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Edit and write strategic plan 2024-2028 and add to the website - UNV jobs in Kenya


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Edit and write strategic plan 2024-2028 and add to the website – UNV jobs in Kenya

  • Location: Kenya
  • Vacancy No: N/A 
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: UNV
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-04-08

Mission and objectives
Mission Statement

The mission of is to facilitate parents and communities to enhance the quality of life of children and families by building their capacities to protect, educate and advocate for promotion of children rights through quality education, integrated health management, HIV – AIDS prevention, control & mitigation and sustainable livelihood.


A Community in which men and women enjoy quality life and children (boys and girls) achieve their full potential.

ACDT embraces the following CORE VALUES:

As an organisation we are accountable to children, families and communities and all stakeholders.
We respect positive cultures of African society as a means to sustainable development.
We believe in fairness in all we undertake – programmes, projects and approach to development.
We uphold gender parity approach to development.
We believe in sharing best practices and lessons learned with communities, development practitioners and governments.

ACDT Development Focus:
ACDT is established to respond to local needs. Community needs are complex and cannot be dealt with in isolation. They require an integrated approach. The following are examples of what ACDT will work on:

The strategy is a key component of development for the organization. It gives direction how Action for Child development Trust will engage and participate in development in the next five years.

Task type
Writing and Editing

Task description
Action for Child Development Trust has developed a strategic plan to run from 2024 to 2028, a five year strategy. We request the services of volunteers to help us finalize the process and documentation by:
1. Edit the developed strategy document and write it with finality.
2. Ensure the components a non profit strategy has been properly articulated and included in the strategy.
3. Develop a simple and short version of the strategy to share with stakeholders- mostly community members, government officials at grassroot level and partners.
4. Add aspect of the strategy to already developed ACDT website.

Required experience
Proficient in English language and able to read and edit documents in the language.
Good communication
understands non governmental or civil society development sectors
Information and communication skills

English, Level: Fluent, Required

Other information
Inclusivity statement
United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.


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