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VAC-11716 GBF EAS Monitoring System Expert - CTG jobs in Yemen


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VAC-11716 GBF EAS Monitoring System Expert – CTG jobs in Yemen

  • Location: Sanaa, Yemen
  • Vacancy No: N/A 
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: CTG
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-04-02

Position details
Vacancy id VAC-11716
Job title VAC-11716 GBF EAS Monitoring System Expert
Location Yemen South
Apply by 02-Apr-2024
Start date 15-Apr-2024
Duration 5 months
Number of vacancies 1
Qualification Master’s in or higher in monitoring & evaluation, anthropology, sociology, management of development, environmental management / sciences, conservation biology / ecology geography, natural resource management or in another related field is required with a minimum of 5 years’ experience on (academic or work) with developing biodiversity plans, strategies, studies & assessments, including working with national & international institutions, civil society, governmental authorities (national, regional, state, local) is desired (essential).
Sector experience Minimum of 5 year/s of demonstrable relevant developing biodiversity plans, strategies, studies & assessments, including working with national & international institutions, civil society, governmental authorities (national, regional, state, local) experience (essential).
Geographical experience Minimum of 5 year/s of experience in Middle East (essential).
Languages Fluent in Arabic (essential).
Fluent in English (essential).
Job description
CTG overview
CTG staff and support humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world, providing a rapid and cost-effective service for development and humanitarian missions. With past performance in 17 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, we have placed more than 20,000 staff all over the world since operations began in 2006.

CTG recruits, deploys and manages the right people with the right skills to implement humanitarian and development projects, from cleaners to obstetricians, and mechanics to infection specialists, we’re skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Key to successful project delivery is the ability to mobilise at speed; CTG can source and deploy anyone, anywhere, in less than 2 weeks and have done so in 48 hours on a number of occasions.

Through our efficient and agile HR, logistical and operational services, CTG saves multilateral organisations time and money. We handle all our clients’ HR related issues, so they are free to focus on their core services.

Visit www.ctg.org to find out more

Overview of position
Yemen as one of the countries that are very rich in biodiversity, is benefiting from this global Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) EAS project through provision of technical & financial support. The project in Yemen will focus on the following three outcomes:

NBSAP are ready to be aligned & national biodiversity targets are aligned with post 2020 GBF & relevant SDG targets. This will be achieved through a rapid review of NBSAP, review & update of the NBSAP national targets & update of the NBSAP through an inclusive whole of government process to be in line with the GBF.

Enhanced & improved monitoring, reporting systems & transparency frameworks. This will be achieved through assessing & identifying gaps in the monitoring systems & developing a plan for enhancing the monitoring systems that responds to the updated national targets & GBF.

Actions for policy alignment & coherence on nature related sectors Identified: This will be achieved through a rapid review of existing national policies related to biodiversity & their alignment with the GBF, development of an action plan for policy coherence & completion of other early actions related to policy alignment & coherence.

Role objectives
Specific responsibilities of the Monitoring System Specialist include the following:

Work closely with Project Coordinator throughout the process, including support the establishment of the monitoring working group, ensuring that it is based on require information & institutions relating to required data systems.

Identify gaps & promoting alignment between the NBSAP related monitoring system & the GBF.

Determine indicators for updated national targets, implementing groups & non state actor commitments.

Develop headline indicators as well as component, complementary & other national indicators, where relevant to track contributions towards the goals & targets of the Kunming – Montreal GBF.

Use the template shared with the consultant for submission of indicators for updated national targets as part of NBSAP toward the implementation of the Kunming – Montreal GBF.

Work in complete collaboration & continuous guidance of the National Coordinator & the International Consultant / entity.

Work in close collaboration & consultation with the International Consultant & the National Coordinator, seek advice on experience of other countries & use all available relevant information, data & guidance provided by the global project team.


Key activities / deliverables:

No of working days



Gaps in monitoring systems are assessed & identified:

Work closely with Project Coordinator throughout the process, including support the establishment of the monitoring working group, ensuring that it is based on require information & institutions relating to required data systems.

Identify gaps & promoting alignment between the NBSAP related monitoring system & the GBF.

Gaps are assessed in the existing data & knowledge systems & institutional monitoring systems & frameworks for monitoring the status & trends of biodiversity & other elements of the targets & indicators of the NBSAP & for the headline indicators of the global monitoring framework of the GBF.

Assessment should benefit from the guidance of the International Consultant / entity.

Result: Assessment of existing biodiversity monitoring system & gaps completed.

25 working days.

End of June 2024.


Monitoring action plan is developed:

A plan for strengthening national monitoring systems is developed to respond to the updated national targets, GBF & its monitoring framework, along with an initial costing of monitoring systems & sequencing of investment support to fill the monitoring gaps.

Result: A plan for strengthening national monitoring systems is developed to respond to the updated national targets & GBF.

25 working days.

End of August 2024.


Final plan of the monitoring system submitted & accepted:

Prepare for & facilitate a workshops / meetings to discuss the monitoring plan, including submission of a separate report on the workshop & the entire consultation process on the monitoring system plan.

Finalize the monitoring system, incorporating comments & workshop feedback.

Link with the International Consultant & receive guidance.

10 working days.

15th of September 2024.


60 working days.

Project reporting
The Technical Expert Consultant will be working on home based basis under the direct guidance & supervision of the national Project Coordinator while also benefit from the technical guidance of the International Consultant & the Peace Operations Support Unit Leaders. S / He will also work in consultation with environment team in Aden country sub office. To produce the three deliverables, the consultant is expected to exercise leadership & coordination to ensure timely & proper completion of the expected outputs. The consultant is also expected to coordinate consultations with the monitoring working group, all relevant stakeholders, including government & research institutions, NGOs & communities. The consultant will provide a one page succinct progress report on monthly basis to our client & the National Coordinator.

Key competencies
Master’s degree or higher in monitoring & evaluation, anthropology, sociology, management of development, environmental management / sciences, conservation biology / ecology geography, natural resource management or in another related field is required with a minimum of 5 years’ experience on (academic or work) with developing biodiversity plans, strategies, studies & assessments, including working with national & international institutions, civil society, governmental authorities (national, regional, state, local) is desired.

Experience & knowledge (academic or work) on monitoring of biodiversity components, including targets, indicators & possible measurement scenarios.

Experience of working for UN & / or public sector donor funded projects.

Fluency in English & Arabic language.

Team management
The Technical Expert to undertake the review of the biodiversity monitoring system for coherence with the GBF in Yemen. The consultant will manage & coordinate with a team of experts. S / He will be responsible of the overall implementation of the activities described in the TORs. S / He will work in close coordination and report to the Project Coordinator & benefit from the continuous guidance of the International Consultant.

Our clients Yemen country office management is responsible for validating deliverables prior to the issuance of payments.

Further information
Payment will be as a lump sum on deliverable based basis & achievements approved by the line manager as follows:

Deliverable 1: Gaps in monitoring systems are assessed & identified – 30% of total payment.

Deliverable 2: Monitoring action plan is developed – 40% of total payment.

Deliverable 3: Final plan of the monitoring system submitted & accepted, incorporating workshop & discussion outcomes. The plan is accepted & cleared by the National Coordinator, our cleint & the International Consultant – 30% of total payment.

Other generic info:

Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.


If you are looking for more UN jobs in Yemen, please click here: UN jobs in Yemen

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