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Project Development Expert - Equatorial Guinea


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Job Description

  • Country: Nairobi, Kenya
  • No of vacancies: N/A
  • Salary: N/A 
  • Organization: UNEP
  • Gender: Both 
  • Deadline: 2023-12-28

Duties and Responsibilities

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment”. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP ‘s Ecosystems Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and capacity development for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

The Government of Equatorial Guinea has acquired funds from the GEF through UNEP for a project titled: “Developing biodiversity and biocarbon finance financing instruments for conserving forests in Equatorial Guinea through improved livelihoods for Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs)”. This proposed project has received a Project Preparation Grant (PPG) to prepare a Full- Sized Project (FSP) document, based on the approved Child project proposal concept (PIF).

The PPG phase is considered as a preparatory phase and will need to support various data collection efforts and undertake validation of the key sections contained in the PIF. The final output of the PPG phase will be a UNEP GEF CEO Endorsement Request submitted to and approved by UNEP and GEF, with all required supporting annexes, UNEP’s Safeguard Risk Identification Form (SRIF) and background information. In accordance with GEF procedures, the full set of project documentation must be submitted to the GEF Secretariat no later than 10 December 2024.

In this regard, UNEP would like to recruit a consultant to undertake the assignment as described in this TORs. This consultancy post is located in UNEP / Ecosystems Division / GEF Biodiversity and Land Degradation (BD/LD).

The PPG phase will include the following five PPG core Activities:

o PPG Activities A: Technical review and studies including validation and baseline analyses;
o These include the following: targeted studies for design of specific project outputs and selection of targeted areas of interventions ensuring complementarities with existing donor funding, including by other GEF and related projects; review existing (if any) regulatory and economic instruments (PES and others) in place whose aims are biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services preservation; Assessment of the feasibility of the implementation of other economic incentives (PES, carbon credits, Biodiversity-positive carbon credits and nature certificates) to promote best practices for biodiversity conservation, SFM, restoration; analysis of national and local capacities related to the implementation of economic instruments of key governments institutions (gendered), the private sector and IPLCs in support to SFM (screening for gender discrimination aspects), community based restoration or forest restoration in general (idem with respect to gender), sustainable production practices/agroforestry systems (idem with respect to gender). All proposed activities will be screened for gender equality and women’s empowerment, as well as for potential socio-environmental risks.
o PPG Activities B: Institutional arrangements, monitoring and evaluation: This include finalization of the project intervention strategy and indicators, including preparation of the consultation strategy, development of the Project Theory of change, finalization of project results framework with indicators, a detailed incremental-cost analysis, development of the M&E plan, definition of the quantitative and qualitative Global Environmental Benefits that the project is expected to generate, description of the Innovation, Sustainability, and Potential for Scaling Up to be incorporated into the project design, Identification of the project Risks and corresponding risk mitigation measures, finalization of implementation and management arrangements. All proposed arrangements and indicators will be screened for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
o PPG Activities C: Financial planning and co-financing investments: including the total Budget, Work Plan and timetable, completion of official endorsement letters, a procurement plan;
o PPG Activities D: Launching (Inception, mission 1) and Validation workshops (mission 2) to present, discuss and validate the methodological approach and validate the final draft CEO submission package.
o PPG Activities E: Completion of final documentation in GEF (CEO endorsement template and its annexes).

Consultancy objective:
To collaborate with UNEP and the Government of Equatorial Guinea in the implementation of the PPG and write the UNEP GEF full-sized CEO Endorsement and the required/relevant appendices and annexes.

There are four main sets of activities implied in the above objective, and which will yield integrated deliverables that have been coded for the ease of reference as follows:

1. Act as Project Development Expert – resulting in deliverables coded as “Proj Dev” 1 through 8;

2. Act as Environmental Finance Expert NCA / PES / Biodiversity Offsets / Credits – resulting in deliverables coded as “Env_Finance” 1 through 3;

3. Act as Expert to assess the Capacity of the Executing Agency and Technical Executing partners to support the implementation of project activities – resulting in deliverables coded as “Cap_Assessment” 1 and 2; and

4. Facilitate English translation of Spanish produced Reports – which will be conducted in three steps (“Transl_step”).

The integrated outputs of the work assignment, consolidating the above cited respective deliverables is described in section “Outputs/Work Assignment”. A detailed description of activities follows.

