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Local Consulting: Administrative support to the Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection of Women (LEAP) project in the human mobility crisis in Central America - UNDP jobs in Panama


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Local Consulting: Administrative support to the Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection of Women (LEAP) project in the human mobility crisis in Central America – UNDP jobs in Panama

  • Location: Panama City, Panama
  • Vacancy No: N/A 
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: UNDP
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-03-11


I. Organizational Context and Background


The United Nations entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, UN Women, based on the vision of equality enshrined in the United Nations Charter, works to eliminate discrimination against women and girls; for the empowerment of women, and to achieve equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, for human rights, in humanitarian actions, in peace and security. By placing women’s rights at the center of its work, UN Women leads and coordinates the efforts of the United Nations System to ensure that commitments to gender equality and mainstreaming are translated into action around the world. At the same time, it exercises substantive and coherent leadership to support the priorities and efforts of Member States, building an effective partnership with government, civil society, as well as other relevant actors.


UN-Women comprehensively addresses the root causes of inequality from a perspective of transforming the systems that reproduce gender inequalities and discrimination and with a peace-building approach around:

  • Voice, leadership and autonomy of women
  • Strengthening multilateral and regional regulatory frameworks, and laws, policies and institutions that promote gender equality at the national and subnational levels;
  • Effective participation and protection of women in all areas of the construction of Peace, Security, and humanitarian action
  • Equitable access of women to services, goods and resources;
  • Financing gender equality and women’s empowerment;
  • Positive social norms, including the participation of men and boys;
  • Production, analysis and use of gender statistics; and
  • Coordination of the United Nations system for gender equality and the empowerment of women.


The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan seeks to achieve gender equality, the empowerment of all women and girls and the full realization of their human rights. The Strategic Plan is based on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security and subsequent Resolutions of this agenda, the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and other outcomes of relevant intergovernmental processes, such as resolutions of the General Assembly and agreed conclusions of the Status Commission and Social of Women. UN Women contributes to the implementation of the Regional Gender Agenda of Latin America and the Caribbean and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by placing Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 of gender equality at the center of the SDGs and in coordination with all the other Objectives in order to ensure comprehensive progress.




Responding to the mandate to ensure that human mobility response and attention efforts adequately address the needs and rights of women, gender diverse people and girls in mixed migration contexts, UN Women supports agencies of the United Nations System United Nations and other humanitarian actors, as well as Member States participating in the humanitarian response, to ensure that protection mechanisms, particularly against gender-based violence en route, and in destination countries respond to both immediate needs rescue and long-term integration of women, LGBTIQ+ people and children.  


UN Women works to ensure that humanitarian action carried out by the UN and other actors responds to gender-differentiated needs and the reality on the ground, providing technical guidance and developing evidence-based research. Since October 2022, UN Women has been recognized as a full member of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), expanding and strengthening its role in supporting women and girls affected by crises and advancing gender commitments in actions. humanitarian. In addition, she co-chairs and acts as Secretariat of the Reference Group on Gender in Humanitarian Action, which is part of the IASC. UN Women works in complex humanitarian contexts in 30 countries to restore dignity and promote resilience of female-headed households and provide durable solutions for refugees. In the Latin America and Caribbean region, UN Women has implemented Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection (LEAP) initiatives, as well as projects to contribute to the response of migrant and refugee women from Venezuela in Colombia, Ecuador , Brazil and the Caribbean, developing actions to prevent gender violence, promoting access to livelihoods, protection and participation in international forums.   


Since March 1, 2024, the UN Women Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean has been implementing a multi-country humanitarian program on human mobility with a gender perspective in Panama, Costa Rica and Honduras. This program seeks to respond to the human mobility crisis in Central America by addressing specific gender needs and improving social cohesion in border areas. The program is funded by the Government of Japan and its objective is to ensure that women affected by the human mobility crisis lead, participate equitably and benefit from gender-sensitive protection services and social cohesion initiatives in the three intervention countries. . To achieve this outcome, the project will develop two outcomes: 1) improve the capacity of humanitarian actors to plan and deliver protection services, including addressing gender-based violence, that respond to the needs of women on human mobility; 2) increase the capacities of women in human mobility and in host communities to access and influence the provision of protection services and social cohesion initiatives.


