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VAC-11732 Technical Biodiversity Expert - CTG jobs in Yemen


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VAC-11732 Technical Biodiversity Expert – CTG jobs in Yemen

  • Location: Aden, Yemen
  • Vacancy No: N/A 
  • Salary: N/A
  • Organization: CTG
  • Gender: Both
  • Deadline: 2024-04-04

Position details
Vacancy id VAC-11732
Job title VAC-11732 Technical Biodiversity Expert
Location Aden
Apply by 04-Apr-2024
Start date 01-May-2024
Duration 6 months
Number of vacancies 1
Qualification Master’s in or higher in anthropology, sociology, management of development, environmental management / sciences, conservation biology / ecology geography, natural resource management or in another related field is required with a minimum of 5 years’ experience on (academic or work) with, developing biodiversity plans, strategies, studies & assessments, including working with national & international institutions, civil society, governmental authorities (national, regional, state, local) (essential).
Sector experience Minimum of 5 year/s of demonstrable relevant experience on (academic or work) with, developing biodiversity plans, strategies, studies & assessments, including working with national & international institutions, civil society, governmental authorities (national, regional, state, local) experience (essential).
Geographical experience Minimum of 5 year/s of experience in Middle East (essential).
Languages Fluent in Arabic (essential).
Fluent in English (essential).
Job description
CTG overview
CTG staff and support humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world, providing a rapid and cost-effective service for development and humanitarian missions. With past performance in 17 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, we have placed more than 20,000 staff all over the world since operations began in 2006.

CTG recruits, deploys and manages the right people with the right skills to implement humanitarian and development projects, from cleaners to obstetricians, and mechanics to infection specialists, we’re skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Key to successful project delivery is the ability to mobilise at speed; CTG can source and deploy anyone, anywhere, in less than 2 weeks and have done so in 48 hours on a number of occasions.

Through our efficient and agile HR, logistical and operational services, CTG saves multilateral organisations time and money. We handle all our clients’ HR related issues, so they are free to focus on their core services.

Visit www.ctg.org to find out more

Overview of position
Project description

The GEF Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support (GBF EAS) project supports developing, middle income & small island nations in their commitments to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), early action on the post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), National Biodiversity Strategies & Action Plans (NBSAPs), national reporting. This project connects biodiversity policymakers, change makers & on the ground Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) to facilitate the delivery of the CBD’s GBF & the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).

CBD parties are currently being mobilized to take early action on the GBF by focusing on four components, national biodiversity planning & alignment, policy frameworks, monitoring & reporting frameworks & biodiversity finance. These components, among others that may emerge, are aimed at ensuring that CBD parties have the technical & financial support they require to work towards a robust, fully resourced, NBSAP, including a strong monitoring system, that is fully aligned with the GBF.

Yemen government will benefit from the financial & technical support which is provided through two pathways: first, grants made to parties to undertake national actions & second, a global coordination grant that will make it possible to provide technical services to ensure national actions are effective, efficient, inclusive & of the highest technical standards. The project’s Technical Support Unit (TSU) is being administered in coordination with SCBD & UNEP across 140. The project is additionally responsible for administrating national work for the 69 countries that receive GEF funding, which are primarily located in Latin America & Caribbean, Eastern Europe & Asia.

Scope of work:

Yemen as one of the countries that are very rich in biodiversity, is benefiting through this global GBF EAS project through provision of technical & financial support. The project in Yemen will focus on the following three outcomes:

Outcome 1: NBSAP are ready to be aligned & national biodiversity targets are aligned with post 2020 GBF & relevant SDG targets. This will be achieved through a rapid review of NBSAP, review & update of the NBSAB national targets & update of the NBSAP through an inclusive whole of government process to be in line with the GBF.

Outcome 2: Enhanced & improved monitoring, reporting systems & transparency frameworks. This will be achieved through assessing & identifying gaps in the monitoring systems & developing a plan for enhancing the monitoring systems that responds to the updated national targets & GBF.

Outcome 3: Actions for policy alignment & coherence on nature related sectors Identified: This will be achieved through a rapid review of existing national policies related to biodiversity & their alignment with the GBF, development of an action plan for policy coherence & completion of other early actions related to policy alignment & coherence.

Our client is seeking the support of a Biodiversity Technical Expert to lead the Update & realignment of the NBSAP in Yemen.

Role objectives
Responsibilities of the NBSAP Technical Expert include the following:

Technical services:

Work closely with the Project Coordinator throughout the process, including support the establishment of the NBSAP working group, ensuring that it is based on the NBSAP components.

Take lead & coordinate the activities of the NBSAP working group, ensuring provision of required inputs & outputs.

Support literature reviews, knowledge management, compilation of information & gathering of data on NBSAP review & alignment, such as, but not limited to biodiversity & ecosystem in national, local & zonal contexts, sustainable development, indigenous people & local communities & social entrepreneurship.

Lead the rapid review process of key thematic areas in the NBSAP to determine coherence between national targets & actions with the new goals & action targets of the GBF.

Define, gather, organize & analyze data for the update & realignment of the NBSAP with the GBF.

Liaise with relevant stakeholders, including working group meetings & one to one technical support & guidance to collect relevant information.

Ensure communication with key project partners, such as the government institutions, research, private sector, non state actors & other stakeholders.

Update the national targets, taking on board the GBF & relevant SDGs, giving consideration to the consultation with stakeholders & ensuring that these targets are operational (i.e., measurable, costed, spatially explicit where appropriate, grounded in programs).

Ensure that the NBSAP is reviewed for updates through an inclusive whole of government process to be in line with the GBF & as appropriate.