Under the direct supervision and reporting of the Biodiversity and Land Degradation unit’s GEF Task Manager of UNEP and the overall guidance of the Unit’s Portfolio Manager, the consultant will be required to undertake the following specific tasks in close collaboration with the GEF Focal Point/PPG Coordinator at the Equatorial Guinea Ministry of Forests and Environment (MEF) and technical partners:

1. Act as Project Development Expert:

(i) Define and submit a detailed methodology and work plan in consultation with technical partners with clear delegation of responsibilities of each team member. Advise MEF on the preparation of relevant TORs.

(ii) Deliver expected results of PPG Activities A, which are the followings:
– Development challenge and strategy (including threats, problems to primary forest conservation and barrier assessment to develop and deploy innovative financing approaches to catalyzing investments in Equatorial Guinea Forest biome);
– Analysis of the Core Problem and causal relationships behind deforestation and forest degradation, biodiversity loss and loss of ecosystem services in the country and in target area of intervention, to develop a robust Theory of Change (to be prepared in PPG Activities B, below);
– Provision of quantitative details, fact and figures to corroborate and expand the section of drivers of deforestation and degradation as outlined in the CHILD PROJECT CONCEPT NOTE, as well as the section on barrier description, keeping note of properly describing the root causes;
– The Threats and problems analysis to also include the following:
Brief Conservation Gap Analysis of area-based conservation of primary forests in the country: This will identify: (a) constraints to creation of new PAs, management of existing PAs and the recognition of OECMs, (b) opportunities to create new PAs, Ecological Corridors; (c) opportunities for transboundary collaboration; and (d) opportunities to strengthen management and improve governance of existing PAs.
(ii) Provide overall guidance to Consultants including participation during Inception Workshop meeting;

(iii) Deliver expected results from PPG Activities B: Institutional arrangements, monitoring and evaluation, incl. Development of Theory of change, Project results framework, incremental-cost analysis, of project costed M&E Plan, Quantitative and qualitative GEB, description of the Innovation, Sustainability and Potential for Scaling Up, Project Risks and mitigation measures;

(iv) Deliver results expected from PPG Activities C: Financial planning and co-financing investments, workplan and procurement, incl. A detailed multi-year budget, Project Workplan and Timetable, Procurement plan, including a detailed one for at least the first year;

(v) Lead on PPG Activities D: Validation workshop;

(vi) deliver expected outcomes from PPG Activities E: Completion of final documentation, incl. Preparation of annotated outline of CEO Endorsement based on information contained in CHILD PROJECT CONCEPT NOTE, with clear indication of information needed for each section to national team; drafting the CEO Endorsement prior to validation workshop based on input from of local teams; and drafting final CEO Endorsement form after validation workshop for submission to the GEF. Finally addressing specific technical issues and questions raised by the GEF Sec; Council members.

(vii) Ensure action points from the UNEP Safeguard Risk Identification Form (SRIF) process for the pre-screening of the CHILD PROJECT CONCEPT NOTE are fully implemented during the PPG;

(viii) Conduct the full UNEP SRIF and compile a summary report indicating results of the PPG investigation and future actions. Work with UNEP’s Safeguard Advisor in order to ensure the economic, social and environmental risks are fully addressed and develop a stakeholder engagement plan in collaboration with technical partner;

