGs Inventory Reports.


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