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International consultant for National Hospital Strategy - WHO jobs in Yemen


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International consultant for National Hospital Strategy – WHO jobs in Yemen

  • Location: Sanaa, Yemen
  • Vacancy No: N/A 
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: WHO
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-03-27

. Purpose of consultancy

The main objective of this international consultant is to support Yemen in developing a national hospital sector strategy, in the context of the country’s short and mid-term aspirations using the regional framework for action for hospital sector strategy recovery.  This is founded on national health priorities, current and foreseen capacities, and resources

        2. Background

Hospitals are essential actors in achieving universal health coverage and contribute to implementing the vision for primary health care. In 2019, during the 66th session of the Regional Committee, Member States adopted resolution EM/RC66/R.4 on introducing the regional framework for action for the hospital sector in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The resolution called on Member States to: ensure political commitment to planning and implementation of people-cantered hospitals; develop/update a national hospital sector strategy using the regional framework for action; and monitor and evaluate hospital sector performance and progress in implementing the national strategy. It further requested the WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean to provide technical support to Member States to build capacity for the development and implementation of a national hospital sector strategy, and to assist Member States in enhancing management capacities in the hospital sector.

The Yemeni public health system grapples with a myriad of challenges, including issues related to infrastructure, resource distribution, and healthcare quality. Public hospitals are categorized based on criteria such as the level of care, scope of services, capacity, locations served, ministry affiliation, and sector. Despite these classifications, there is limited competition between the public and private health sectors, and concerns persist regarding the quality of services in the private sector. Primary healthcare, considered a fundamental element, faces obstacles due to poor distribution and insufficient services. The ongoing conflict exacerbates challenges, including violations of construction standards, unequal resource distribution, and a shortage of specialized personnel. The growth of the private sector, combined with regulatory challenges and weak enforcement, underscores the necessity for coordinated efforts to improve and expand public healthcare provision. The classification of health services within the public sector underscores the intricacies of the system, demanding comprehensive strategies to address critical shortcomings.

Yemen has a mix of public and private (not-for-profit and for-profit) hospital sectors with most hospital beds in the public sector. Public hospitals are underfunded and lack essential hospital supplies and equipment they need. Hospitals also face critical shortage of specialized workforce to manage them, particularly since the armed conflict started in 2015 until present. Hospitals are consuming a considerable portion of the health budget, most of which is generated from external aid. Patients are obliged to seek services from private hospitals whose number has mushroomed as an alternative to public hospitals, but they are operating in a non-regulated environment. There is a need to improve the hospital sector management and service provision that can contribute towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

The development of a national hospital sector strategy is an important step towards addressing the challenges faced by the hospital sector in Yemen. To address these gaps the Ministry of Public Health and Population has requested the WHO’s technical support to develop the hospital sector strategy. The three levels of the organization (WHO Country Office, WHO EMRO, and HQ) are committed to support the country in developing and implementing the national hospital sector strategy in the context of the regional framework for action for the hospital sector. International consultants with required expertise will be recruited to support the development of the strategy and the TORs with timeframe and expected deliverables (outputs) are described below

        3. Work to be performed

Objective: To develop the national hospital sector strategy in Yemen along with the implementation plan with a focus on prioritized entry points.

Output 1: Conduct a desk review, draft the methodology, formulate the team, and develop the hospital sector development roadmap led by the Ministry of Health with WHO and Lead Consultant’s technical support.

 Output 2: Conduct a thorough information gathering exercise of the major documents, organize a series of meeting(s) with relevant stakeholders, conduct selected senior key informants’ interviews and a number of field visits to the key hospitals of various categories, and then draft a detailed situation analysis and get consensus on the main challenges, gaps, and priorities (gaining shared visions and political commitment) (The PATH to TRANSFORMATION document can be used here as a guide).

 Output 3: Develop the hospital sector strategy (road map), in the context of the regional framework, through a fully participatory approach with adequate involvement of all stakeholders throughout the process.

 Output 4: Develop and cost the action plan for implementing the identified priority areas (as entry points) through a fully participatory approach.

 Output 5: Develop an M&E framework for monitoring the implementation of the national hospital sector strategy.

 Output 6: Conduct a national validation workshop/conference for all health sector and hospitals stakeholders and donor community to present the strategy, collect feedback and valid recommendations, and finalize and submit the hospital sector strategy for Ministerial approval and implementation.