(ix) Address all comments on the project documentation by the Head of GEF BD Unit;(x) Ensure that any review points from the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel, the GEF Council and the GEF Secretariat, including those made during the project identification stage, as well as the formal review by the UNEP Project Review Committee are met and responded to in the CEO Endorsement Request.
Deliverables for tasks linked to Project development: Indicative Timing
Proj Dev_D1 1. Final consolidated PPG work plan (incorporation of individual consultants, technical partners and country representatives’ contributions to the drafting of a consolidated PPG work plan)
2. F1 Jan-24
Proj Dev_D2 3. Submission of the first working draft of the following sections of the CEO ER: General Project Information, Section A and C (incorporation of individual consultants, technical partners and country representatives’ contributions to the drafting of the above-mentioned sections), plus the first draft of ANNEX C: Project results framework (separate file)
4. CD1 Feb-24
Proj Dev_D3 3. Inception Mission to country conducted (Indicatively in Feb-2024) and followed up (Mission 1) Feb-24
Proj Dev_D4 4. Submission of the first working draft of the following sections of the CEO ER: Sections B (incorporation of individual consultants, technical partners and country representatives’ contributions to the drafting of the above-mentioned sections), plus a first draft of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Screen (separate file, following UNEP’s template) Apr-24
Proj Dev_D5 5. Submission of first full working draft (excl. Annexes and separate file) of the CEO ER for country-level consultations and for initial technical review by UNEP, including a draft in Excel of the project’s budget and workplan (to be included in ANNEX G: Budget Table in GEF format, and in UNEP’s format) May-24
Proj Dev_D6 6.  Submission of the final GEF CEO ER (incl. all annexes and separate files) in English for continued technical review and in Spanish for final country validation Jun-24
Proj Dev_D7 7. Validation Mission to country conducted (Indicatively in late Jun-2024) (Mission 2) Jun-24
Proj Dev_D8 8. Submission of the second full draft of the CEO ER (incl. all annexes and separate files) responding to all technical and financial review by UNEP and for validation by the MEF Jul-24


2. Act as Environmental Finance Expert NCA / PES / Biodiversity Offsets / Credits:


Baseline and Methodological Aspects:
• Conduct a brief desk-based analysis on Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) experiences in Equatorial Guinea and make recommendation for its mainstreaming in sustainable production practices/Restoration, etc.;
• Engage in a dialogue with sectoral stakeholders through the national consultant responsible for the forest sector assessment and conduct a barrier and gap analysis for sustainable financing in the SFM sector, Community forestry restoration activities at the landscape level, sustainable forest production practices including suggestions on how to overcome some of these key barriers during implementation. This should include a Gap analysis of policies, regulations, tools and procedures that enable different financing opportunities, (including Carbon and biodiversity credits/offsets – see below)
• Make brief recommendations on how to strengthen existing mechanisms and / or develop new financing tools appropriate for the project based on international best practices. Refer for the purpose to GEF STAP’s guidance on PES (Payment for Ecosystem Services) and ensure that all threats and criteria set out therein are addressed in the project design.(https://www.thegef.org/sites/default/files/publications/STAP_PES_2010_1.pdf)

Env_Finance D1 Key Deliverable: Report containing the “Baseline and Methodological Aspects Environment Finance, Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) and PES”.

The report will represent a direct contributions to relevant sections in the CEO Endorsement Request, in particular Section A – Project Rationale, including the following content with respect to the afore-mentioned subject matter:

q Simple narratives of how an uncertain future could unfold, based on an understanding of trends and interactions between the key elements of the “system” and its drivers (i.e. the forces at play). Use to the following publication for inspiration:

q Description of the baseline in the absence of the project, including by indicatively identifying the outcomes that the project needs to achieve (referring to the approved Child Project for inspiration), how these will change the baseline, and mentioning with analysis the key barriers and enablers are to achieving those outcomes.

Feasibility Aspects:
• Study on innovative options for sustainable financing of the conservation of primary forests: Conduct an analysis of innovative finance, investment that this project need to leverage in order to scale up financing for the conservation of primary forests and intact forest landscapes and their buffer zones, across the country, more specifically:
 Conduct feasibility assessment of financial products (green bonds, guarantee funds, impact investment funds, etc.) and developing indicators to assess their impact in promoting biodiversity-friendly production practices.
 Assessment of the feasibility of economic incentives (carbon credits, expanded and accelerated use of REDD+, PES, etc.) to promote biodiversity-friendly production practices. Assess the full range of possibilities for PES in the context of forest landscape: The study to also review existing legal, policy and institutional frameworks to identify entry points for PES schemes based on these bundled services, this should include an assessment of a willingness to pay, assessment for potential users (investors);
 Identification phase of the PFP: assessment of the application of the PFP  approach and its key enabling criteria (impact, viability, feasibility, readiness) to determine whether the criteria for PFP are in place to begin framing the outline of a potential PFP;
o Carbon and biodiversity credits for conservation of primary forests: Assessment of the feasibility of the application of economic instruments: Biodiversity offsets, biodiversity-positive carbon credits and nature certificate schemes, and other market-based mechanisms, including innovative financing schemes particularly for IPLCs and women living around, Protected areas, OECMs and in corridor areas. The PPG study to assess the feasibility of biodiversity offset application in Equatorial Guinea. To do this, the consultant will review existing policies and legislation (EIA, conservation law, PA legislation, planning regulations, tourism and sectoral policies, land use plans and other relevant policy and regulations) to identify gaps, barriers and/or opportunities for the introduction of an offset policy. He/she will identify and analyze policy options for the introduction of biodiversity offset in the Equatorial Guinea context.
o Concerning the implementation of biodiversity-positive carbon credits and nature certificate schemes: The PPG study will review the Policy, legal and institutional constraints that may facilitate or hinder implementation of measures for sustainable natural resources management biodiversity-positive carbon credits and nature certificate schemes. The Consultant will provide a roadmap, including activities to be undertaken at FSP implementation stage to demonstrate application of this financial instrument.
• Assessment of the capacity building needs related to the implementation of economic instruments of key governments institutions, the private sector and IPLCs. The PPG will assess the institutional capacity of these stakeholders to design, implement and monitor the application of economic instruments to promote biodiversity-friendly production practices. The focus of this assessment will be on identifying the capacity development and training needs of the different key agencies to ensure the sustainability of project investments beyond the term of the project;
• Conduct a feasibility assessment of engaging the private sector in supporting implementation of economic instruments.

