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U-Report Officer - UNV jobs in Congo

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Opportunity Deadline


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Job Description


U-Report Officer – UNV jobs in Congo

  • Location: Congo
  • Vacancy No: N/A 
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: UNV
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-03-02

Mission and objectives
UNICEF works in the world’s most inhospitable places to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents. To defend the rights of every child, wherever they are. In more than 190 countries and territories, UNICEF works to help children live, thrive and realize their potential, from early childhood to adolescence.
The world’s leading provider of vaccines, UNICEF works to support children’s health and nutrition, clean water and sanitation, quality education and skills development, and HIV prevention. and the treatment of mothers and their babies, as well as the protection of children and adolescents from violence and exploitation. Before, during and after humanitarian emergencies, UNICEF is on the ground to provide lifesaving assistance and hope to children and their families.

Designed for young people, U-report allows two-way communication through a mobile phone and by simple SMS. Furthermore, U-report can be used in targeted campaigns in the areas of health, education and protection. In 2020, U-report made a significant contribution in several countries to raising awareness among communities in the fight against the spread of Coronavirus and the fight against the spread of false information. U-Report is a well-established youth engagement and real-time monitoring tool promoted by UNICEF since 2011 and launched in Congo at the end of 2022. To date, Congo Brazzaville has more than 28,600 U-reporters and 11 U-reporter communities.

Task description
Sous la supervision directe du spécialiste Communication et Partenariats, le/la UNV U-Report s’occupera du suivi au quotidien de l’activité U-Report et apportera un soutien aux
sections du programme pour l’intégration de l’initiative U-Report dans leurs programmes de participation des adolescents, sous les orientations et la supervision directe du Spécialiste Communications, avec l’appui de la section Communications et Partenariats.
Le/la UNV U-report gèrera le volet opérationnel (technique et technologique) et communautaires de U-report. Il/elle appuiera également la promotion de U-Report pour s’assurer que les voix des jeunes sont misesen évidence, incorporées et traitées au niveau national et local.
La mission du volontaire U-Report Officer contribuera à ce que les informations collectées par U-Report alimentent les programmes de l’UNICEF et la politique et les programmes du gouvernement du Congo pour les adolescents et les jeunes. Les données et les informations collectées seront partagées avec les décideurs, les partenaires et les praticiens pour le plaidoyer politique, la sensibilisation et la conception, la planification et le suivi des programmes, et avec les U-Reporters pour leurs actions communautaires.

• Gestion technique et appui opérationnel pour U-report
Dans le cadre de ses missions, le volontaire U- Report Officer devra :
– Assurer la gestion du site U-report Congo Brazzaville en surveillant activement le fonctionnement
de la plateforme U-report afin de maintenir l’engagement des utilisateurs avec un contenu régulier, notamment sur les bots, les articles, les sondages, les rapports et les statistiques puis répondre aux commentaires et questions de l’audience
– Gérer les canaux numériques de U-report Congo (c’est-à-dire SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, .) en coordination avec le Digital Solution Center, le Global Innovation Center, la société d’hébergement RapidPro et les parties prenantes ;
– Veiller à la fonctionnalité technique de la plateforme et résoudre les éventuels problèmes en collaboration avec les sociétés de téléphonie mobile et le centre d’hébergement de U-Report ;
– Assurer la gestion du site Internet et de la page Facebook de U-Report Congo afin de maintenir l’engagement des utilisateurs avec un contenu régulier, notamment sur les sondages en cours, et répondre aux commentaires et questions de l’audience ;
– Gérer le calendrier des sondages U-Report et identifier les priorités/sujets de plaidoyer pour les sondages en consultation et en coordination avec les sections du programme, les membres du comité de coordination de U-Report, les partenaires, les organisations de jeunesses et les U-Reporters.
– Appuyer l’organisation et le suivi des réunions du comité de coordination de U-Report (Conseil de Coordination et comité technique) de U-Report et veiller en particulier à donner suite aux avis et demandes faites par les jeunes dans les cadres de ces sondage U-report.
– Consulter et faire le suivi des pages créées par les communautés U-report pour s’assurer du respect des orientations, directives, objectifs et missions de U-report et aussi veiller à leur ralliement à la page officielle de U-report ;
– Appuyer l’organisation des ateliers de renforcement des capacités des U-Reporters et autres jeunesse adolescents en collaboration avec la section EPAD ;
– Offrir des conseils techniques et une formation aux partenaires d’U-Report, ainsi qu’aux bénévoles sur l’utilisation du système.