In turn, UN Women provides technical and financial support through its presence in Panama with actions that contribute to the advancement of strategic priority 3 of the Cooperation Framework signed by the United Nations and the Government of Panama. Within the framework of its powers, it also supports the incorporation of the needs and potential of women and girls in human mobility, as well as in humanitarian response plans in the country. As part of the implementation strategy, UN Women will designate a civil society organization as implementing partner focused particularly on outcome 2 of the project. 


Considering a triple nexus approach between development, humanitarian assistance and peace initiatives in Panama, UN Women contributes to the humanitarian response to the human mobility crisis, as well as the development of initiatives led by women in the promotion of social cohesion, in the prevention and strengthening of the response to crises, as well as in the consolidation of the conditions for them to participate significantly in the decision-making spaces that affect them.


This requires hiring a consultant in Panama to guarantee the operational and administrative implementation of the Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection of Women (LEAP) project in the human mobility crisis in Central America.


III. Aim


The main objective of this consultancy is to provide operational and administrative support to the UN Women office in Panama for the implementation of the Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection of Women (LEAP) project in the human mobility crisis in Central America.


The specific objectives are:

  1. Provide administrative, operational and financial support to the project and the UN Women office in Panama for its correct implementation and accountability;
  2. Support the accountability of the implementing partner(s) to guarantee optimal administrative and financial management of the activities implemented by them;
  3. Provide support in any other task required for office operations, administration and/or finances.   



Duties and Responsibilities

IV. Scope of objectives


The incumbent is expected to carry out the responsibilities and activities necessary for the delivery of the products described below, to achieve the objective of the consultancy, and ensure the implementation of the Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection of Women (LEAP) project in the human mobility crisis in Central America in Panama,


These responsibilities will include:


  1. Provide administrative, operational and financial support to the UN Women office in Panama:


  • Support and monitor the administrative and logistical tasks necessary for the development of the activities planned in the project.
  • Manage the renditions corresponding to the execution of the ongoing project: payments, travel, acquisitions, disbursements to partners, etc., in collaboration with the national and regional administrative/operational team and the Project Coordination;
  • Provide support for the organization of conferences, workshops, training, technical meetings, seminars, among others, including arrangements related to travel, transportation and accommodation at the national and international level;
  • Provide support in the different procurement processes of goods and services carried out by the Panama office in a comprehensive manner, from requesting quotes, assembly and compilation of relevant documentation, management of contracts and payments;
  • Provide support in hiring, guidance and consulting management;
  • Provide logistical support to UN Women staff missions organized in the context of the project.
  • Manage and provide administrative/operational support to fulfill the requests and needs expressed by the Project Coordination in the country to achieve implementation objectives effectively and efficiently;
  • Assist in the initial development of Terms of Reference, requests for quotes and other specifications for the procurement of goods and services, according to needs.
  • Provide contract management support, including tracking the delivery of goods and services on required dates and within contract deadlines.
  • Support the timely execution of current project resources for the country, working in close contact with the Project Coordinator, the general project coordination of the regional office and the different work teams;
  • Assist the office with maintaining the project’s digital file;
  • Support the monitoring of budget execution and project work plans and generate periodic financial reports:
  • Prepare and enter requests for payments, refunds, settlements, purchase orders and any other financial requests, into UN Women accounting systems.
  • Manage accounting corrections that are necessary in UN Women systems;
  • Ensure the accuracy and relevance of payment supporting documents and financial reports;
  • Maintain close communication with the Regional Project Associate to ensure administrative and operational execution of the project in the country.