Work closely with the international consultant, ensuring his / her inputs to revised NBSAP are taking into consideration.

Provide substantive support the coordinator & international consultant to prepare technical guidance documents, tools & trainings on NBSAP target alignment, gender mainstreaming & women’s empowerment & stakeholder engagement.

Capacity building:

Ensure engagement & benefit of the working groups from capacity building material, such as webinars, online courses, identifying relevant topics, dates & speakers for webinars & online courses.

Support use of the learning for nature platform & NBSAP Forum for the working groups in relevant languages through promotion & access.

Promote access & use of spatial data, notably via the platform UN biodiversity lab.

Support the learning for nature platform to ensure the proper update & alignment with GBF of the NBSAP through the platform.

Ensure an active & smooth utilization of the NBSAP forum (http://nbsapforum.net) by the working groups, including sharing best practices & resources & learning opportunities & dynamic discussions.


Share with working group & other stakeholders’ content for NBSAP forum, including events, publications, job offers & learning opportunities & share all recording of webinars & training sessions organized by our cleint & CBD on the NBSAP forum.

Share best practices emerging from the NBSAP update process with Project Coordinator for wider benefits.


Key activities / deliverables:

# of working days



Deliverable 1: Rapid review of NBSAP:

Support the establishment of the NBSAP working group, ensuring that it is based on the NBSAP components.

Coordinate the activities of the NBSAP working group, ensuring provision of required inputs & outputs.

Ensure engagement & benefit of the working groups from capacity building material, such as webinars, online courses, identifying relevant topics, dates & speakers for webinars & online courses.

Define, gather, organize & analyze data for the update & realignment of the NBSAP with the GBF.

Ensure communication with key project partners, such as the government institutions, research, private sector, non state actors & other stakeholders.

Update the national targets, taking on board the GBF & relevant SDGs, ensuring that these targets are operational (i.e., measurable, costed, spatially explicit where appropriate, grounded in programs).

Results: A rapid review of NBSAP is conducted.

25 working days

2 months after the contract signature.


Delierable 2: National targets are reviewed & updated:

Share with working group & other stakeholders’ content for NBSAP forum, including events, publications, job offers & learning opportunities & share all recording of webinars & training sessions organized by our client & CBD on the NBSAP forum.

Update the national targets, revised, updated taking on board the GBF & relevant SDGs, ensuring that these targets are operational (i.e., measurable, costed, spatially explicit where appropriate, grounded in programs).

Ensure that the views & inputs of the international consultant as well as the National Coordinator are considered in updated document.

Results: National targets are reviewed & updated.

25 working days

4 months after the contract signature.


Deliverable 3: NBSAP is reviewed & updated:

Ensure that the NBSAP is reviewed for updates through an inclusive whole of government process to be in line with the GBF & as appropriate.

Work closely with the international consultant, ensuring his / her inputs to revised NBSAP are taking into consideration.

Provide substantive support the international consultant to prepare technical guidance documents, tools & trainings on NBSAP target alignment, gender mainstreaming & women’s empowerment & stakeholder engagement.

Share best practices emerging from the NBSAP update process with Project Coordinator for wider benefits.

Results: NBSAP is reviewed & updated.

20 working days

6 months after the contract signature.

Project reporting
Our client will supervise the overall performance of the Technical Biodiversity Expert of the GBF – EAS Project. S / he will copy all reports to the Deputy Team Leader, Pease Operation Support Unit. However, the expert will work directly under the guidance & in collaboration with the GBF – EAS Project Coordinator.

The frequency of progress reporting is on monthly basis, on a recommended format to be shared & instructed by the Project Coordinator & deliverable reports must be presented to Project Coordinator as well as to the Focal Points.

S / He is expected to liaise / interact / collaborate / meet with the relevant stakeholders of the assignment.

Our client will provide travel facilities to the consultant if & when required & agreed.

Our client will facilitate the consultant for approval of deliverables & disbursement of payments in a timely manner.

Key competencies
Master’s degree or higher in anthropology, sociology, management of development, environmental management / sciences, conservation biology / ecology geography, natural resource management or in another related field is required with a minimum of 5 years’ experience on (academic or work) with, developing biodiversity plans, strategies, studies & assessments, including working with national & international institutions, civil society, governmental authorities (national, regional, state, local) is desired.

Experience (academic or work) with international & national institutions, civil society, governmental authorities (national, regional, state, local) is desired.

Experience (academic or work) in information management, such as through knowledge management platforms, literature reviews, social media & internal / external communications.

Experience of working for UN & / or public sector donor funded projects is an added value.

Demonstrated ability to plan, organize logically, effectively implement & meet set deadlines, including leading & working with working groups.

Excellent oral & written communication skills in English & Arabic is required.

Team management
This role has no team management responsibility.

Further information
Duration of contract is 6 months, with a total level of effort of 70 working days.

Estimated time for our client to review outputs, give comments, certify approval / acceptance of outputs is 10 working days.

Duty Station In Aden, with possible travel within Yemen.

Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.

Payment terms for the contractor is as under:

The amount of contract is fixed regardless of changes in the cost components.

Payment will be paid upon receipt of deliverables as under:

Deliverables / Outputs:

Percentage of payment:

Deliverable 1: A rapid review of NBSAP is conducted.

30% of total payment.

Deliverable 2: National targets are reviewed & updated.

30% of total payment.

Deliverable 3: NBSAP is reviewed & updated.

40% of total payment.


If you are looking for more UN jobs in Yemen, please click here: UN jobs in Yemen

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