Env_Finance D2 Key Deliverable: Report containing the “Feasibility of innovative options for sustainable financing of the conservation of primary forests, including through Carbon and biodiversity credits and nature certificate schemes and implying considerations on the private sector in supporting implementation of economic instruments”.

The report will represent a direct contributions to relevant sections in the CEO Endorsement Request, in particular those under Section B. Project Description.

Towards a Consolidated Project Strategy:
• With respect to sustainable financing, confirm and expand the description of baseline initiatives and the expected investments (in USD) over the project period and thereafter identify other initiatives not included in the CHILD PROJECT CONCEPT NOTE and their expected investments (USD).
• With respect to sustainable financing, review of relevant past and ongoing programs and projects for lessons to build on, including project evaluations.

Env_Finance D3 Key Deliverable: Report containing “Final considerations on the Project Strategy relating to Environment Finance, NCA, PES, Biodiversity Offsets / Credits”.

The report will represent a direct contributions to relevant all the relevant sections in the CEO Endorsement Request.

Summary of deliverables follow:

Deliverables for tasks linked to Environment Finance: Indicative Timing
Env_Finance D1 Report containing the “Baseline and Methodological Aspects Environment Finance, Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) and PES”. Jan-2024
Env_Finance D2 Report containing the “Feasibility of innovative options for sustainable financing of the conservation of primary forests, including through Carbon and biodiversity credits and nature certificate schemes and implying considerations on the private sector in supporting implementation of economic instruments” Apr-2024
Env_Finance D3 Report containing “Final considerations on the Project Strategy relating to Environment Finance, NCA, PES, Biodiversity Offsets / Credits” Jun-2024

3. Act as Expert to assess the Capacity of the Executing Agency and Technical Executing partners to support the implementation of project activities:

(i) For all potential technical executing partners, carry out capacity assessment to assess their capacity to implement the project and assess all related risks. Based on these assessments, select and confirm the technical executing partners for the project in consultation with all relevant stakeholders. The selected Technical Executing partners must express their willingness to serve as Executing partners for the project, and the Ministry of Forestry and Environment must agree to government to use the selected technical executing partners for the project

(ii) Definition of the capacity of the Technical Executing partners to implement and sustain the proposed project activities, including recommendations for building capacity integration into the project design;

(iii) Feasibility analysis of different options for the implementation of the project governance. This will include the selections and detailed description of the preferred implementation and governance arrangements for the project.

The methodology to be used will be approved by the client. Any forms used to collect data will be made available in Spanish. The assessment will be evidence-based and conducted throughout the implementation of the PPG. It will also be limited in time – that is, it describe the capacity as independently assessed between February and June-2024.

Deliverables for tasks linked to Capacity Assessment: Indicative Timing
Cap_Assessment D1 Methodology for the Capacity Assessment of Executing Agency and Technical Executing partners to support the implementation of project activities Feb-2024
Cap_Assessment D1 Finalized Capacity Assessment of Executing Agency and Technical Executing partners to support the implementation of project activities Jun-2024

4. Facilitate English translation of Spanish produced Reports:

• Translate reports produced by national consultants from Spanish to English;
The assignment is home-based and will be conducted over three steps, with the results integrated into the Workplan.

