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FCSP Project Officer - Addis Ababa


Opportunity Deadline

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Job Description

4 Year
Male, Female, Both
Bachelor Degree

Organization: SOS Children’s Villages International
Location: Addis Ababa
Grade: Mid level – Mid level
Occupational Groups:
Project and Programme Management
Closing Date:



FCSP Project Officer

Office / programme



Gondar, Ethiopia

Job Family

Family and Community Strengthening program

Reports to

FCSP Project Coordinator


Position summary

The FCSP project officer is responsible for guiding and supporting the work with children, families, schools, volunteers, and community structures participating in the programme, for whom s/he has been allocated responsibility. This involves directly assessing the family situation of potential child participants and facilitating the development of a family’s first family development plan (EEP). Beyond this, s/he then works closely with co-workers of the community-based partners (key implementation partners), to realise the programme’s commitments towards the development of the family vis-à-vis the family’s own contributions, and to support the community-based partner in it’s role as the ‘first line’ of contact and support for the family. Additional specialist roles, focusing on specific aspects of empowerment at family and community level, may be included according to local programme requirements.

General aim of the position

Facilitate community mobilization sessions together with the community based organization, local authority, community based committee and the Education and Empowerment project Coordinator.
Actively involve in the identification of targeted children, caregivers, volunteers together with other community based structures such as CCSC, schools and volunteers.
Conduct target verification, initial assessment for identified target groups.
Implement Family development plan at household level together with the community based organization, Project coordinator and local authority based on the identified and prioritized needs.
Assist social workers and volunteers to deliver care for children and their families.
Participate in strengthening the capacity of community based structures such as CCSC, schools and SACCO to enable them support and care for children to ensure sustainability
Cooperation and Reporting Relationships

Report directly to the FCSP Project Coordinator.
Work in close cooperation with other key support co-workers, including administrative and programme development staff.
Build positive working relationships and maintain close cooperation with co-workers of the community-based partner who are involved with the implementation of education and Empowerment project processes.
Keep all personal information regarding children, care-givers and families confidential.
Represent the organisation at relevant community gatherings and forums.
Priority tasks & responsibilities

Lead the initial assessment for potential child and care giver participants

Make a home visit to the family of each potential child participant, living within the designated area/community, to carry out an initial assessment. Through this assessment, verify if the child is within the target group and meets the given vulnerability criteria. Also, assess the family’s situation vis-à-vis the three keys of self-reliance.
Obtain copies of vital registration documentation of the care-giver (proof of identity) and all of the children in the family (proof of birth and relationship to care-giver), and other relevant supporting documentation, as appropriate.
Cross-check information with other stakeholders, if necessary.
Based on the initial assessment, make a recommendation as to whether the child (and his/her family) should participate in the programme. Submit this recommendation to the project coordinator, for consideration by the programme management structure.

Facilitate the preparation of a family’s first family development plan

Make a home visit to the family, together with the relevant co-worker from the community-based partner, to draw-up the first family development plan.
Support the family to identify ‘gaps’ in self-reliance, vis-à-vis the three key areas of self-reliance and based on the development needs of each child within their care (may refer to the findings of the initial assessment).
Support the family to set goals for filling these gaps.
Agree on contributions of the family towards reaching these goals

Explore possible contributions of the programme partners towards reaching these goals (conditional on family contributions and time frames) and tentatively agree – ‘pencil in’.
Submit the draft family development plan to the project coordinator, for review by the programme management structure.
Hold a follow-up meeting with the family, and together with the relevant co-worker from the community-based partner, to confirm the contribution of programme partners and to finalise the family development plan – in pen. Special attention being drawn to any conditions for support.
Submit the final family development plan to the project coordinator, for the programme management structure to sign as approved.

Support co-workers of the community-based partner(s) in their work with families

Monitor interactions between the co-workers and the families. Review home visit reports and accompany the co-workers on home visits from time-to-time.
Offer advice, guidance and support to the co-workers, to enable them to effectively support the development of the families on an ongoing basis.
Assist in the training of community-based partners on the family development plan process, as required by the project
Provide in-service training and coaching/mentoring to the co-workers (working in designated area/community with the same families), to support them in developing the required knowledge, skills and confidence to take the lead role in facilitating the EEP process. Directly accompany the family development plan process for as long as it takes to build this capacity, handing over the lead role progressively as this capacity is built.
Identify areas where the co-workers need further support and bring this to the attention of the programme coordinator, to be raised with the community-based partner, as appropriate.
Identify where families require specialised support and bring this to the attention of the programme coordinator, to be raised with the community-based partner or programme management structure, as appropriate.
Based on the regular reviews of families, make a recommendation as to whether a family (or individual child) should exit the programme. Submit this recommendation to the programme coordinator, for consideration by the programme management structure.