• Maintaining the engagement of young people around U-Report
He/she must also:
– Provide regular feedback to U-Report users on the results and use of information and communicate on these actions taken following the surveys;
– Make recommendations on innovative activities to strengthen community engagement and increase the number of U-Reporters through strategies and mechanisms aimed at involving more adolescents and young girls and boys in U-report activities with the section EPAD;
– Support U-report communities and other youth organizations engaged in promoting U-report, in collaboration with the Adolescent Development Officer,
– Collaborate with the Communication and Partnerships section to maintain communication around U-report through the media, social networks, communication supports and the organization of campaigns and other events.

In addition to the above, UN Volunteers are expected to:
• Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteering by reading the documentation made available by the UNV programme, external publications and actively take part in the activities of the UNV programme, for example, get involved in commemorative activities for International Volunteer Day (IVD), on December 5.
• Become familiar with and develop any form of traditional and/or local volunteering in the host country.
• Reflect the type and nature of voluntary actions they undertake, including their participation in substantive reflections.
• Contribute to the writing of articles on field experiences to be submitted for the UNV program publication/website, bulletin and press notes, etc.
• Contribute to the Welcoming Program for United Nations Volunteers newly arrived in the country of assignment;
• Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteers or encourage individuals and organizations to use online volunteer services where technically possible.

Expected results:
The mission will help consolidate the U-Report initiative by providing day-to-day management support for coordination and content creation.

Eligibility criteria
18 – 26

Candidate must be a national or legal resident of the country of assignment.

Required experience
1 years of experience in At least 1 year of professional experience as a community manager, media, social networks and others.

Previous experience as a volunteer and/or experience in another culture (studies, volunteering, internship) or UNICEF initiatives would be highly appreciated.

Area(s) of expertise
Communication, Information technology, Community development

Driving license

French, Level: Fluent, Desirable
English, Level: Working knowledge, Desirable

Required education level
Bachelor degree or equivalent in – License or equivalent in Information and Communication Technologies, Web Development, IT, Social Sciences, Communication, Education.
– Good computer skills (Web development, Microsoft, social media and others)
– Good mastery of digital technology, communication and youth mobilization.
– Proven interest and knowledge in the fields of youth, ICT, communication.

Competencies and values
​​- Motivated to contribute to peace and development and to serve others.
– Good interpersonal, networking and communication skills.
– Willingness to contribute and work within a team.
– Flexible and open to learning and new experiences.
– Respect diversity and adapt to other cultures, environments and living conditions.

Other information
Living conditions and remarks
The Republic of Congo is a lower-middle-income country located in the Central African sub-region.

The country shares its borders with Gabon to the southwest, Cameroon and the Central African Republic to the north and northeast, the Democratic Republic of Congo to the east, Angola and the Atlantic Ocean to the south.

Since 2014, the Republic of Congo has experienced an economic slowdown which is affecting economic growth (-5% in 2017). Due to the persistent decline in oil prices, this situation led to the decline in gross domestic product per capita, from $3,196 in 2013 to $1,658 in 2017.

Nevertheless, the country is generally stable and safe in major urban and rural areas.

Frequent disruptions are recorded in the electricity supply, particularly in Brazzaville (political capital) and Pointe-Noire (economic capital). The cost of living is relatively affordable, but there are some concerns about the cost of decent housing. The population likes to dress stylishly and enjoy both secular and religious music.
According to United Nations security standards, life and travel in Brazzaville and other major regions are safe.

The Republic of Congo is a unique country. It provides an interesting and enriching environment, but also requires a mature level of cultural awareness, as well as more stamina and commitment than elsewhere to make life comfortable and affordable. It is therefore essential to be flexible and have the ability and willingness to live and work in difficult and potentially dangerous conditions,

involving physical difficulties and little comfort.

Inclusivity statement
United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.

Reasonable accommodation
UNICEF offers reasonable accommodation for UN Volunteers with disabilities. This may include, for example, accessible software, travel assistance for missions or personal attendants. We encourage you to disclose your disability during your application in case you need reasonable accommodation during the recruitment process and afterwards in your assignment.

Note on Covid-19 vaccination requirements
In addition to duty station-specific vaccine requirements, appointments are subject to confirmation of fully-vaccinated status against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) with a World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed vaccine, which must be met prior to taking up the appointment. It does not apply to UN Volunteers who will work remotely and are not expected to work on or visit UNICEF premises, programme delivery locations or directly interact with communities UNICEF works with, nor to travel to perform functions for UNICEF for the duration of their contracts.


If you are looking for more UN jobs in Congo, please click here: UN jobs in Congo

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