2. Support partner accountability:


  • Support the preparation and review of financing agreements and relevant supporting documentation.
  • Prepare supporting documentation for purchase orders and payment requests and comprehensively monitor the entire process;
  • Contribute to the assembly of the different project databases for a more efficient development of its activities;
  • Control and track the various requests for reimbursement of expenses, ensuring their accuracy and compliance in a timely manner and according to UN Women and the donor standards;
  • Contribute to guarantee the accuracy and relevance of supporting documents for payments and financial reports. Accompany external financial audit processes.
  • Accompany external financial audit processes.

3. Provide support in any other task required for office operations, administration and/or finances.

V. Deliverables







Delivery term

Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 1 : Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.


One month after the contract started
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 2 : Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.
Two months after the start of the contract
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 3 : Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.
Three months after starting the contract
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 4: Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.
Four months after the start of the contract
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 5 : Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.
Five months after starting the contract
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 6 : Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.
Six months after the start of the contract
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 7: Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.
Seven months into the contract
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 8: Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.
Eight months into the contract
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 9 : Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.


Nine months into the contract
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 10 : Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.
Ten months after the start of the contract
Carry out activities in accordance with the responsibilities of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability

And others necessary to achieve the project objectives.

Product 11 : Document that indicates goals achieved within the framework of:

  • Administrative, operational and financial support.
  • I support partner accountability
  • Other activities.
Eleven months after the start of the contract


SAW. Way to pay

Payment for services will be made upon delivery of each product set forth in the table above, subject to satisfaction and approval by UN Women in accordance with the schedule set forth below. When processing the last payment, it must be accompanied by the consultant’s performance evaluation along with the certificate of payment (COP) to process the final payment.







Payment condition

1 Product No.1 9.09% of the total contract
2 Product No.2


9.09% of the total contract
3 Product No.3 9.09% of the total contract
4 Product No.4 9.09% of the total contract
5 Product No.5 9.09% of the total contract
6 Product No.6 9.09% of the total contract
7 Product No.7 9.09% of the total contract
8 Product No.8 9.09% of the total contract
9 Product No.9 9.09% of the total contract
10 Product No.10 9.09% of the total contract
eleven Product No.11 9.10% of the total contract
Total 100.00%


The SSA contract determines the inclusion of all costs (all-inclusive); The Organization will not assume additional costs or benefits to the fees for services. Therefore, it is the consultant’s responsibility to have medical insurance for the contract period and it is recommended that it include medical coverage for illnesses related to COVID-19. Medical coverage must be international in cases where the contract requires international missions or assignments.


If selected for this vacancy, proof of medical coverage will be required to be presented within the first two months of the contract.


VII. Supervision and performance evaluation


The consultancy will be managed by UN Women, Panama Program. The supervision of this consultancy will be carried out by the Human Mobility Response Specialist of the Project in Panama. The Consultant is not a United Nations official and will carry out the activities related to her consultancy virtually, from his/her own workspace in accordance with what was agreed in the work plan.   


Three months after the consulting begins, the performance of the selected person and the products produced will be evaluated, and if it is not favorable, the contract will be terminated by mutual agreement within the following 30 days.


For the proper development of the consultancy, the supervisor will provide the selected person with the existing documents and information that UN Women has linked to the consultancy topics. It is the consultant’s responsibility to obtain primary and secondary information from other sources, if necessary.


The selected person will maintain permanent coordination with the supervisor for effective execution and development of the products requested in these Terms of Reference and will provide information as requested within the framework of the terms of reference. 


VIII. Performance indicators


  • Products/deliverables presented in a timely manner according to the TORs
  • Work quality
  • Compliance with expected results
  • Compliance with the aforementioned competencies (Ref. Profile of the consultant)


IX. Intellectual Rights, Patents and Other Property Rights


The right to equipment and supplies that may be provided by UN Women to the consultant for the performance of any obligation under this contract shall remain with UN Women and such equipment must be returned to UN Women upon termination of this contract. or when it is no longer necessary for the consultant. Said equipment, when returned to UN Women, must be in the same condition as when it was delivered to the consultant, subject to normal deterioration. The consultant will be responsible for compensating UN Women for damaged or damaged equipment regardless of its normal deterioration.