 Output 7: Finally, submit a full report (in English and Arabic) and a case study (for publication in a peer-reviewed journal) which should be endorsed by MoPHP

            4. Qualifications, experience, skills and languages


      At least a master’s degree in health services management or hospital management, public health, or any relevant field


       At least 7 years of professional experience in health (hospital) management or related field with experience in conducting similar activities related to  strategic planning

Skills/technical skills and knowledge:

  •       Demonstrate excellent skills in guiding the process of the development of the strategy.
  •       Ability to deliver high-quality products in a timely manner

         5.  Languages and levels required:

   Excellent knowledge of English and Arabic

          6.  Location:

       Off-site modalities (remote and within the country). Travel costs will be covered by WHO.

          7.  Planned timelines

       Start date: 01/April/ 2024

       End date:   31/August/2024

60 working days spread over 5 months (12 working days per month) at a daily rate of $499. (Part-time contract with a hybrid work arrangement)

          8.  Medical clearance

       The selected consultant will be expected to provide a medical certificate of fitness for work.

        9. Travel

            The Consultant is expected to travel to Yemen

  1. Remuneration and budget (travel costs are excluded):

                 Remuneration: Pay band B – 499.00 USD/Daily working rate .

                 Living expenses (A living expense is payable to on-site consultants who are internationally recruited)

Additional Information

  • This vacancy notice may be used to identify candidates for other similar consultancies at the same level.
  • Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.
  • A written test may be used as a form of screening.
  • If your candidature is retained for interview, you will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of the degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position. WHO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed through the link: http://www.whed.net/. Some professional certificates may not appear in the WHED and will require individual review.
  • For information on WHO’s operations please visit: http://www.who.int.
  • The WHO is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. The WHO recruits workforce regardless of disability status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, race, marital status, religious, cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, or any other personal characteristics.

The WHO is committed to achieving gender parity and geographical diversity in its workforce. Women, persons with disabilities, and nationals of unrepresented and underrepresented Member States (https://www.who.int/careers/diversity-equity-and-inclusion) are strongly encouraged to apply for WHO jobs.

Persons with disabilities can request reasonable accommodations to enable participation in the recruitment process. Requests for reasonable accommodation should be sent through an email to  reasonableaccommodation@who.int

  • An impeccable record for integrity and professional ethical standards is essential. WHO prides itself on a workforce that adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards and that is committed to put the WHO Values Charter (https://www.who.int/about/who-we-are/our-values) into practice.
  • WHO has zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct (i.e., discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment). All members of the WHO workforce have a role to play in promoting a safe and respectful workplace and should report to WHO any actual or suspected cases of SEA, sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct. To ensure that individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organization, WHO will conduct a background verification of short-listed candidates.
  • WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.
  • Consultants shall perform the work as independent contractors in a personal capacity, and not as a representative of any entity or authority.
  • WHO shall have no responsibility for any taxes, duties, social security contributions or other contributions payable by the Consultant. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for withholding and paying any taxes, duties, social security contributions and any other contributions which are applicable to the Consultant in each location/jurisdiction in which the work hereunder is performed, and the Consultant shall not be entitled to any reimbursement thereof by WHO.
  • Please note that WHO’s contracts are conditional on members of the workforce confirming that they are vaccinated as required by WHO before undertaking a WHO assignment, except where a medical condition does not allow such vaccination, as certified by the WHO Staff Health and Wellbeing Services (SHW). The successful candidate will be asked to provide relevant evidence related to this condition. A copy of the updated vaccination card must be shared with WHO medical service in the medical clearance process. Please note that certain countries require proof of specific vaccinations for entry or exit. For example, official proof /certification of yellow fever vaccination is required to enter many countries. Country-specific vaccine recommendations can be found on the WHO international travel and Staff Health and Wellbeing website. For vaccination-related queries please directly contact SHW directly at shws@who.int.
  • In case the recruitment website does not display properly, please retry by: (i) checking that you have the latest version of the browser installed (Chrome, Edge or Firefox); (ii) clearing your browser history and opening the site in a new browser (not a new tab within the same browser); or (iii) retry accessing the website using Mozilla Firefox browser or using another device. Click the link for detailed guidance on completing job applications: Instructions for candidates .


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