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Job Description

8+ Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree

Organization: GGGI – Global Green Growth Institute
Location: Addis Ababa
Grade: Consultancy – Consultant – Contractors Agreement
Occupational Groups:
Monitoring and Evaluation
Transport and Distribution
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DD&R)
Project and Programme Management
Peace and Development
Closing Date: 2024-06-30


The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.

Agroforestry for People, Peace and Prosperity Project is a Korean Forest Service (KFS) ODA financed project, which is implemented by Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Ethiopia Country Office in partnership with local partner, the Environment and Coffee Forest Forum (ECFF), and respective line national and sub-national government institutions.  KFS Agroforestry project is implemented within two adjacent Woredas namely Gelana in West-Guji Zone of Oromia regional state and Kochore in Gedeo Zone of the South Ethiopia regional state.

The overall objective of the project is to restore the forest ecosystem and create a stable source of income for local communities by promoting restoration of 1,000 ha of forest and coffee agroforestry landscapes and integrated coffee business. The specific objectives are to:

Restore degraded forests and coffee agroforestry landscapes through afforestation/ reforestation, enrichment planting, capacity building and participation of government and community partners.
Improve coffee quality through improved production practices, processing, and handling.
Improve coffee cooperatives competences through capacity building training and market linkage; and increase access to water and electricity to improve efficiency.

Project Log Frame

Result level

Expected result



Means of Verification


Contribute to GHG emission reduction and wellbeing of local communities


Reduce GHG emissions through community-based forest and coffee agroforestry restoration and management practices

Restore at least 1000 ha

Enhance project implementing government and community partners awareness and Knowledge on restorations
Hectare of forest and agroforestry ecosystems managed by communities.
Community and expert awareness and knowledge increased.
Provision of forest and agroforestry ecosystem services enhanced

Project terminal reports
Project monitoring and evaluation reports
Project annual reports

Strengthen /established CBOs for forest and coffee agroforestry restoration and conservations

At least 4 CBOs within 4 kebeles by the end of project period and 2 additional KAs for Kochore woreda



# of CBOs/ COOPs strengthened and supports
# of farmers participated on restoration and conservation activities
# of community members received awareness on forest and agroforestry restoration and conservation
Field and project reports
List of participants
CBOs/COOPs documents
Monitoring reports


Forests and coffee agroforestry landscapes conserved and restored

At least 1000 ha
# of hectare of restored and conserved areas
# of seedlings planted and naturally regenerated seedlings
# of community members engaged in restoration and conservation activities
Restoration and conservation area maps
Project and monitoring reports


Improve capacity of implementing partners on forest and coffee agroforestry restoration and coffee enterprise

At least 4 types of coffee infrastructures maintained or established.
Project target government and community partners capacity increased
COOPs and CBOs managed to implement forest and agroforestry restoration and conservation.
COOPs and CBOs able to implement coffee business and enterprise
Coffee management, processing and quality improved
COOP and household incomes improved
Terminal report
Project annual reports
Field monitoring reports
Field observations
COOP and government reports


Built capacity of implementing partners on forest and coffee agroforestry restoration


Build capacity of government and communities on forest and agroforestry restorations though training and technical supports
# and type of trainings provided
#  and list of participants
# of Community members participated in training and awareness creation on restoration and conservation
Technical supports
Training reports
List of participants
Training documents
Field monitoring reports
Project reports


Built capacity of implementing partners on coffee business plans and institutional management

Build capacity of CBOs and experts on business plans, CSA/ livelihood and institutional, at least 4 types/topics of trainings provided
# of trainings provided on coffee management and business
# of trainings provided on CSA and agroforestry areas
# of farmers and government experts participated and engaged in the training sessions
Study documents.
# of cooperatives leaders involved in institutional and leadership trainings
Training reports
List of participants
Training materials
Project and monitoring reports


Established /renovated infrastructures and facilities for coffee processing.


At least four types of infrastructures /facilities renovated /established
Type and number of infrastructures established for the CBOs
# and type of installed facility for the CBOs
# and type of structures and facilities in placed
Structures and facilities in placed.
Monitoring reports
Field observations
Project reports




1) Purpose and scope of the evaluation

The main purpose of the evaluation is to assess the achievement of project objectives, outcomes, outputs and identity the factors that have contributed towards the achievement of the results as well as factors that have impeded the progress of the project.

