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Farmer Field and Business Schools (FFBS) Expert, SC-9


Opportunity Deadline


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Job Description

As per Salary Scale
8+ Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree

Job Posting

: 31/Jan/2024

Closure Date

: 15/Feb/2024, 3:29:00 AM

Organizational Unit: FABGD – FAO Representation in Bangladesh Job Field Category :

Job Type

: Non-staff opportunities

Type of Requisition: NPP (National Project Personnel)
Grade Level: N/A

Primary Location

: Bangladesh-Dhaka

Duration: 6 months (with possibility of extension upon availability of resources)
Post Number: N/A

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that Closure Date and Time displayed above are based on date and time settings of your personal device

  • FAO is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality, background and culture
  • Qualified female applicants, qualified nationals of non-and under-represented Members and person with disabilities are encouraged to apply
  • Everyone who works for FAO is required to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and professional conduct, and to uphold FAO’s values
  • FAO, as a Specialized Agency of the United Nations, has a zero-tolerance policy for conduct that is incompatible with its status, objectives and mandate, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination
  • All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks
  • All applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality


Organizational Setting

The FAO Country Office in Bangladesh (FABGD) is responsible for leading FAO’s response to country priorities for food security, agriculture and rural development through the identification, planning and implementation of FAO’s priority activities in the country. It ensures a multidisciplinary approach to programmes, identifies priority areas of action for the Organization in the country and, in collaboration with the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP), Divisions, Offices and Centres at FAO Headquarters, develops, promotes and oversees FAO’s strategic response to these priorities. Through its Country Programming Framework (CPF), the Country Office supports policy dialogue on food security, agriculture and rural development issues, at country level and facilitates the emergence of country partnerships and supports capacity development and resource mobilization for food security, agriculture and rural development in the region.

Reporting Lines

The incumbent will work under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative in Bangladesh, direct supervision of the Senior Technical Adviser (STA) – SACP/RAINS, and in a close coordination with the lead project counterpart – DAE Component, and Project Director – SACP.

Technical Focus

Farmer Field and Business Schools (FFBS) Expert, SC-9 will lead the FAO-TA support to the SACP in the area of the FFBS model implementation and institutionalisation. Specific duties and responsibilities include the following:

Tasks and responsibilities

•    Building on the SACP developed material and lessons learnt, review and update the curriculum and implementation modalities of the training of the FFBS master trainers.
•    Liaise with the National Value Chain Specialist and National Climate Smart Agriculture Specialist to integrate the results of the value chain studies in the curriculum, and with the National Nutrition Specialist and Food Safety Expert to integrate nutrition and food safety messages in the FFBS curricula.
•    Subsequently, assist the SACP PMU and master trainers to further build capacities of the FFBS facilitators and to organize refresher training for the FFBS facilitators in the project districts.
•    Provide follow-up-coaching and backstopping of the master trainers to support them in their training and coordination of the FFBS facilitators (DAE staff and lead farmers) and during the further roll-out of the FFBS programme.
•    Review master trainer reports of the facilitator training and of the establishment of the FFBS and assist the project team in resolving any problems that may arise.
•    Organize a lesson-learning workshop and exchange of experiences between the FFBS facilitators and trainers.
•    Integrate needs-based digital literacy training in the FFBS curriculum, to enable farmers to access and use government endorsed apps and solutions.
•    Support the identification of the most cohesive farmer groups interested to join or become a formal producer organization and receive training from one of the project’s farm business facilitators.
•    Collaborate with the project M&E team to develop indicators and monitoring tools for the FFBS programme.
•    Perform any other related tasks as assigned by the Senior Technical Advisor.



Minimum Requirements

•    Advanced university degree in agronomy, agricultural economics, agricultural extension, social science, political science or a related field.
•    10 years of experience in skills development, value chains, markets and business research and development, extension services design and management or similar field.
•    Excellent working knowledge of English and Bangla.
•    National of Bangladesh.

FAO Core Competencies

•    Results Focus
•    Teamwork
•    Communication
•    Building Effective Relationships
•    Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement

Technical/Functional Skills

•    Experience in the field of the group-based, market-led and participatory approach to agricultural extension and adult learning, i.e. “FFS methodology for adaptive research and participatory learning”, including experience as FFBS master trainer.
•    Good technical knowledge of integrated pest and soil management and climate smart agriculture.
•    Experience working with the private sector (input providers and produce buyers).
•    Excellent communication skills including writing skills, proven ability to convey complex ideas through clear communication, and concise reports, and effective oral presentations.
•    Ability to work independently and proceed with objectives of the assignment work under pressure and meet deadlines.
•    Self-motivation, willingness to learn and good work ethics.





  • FAO does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing)
  • Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted
  • Please note that FAO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU) / United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed at http://www.whed.net/ 
  • For additional employment opportunities visit the FAO employment website: http://www.fao.org/employment/home/en/
  •  Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances.

 FAO seeks gender, geographical and linguistic diversity in its staff and international consultants in order to best serve FAO Members in all regions. 






• To apply, visit the recruitment website at Jobs at FAO and complete your online profile. We strongly recommend that your profile is accurate, complete and includes your employment records, academic qualifications, and language skills
• Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile
• Once your profile is completed, please apply, and submit your application
• Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments and authorization to conduct verification checks of past and present work, character, education, military and police records to ascertain any and all information which may be pertinent to the employment qualifications
• Incomplete applications will not be considered
• Personal information provided on your application may be shared within FAO and with other companies acting on FAO’s behalf to provide employment support services such as pre-screening of applications, assessment tests, background checks and other related services. You will be asked to provide your consent before submitting your application. You may withdraw consent at any time, by withdrawing your application, in such case FAO will no longer be able to consider your application
• Only applications received through the FAO recruitment portal will be considered
• Your application will be screened based on the information provided in your online profile
•  We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date.

If you need help or have queries, please create a one-time registration with FAO’s client support team for further assistance: https://fao.service-now.com/csp



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