Support the effective delivery of support services by the programme

Support the delivery of any material support to families by the community-based partners, ensuring that appropriate accountability systems are in place and functioning properly.
Where the community-based partners lack the capacity to effectively manage material resources, with efficiency and accountability, then support them in developing these skills and systems; as guided by the project coordinator.
Support the organisation and facilitation of capacity-building support and group activities, such as support groups, self-help groups, childcare capacity-building and children’s recreational activities; as guided by the project coordinator.

Support monitoring & evaluation within the programme

Open a file for each family being supported in designated area/community. This includes the initial assessment and supporting documentation, the first family development plan , regular reviews, the updated family development plans and any other relevant documentation. Ensure that this file is kept up-to-date.
Carry out regular reviews of the situation of the families and the support provided to them by the programme, at least once every six months. In doing so, changes in the situation of the children and their care-givers are highlighted. Document these reviews and file them.
Provide regular verbal feedback to the project coordinator on the situation of the families (supported by the above-mentioned review documentation), the quality of programme services and progress towards the desired programme outcomes.
Actively participate in the annual programme self-evaluation, contributing during the individual and family development plan team processes, as well as supporting the organisation and facilitation of processes with other participant groups.
Prepare monthly updates, quarter and annual reports and share to the project coordinator for final review and submission to Government and the Program office.
Collect best practices, and success stories of the project and share to relevant users.
Actively participate in any other monitoring and evaluation processes, as required.

General tasks

Contribute to the realisation of child rights, of children at risk of losing parental care.
Represent the organisation at relevant community gatherings and forums.
Fulfil any other reasonable responsibilities, as assigned by the programme coordinator.

Fulfil other specialist roles given by Education and Empowerment Project Coordinator

Carry out any other specialist roles, related to the education and empowerment at families and/or communities, according to local programme requirements. For example, this could relate to aspects such as support for IGAs, or development of support initiatives at community level.
Safeguarding (child, young people, adult and asset) and gender Equality

Responsible for reporting any safeguarding suspicion, concern, allegation, or incident immediately, following the safeguarding reporting procedures. Safeguarding reports should be made to the safeguarding team at the program level and/or to the respective line manager; and
Responsible for ensuring behaviours and all relationships are based on safeguarding and in line with the Code of Conduct and adhering to it in every situation.
Conduct themselves per the Code of Conduct, Safeguarding and Local/Country Policies and Procedures.
Responsible to take part in awareness raising sessions and capacity building trainings in relation to Child Safeguarding to prevent and protect children and young people from all forms of abuse, abandonment, exploitation, violence and discrimination
Support children and young people to make them understand the CS risks and protection mechanisms
Be vigilant about any possible form of abuse/harm, neglect, harassment, or exploitation against, children, youth and adults in personal and professional lives.
Report any safeguarding incident or concern within 24 hours to the Incident Management Team, focal person or concerned party through the defined channels for reporting the allegation
Must criteria

BA degree in a relevant subject area, such as community development, social work, social sciences, or public administration.
Minimum of 4 years relevant work experience in the field of community development or social services.
Competencies – knowledge, skills, abilities
Fluent in the languages spoken in the program’s target communities
Good verbal and written communication skills.
Awareness and basic understanding of issues affecting orphans & vulnerable children, such as the causes of vulnerability (e.g. HIV & AIDS, gender discrimination, poverty, etc.), local and national responses, etc.
Basic computer skills (Windows, Word)
Understanding of child development issues, including knowledge of child rights, child protection, child welfare, childcare and parenting; and relevant local and national laws, regulations and protocols.
Understanding of family development and community development, and sustainability of program responses and outcomes.
Good analytical and reporting skills, including ability to identify problems and possible solutions, and ability to clearly reflect these in a report.
Counselling skills, including ability to advice, influence and guide program participants and other community members.
People development skills, including facilitation, coaching and mentoring skills, to build the capacities of co-workers from partner organizations; as well as of children and their care-givers, and other community members.
Collaboration skills, being driven to work with others and able to build strong working relationships community members and groups.
Experience in working with food Security project
Hands on experience in the promotion of IGA, SACCO/VSLA


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