The consultant shall assess the relevance, sustainability, efficiency, effectiveness and impacts/changes of the project. Finally, the evaluation shall present recommendations, lessons and learnings that serve as an input for future consolidation and upscaling the project to similar and potential areas. The consultant shall assess and compare changes against the baseline study.


2) Evaluation assignment and focus areas.

The consultant shall assess the achievement of the project objectives, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impacts /changes, lessons and sustainability of project interventions and results. Accordingly, the consultant shall consider the following guiding questions and aspects but not limited to these:

Project relevance and contributions.
To what extend does the project align with the government development strategies, objectives and plans.
To what extent the project contributes to (FLR) Forest Landscape Restorations, NDC, climate change mitigation and adaptation?
To what extent does the project align with local stakeholders and beneficiaries needs?
Does the project align and contribute to international strategies, initiatives and commitments including KFS, GGGI, SDGs, NDC.

To what extent has the project outputs/outcomes been delivered and achieved as intended?
How effective the project strategies, approach and tools used in the implementation of the project?
How effective has the project been in responding and adapting to the changing conditions and needs during implementation?
To what extent did the project coordination and monitoring mechanism contribute to meeting project objectives and results including stakeholder engagement and mitigating risks?

To what extent the process has been efficient in achieving results, the actual or expected results, does the resources effectively utilized?
What were the factors contributed to implementation efficiency? were there more efficient ways and means of delivering more and better results (outputs and outcomes) with the available inputs?
How efficient were the management and accountability structures of the project including financial management process and procedures?
What are the project key lessons and learning points for future considerations and upscale project.

Does project implementation modality, measures and approach enhance sustainability of project outcomes and outputs? What are contributing factors and constraints?
To what extent are the project outcomes and benefits continuing and sustainability after completion of the project?
How has the project capacities building interventions contributed to enhance implementing partners’ capacity and sustainability?
How is the sustainability of project outcomes and potentials for replication and upscaling?

Impacts /changes
Considering project short implementation period, to what extent does the project have brought impacts /changes on forest and agroforestry restorations, coffee management and processing?
To what extent does the project capacity building interventions enable partners to enhance restorations, coffee processing efficiency and behavior changes?
Does the project have resulted in unexpected negative impacts or spillover effects?

Key lessons, case studies, learnings and recommendations for future consolidation and upscaling the project approach to similar potential areas
The consultant presents the recommendations for similar support in future, which provide comprehensive proposals for future interventions based on the current project implementation and evaluation findings. The learnings, case studies and lessons from this evaluation should feed into plans for expansion and scale-up of this project. Learning will also be applied to inform other projects and program across the network. The evaluation should be strongly focused on recommendations for improvement relating to the central questions mentioned above and in particular – if and how activities could be adapted to better meet the needs of the project objectives and target beneficiaries.

3) Evaluation Methodology and Scope

The evaluation shall apply qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The methodology shall include key informant interviews and/or focus groups with a representative selection from the target groups including beneficiaries, stakeholder meetings with line and relevant national and sub-national stakeholders. Moreover, it shall also use existing qualitative data, desk review of the relevant project documents and assess project achievement against the set targets. The evaluation shall include field assessment and observations on the ground in the project target areas. The selected communities and sites shall be from both project implementation regions specifically Gelana and Kochore woredas/ districts.

The proposed methodologies include the following, however as appropriate, the consultant may suggest additional and relevant methodology but requires prior consent with the client.