The bulk of the translation work (Transl_step 1) will focus on the May/June-2024 version of the CEO Endorsement Request with all its annexures and separate files, which are expected to be validated by the national counterparts during the Validation Mission (Mission 2).

The remainder of the steps (Transl_step 2 and Transl_step 3) will focus on subsequently updating and harmonizing the mentioned documentation.

Outputs/Work Assignment

1. Deliverable 1 (Proj Dev_D1): Final consolidated PPG work plan (incorporation of individual consultants, technical partners and country representatives’ contributions to the drafting of a consolidated PPG work plan); (Env_Finance D1) Report containing the “Baseline and Methodological Aspects Environment Finance, Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) and PES” by January 2024;
2. Deliverable 2 (Proj Dev_D2). Submission of the first working draft of the following sections of the CEO ER: General Project Information, Section A and C (incorporation of individual consultants, technical partners and country representatives’ contributions to the drafting of the above-mentioned sections), plus the first draft of ANNEX C: Project results framework (separate file); (Cap_Assessment D1) Methodology for the Capacity Assessment of Executing Agency and Technical Executing partners to support the implementation of project activities by February 2024;
3. Deliverable 3 (Proj Dev_D3). Inception Report following Mission to country conducted (Indicatively in Feb-2024) by March 2024;
4. Deliverable 4 (Proj Dev_D4). Submission of the first working draft of the following sections of the CEO ER: Sections B (incorporation of individual consultants, technical partners and country representatives’ contributions to the drafting of the above-mentioned sections), plus a first draft of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Screen (separate file, following UNEP’s template); (Env_Finance D2) Report containing the “Feasibility of innovative options for sustainable financing of the conservation of primary forests, including through Carbon and biodiversity credits and nature certificate schemes and implying considerations on the private sector in supporting implementation of economic instruments” by April 2024;
5. Deliverable 5 (Proj Dev_D5) 5. Submission of first full working draft (excl. Annexes and separate file) of the CEO ER for country-level consultations and for initial technical review by UNEP, including a draft in Excel of the project’s budget and workplan (to be included in ANNEX G: Budget Table in GEF format, and in UNEP’s format); (Transl_step 1) CEO Endorsement Request with all its annexures and separate files translated into Spanish for national validation by May 2024;
6. Deliverable 6: (Env_Finance D3) Report containing “Final considerations on the Project Strategy relating to Environment Finance, NCA, PES, Biodiversity Offsets / Credits”; (Cap_Assessment D1) Finalized Capacity Assessment of Executing Agency and Technical Executing partners to support the implementation of project activities; (Transl_step 2) First update of the CEO Endorsement Request documentation; (Proj Dev_D7) 7. Validation Mission to country conducted (Indicatively in late Jun-2024) by June 2024;
7. Deliverable 7: (Proj Dev_D6) .  Submission of the final GEF CEO ER (incl. all annexes and separate files) in English to UNEP and in Spanish (Transl_step 3) for final country validation by July 2024;
8. Deliverable 8: CEO ER reviewed by GEF Secretariat and comments addressed, Response to GEF review comments provided, CEO ER approved by GEF;
Qualifications/special skills
A Minimum of Master’s degree in environmental sciences, environmental planning, biology, biodiversity and conservation, natural resource management, environmental economics, international development studies, environmental finance, development finance, or a closely related field is required.

A first-level university degree in combination with two (2) additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
A Minimum of 7 years of professional experience in the field of biodiversity conservation, protected area management and natural resource management is required; experience in innovative environmental financing, PES, Biodiversity/carbon credits is highly desirable.

Demonstrable experience in the development and design of GEF projects and/or programs, with a proven track record of approval of GEF projects is required
Experience with project development, implementation, management and monitoring and evaluation of  sustainable development projects, in particular in the areas of biodiversity and ecosystem management is    desirable;

Technical and intellectual skills in biodiversity management, landscape management, wildlife management and           enforcement, protected area management, sustainable fisheries management and gender equality is desirable;

Demonstrable expertise in managing relationships and developing and maintaining strategic partnerships including across government and non-government actors is desirable;

Experience working with international organizations, and the GEF, is preferred.
English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the consultancy, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese is desirable


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