UN Women shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights including but not limited to: patents, copyright and trademarks, in relation to products, processes, inventions, ideas, know-how, documents and other materials that the consultant has been prepared or collected in consequence of or during the execution of this consultancy, and the consultant acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents and other materials constitute work carried out pursuant to the contract of UN Women. However, in the event that such intellectual property or other proprietary rights consist of any intellectual property or proprietary rights of the consultant: i) that existed prior to the consultant’s performance of his/her obligations under of this contract, or ii) that the consultant could develop or acquire, or could have developed or acquired, regardless of the performance of its obligations under this contract, UN Women will not claim and should not claim any ownership interest in the same, and the consultant will grant UN Women a perpetual license to use such intellectual property or other proprietary right solely for the purpose and requirements of this contract.



X. Competencies


Core values:

  • Professional integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Cultural sensitivity and diversity of values


Core competencies:

  • Creative problem solving
  • Effective communication
  • Inclusive collaboration


Functional competencies:

  • Proven teamwork ability


Required Skills and Experience

XI. Selection procedure and application requirements


The selection process will be carried out through a desk review , in which a formal verification is first carried out that the applications comply with the documentary evidence to be examined and the minimum requirements established for the consultancy. Then, the technical evaluation of the applications received is carried out, which will be qualified based on technical requirements established in the following qualification table:

Evaluation criteria Score
  • Bachelor’s degree or advanced student in Economic Sciences, Business Administration and Management, Finance, Accounting, Social Sciences, etc. 
  • At least 5 years of work experience in administrative management or accounting management. 
  • Experience using computers and software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.) and intermediate knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience operating web-based management systems
  • At least two years of administrative work experience in the United Nations, international cooperation organizations, embassies, particularly electronic management and finance systems, desirable 
  • Experience in humanitarian response contexts, desirable 
  • Intermediate command of the oral and written English language. 
  • Fluent command of the oral and written Spanish language. 

The preselected people may be called for an interview based on competencies on the level of knowledge of the thematic area and on the specific topic of this consultancy. The relative weight of the interview if it is decided to carry it out after the desk review will be 50% of the total score (that is, 50% for the table of compliance with the requirements and 50% for the interview).


XII. Documents to be presented for the application

  1. UN Women Personal History Form (P11), which can be found at the following link: https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/Headquarters/Attachments/Sections/About%20Us/Employment/UN-Women- P11-Personal-History-Form.doc


  • At the time of applying, a single (1) file in PDF format must be uploaded. A guide is attached so that interested people can carry out this step. https://www.wikihow.com/Merge-PDF-Files. 
  • UN Women takes no responsibility and only describes one of the many ways to compress application documents. You can use whichever one you consider prudent. 
  • Applications received incomplete or after the closing date will not be considered.  
  • Only those candidates that qualify on the short list (at least the three with the highest scores) will be contacted for an interview (if applicable).
  • People who apply and who have an employment relationship with public institutions may only be hired if they present proof of work permit (license) without expiration and a letter of no objection to carrying out the consultancy, issued by the employing institution. If the link is with a research institution, academic center or university, the previous clause will not apply. 
  • The selected person must have medical coverage and present proof of their coverage within two months of signing their contract.
  • If the consultancy requires travel, medical coverage, required vaccines depending on the destination and travel insurance must be confirmed.
  • In the case of international consulting, the currency will be in US dollars or the local currency.


Diversity and inclusion


At UN Women we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. UN Women hires, employs, trains, compensates and promotes without discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, national origin or any other status provided for by law. All jobs are decided on the basis of skills, competence, integrity and organizational needs. 

If you require any reasonable accommodation to participate in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application. 

UN Women has a policy of zero tolerance towards conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. Selected candidates must adhere to UN Women policies and procedures and the standards of conduct required of the organization’s staff, and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. The background check will include checking academic credentials and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.


Those people belonging to minority groups, indigenous groups or populations and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. All requests will be treated confidentially.


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