Desk Review: The evaluator should review project and related documents. This could include, but is not restricted to project proposal, Project Baseline, annual and quarterly reports, studies, trainings and communications and publications. Moreover, the consultant will review other relevant documents and secondary sources.
Focus Group discussions and KII: The consultant will employ and conduct (FGDs) focus group discussions and (KII) Key informant interviews to assess forest and agroforestry restorations, cooperatives, coffee infrastructures, processing and management, benefits and related aspects. FDGs include different social groups such as men, women, youth and disadvantages social groups to assess their perspective, views and responses about projects aspects
Participatory MEL exercises: the consultant will employe PMEL methods and exercises to assess stakeholders’ understanding, engagements, collaboration and learnings on project implantation and interventions.
Stakeholder meetings: the consultant will conduct meetings with relevant and line national and sub national government stakeholders especially at project intervention zones and woredas.
Field assessment and observations: The consultant shall conduct field assessment and observations to assess forest and agroforestry restorations, infrastructures and changes on the ground at respective sites.
The consultant can propose additional methods as appropriate: in consultation with GGGI, the consultant can employ additional methods, which would have added values and inputs for the evaluation mission
Develop evaluation technical proposal including approach and data collection tools / methods: this should include Detailed timeline and work plan, any proposed changes to the scope of the evaluation, Key interview questions, proposed sampling framework, proposed stakeholders to be consulted, data collection and evaluation tools and so on.
Inception Report: The consultant shall develop and submit inception report including action plans and present to GGGI  before conducting the evaluation.

1) Expected key tasks and deliverables.

The consultant shall delivers the following:

The consultant shall presnt an evaluation technical work plan, which including: methodology / approach, planned stakeholders to be consulted and sampling framework, data collection and analysis tools, qualitative and quantitative  for data collection and analysis, plannned timeline and so on.
Conduct assessment, analysis   and present preliminary  evaluation findings, learnings, lessons and recommendations and  presentation as appropriate
Draft evaluation report written in English that meets the requirements for  feedbcks and  comments
Final evaluation report  written and electronically (including references and annexes) and   presentation on a stakeholder workshop.

2) Deliverables, time and payment schedule

The total duration of the evaluation assignment will be 30 days that extends from the commencement of the assignment to final report and presentation on the stakeholder workshop.

The main milestones, payment and timeline indicated as follows:


Deliverables, payment schedule and timeline


Key Delivery

Payment value (%)

Tentative Due date

Key tasks and issues


Final Inception Report

20% of the total contract price

05 July  2024

Review key documents, Inception Report with technical proposal including assessment and data collection methods, action plan, stakeholders and so on


Conduct  evaluation and

Draft Evaluation Report

50% of the total contract price

10 August 2024

Carry out assessment and data collection, including Key stakeholders’ meetings and interviews, field assessment & observations,

Analysis and formulation of key findings, learnings, lessons and recommendations for upscaling the project


Final Evaluation Report and  Presentation

30 % of the total contract price

30 August 2024

Review and feedback on draft Evaluation Report by GGGI and relevant partners.

Prepare final evaluation report and presentation on stakeholders’ workshop

All deliverables must be submitted to GGGI in electronic format in accordance with GGGI’s formatting requirements.  The deliverables must be submitted in English.


The consultant should consider the following guidance to undertake and deliver the assignment:

The Consultant shall submit the Final Report which should reflect the outcome of all activities prepared by the consultant. The report should also give recommendations for further activities to be carried out in order to secure a long-term sustainable development of the measure.
All relevant technical papers, reports, and other documents prepared from the start to the end of the assignment shall be attached to the Final Report.
The Consultant shall submit the report in both hard copies and electronic versions readable by a Microsoft Office application. All outputs must be in English.
Final report must be approved by the GGGI in accordance with the TOR and deliverables. The Consultant shall consider the comments and necessary revisions proposed. Within 14 days from the receipt of the comments or modification proposal from the GGGI, the Consultant shall prepare and submit the final versions of the report.

The consultant selected is expected to meet the following requirements:

At least MSc or MA Degree from recognized universities with relevant practical experiences in relation to the assignment
At least 10 years work experience in project evaluations related to forestry / agroforestry or a similar nature, including design and use of relevant data collection and analytical methods and evaluation approaches.
Effectively engaging stakeholders from governments, CBOs, communities and non-government or private sector organizations
Strong communication skills, including proven ability to write clear and concise evaluation reports, and present evaluation findings/recommendations to professionals experienced in the subject matter and stakeholders.
Previous experience with results‐based monitoring and evaluation methodologies is a requirement.
Technical knowledge in the targeted focal area(s) forestry and agroforestry landscapes restoration and management, coffee management, processing, & infrastructures, PFM and integrated approach    climate change adaptation and mitigation and so on
Knowledge of data analysis and presentation
Fluency in English is a requirement.

The followings may be included in this section: Request for an additional document to be submitted for application in addition to the cover letter, and CV

Values logo

Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


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