Organization: Mercy Corps
Location: Addis Ababa
Grade: Senior level – Senior
Occupational Groups:
Social Affairs
Closing Date:
About Mercy Corps
Collaborate with programme leadership to develop and implement strategies addressing migration and forced displacement in line with the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus.
Support the identification and analysis of key geographical areas and sectors with potential for improving livelihoods of IDPs, refugees, returnees, and host communities.
Coordinate with government institutions, development partners, and diaspora communities to ensure alignment with national and regional migration policies and frameworks.
Lead the development and dissemination of comprehensive reports, including baseline assessments, conflict analyses, and performance metrics, to inform evidence-based decision-making.
Review and support country team adherence to Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures;
Assist in capturing and disseminating best practices on operations, finance and HR systems across country teams to ensure highest quality and standards.
Provide dedicated support to country team in the event of an emergency or start up of a complex program that requires additional resources.
Collaborate with country finance leads in producing bi-annual master budgets.
Support Mercy Corps global and regional initiatives for human resources, including safeguarding and diversity, and talent development;
Collaborate with the people team to promote staff access to high quality learning opportunities, with a special emphasis on national team member development;
Engage and support the programme team to ensure that adequate risk management systems are in place;
Collaborate with country leadership to support preparedness and response to major disruptive events;
Engage with country team on the internal audit process to track findings and ensure country team compliance with IA findings and recommendations;
Engage with country level Ethics and Assurance managers as well as the global Ethics and Assurance department to track and analyze trends and needs across countries;
Master’s Degree in development studies, or social anthropology, or sociology, or political sciences, or migration studies, or a relevant, directly related discipline, or, in its absence, equivalent relevant professional experience of minimum 10years.
Minimum 5 years professional experience in assignments with governments or development partnersinpromotingDurableSolutionsforforciblydisplacedpeopleandinmigrationissues;
Minimum5yearsprofessionalexperienceinadvisoryservicesorprojectmanagementinSub- Saharan Africa. Relevant experience in Ethiopia would be anadvantage;
An excellent verbal and written command of English isrequired.
Minimum 3 years of experience on producing context, political, conflict and environmental analysis of refugee/host community relations and programming;
Minimum3yearsofexperience(evenindifferentassignments)onmixedmigration(refugees, IDPs, internal and external migration flows including root causes of migration) relatedissues
Minimum 3 years of experience (even in different assignments) in designing re-integration pathways for returnees with a focus on socio-economic opportunities and/or learning pathways;
Minimum 2 years of experience (even in different assignments) on programmes/interventions engaging diaspora communities/ associations in various forms of support to their originalcommunities;
Minimum 1 assignment on the implementation or/and operationalisation of the HDP Nexus in the field of mixed migration flows and/or DurableSolutions;
Musthaveconductedatleast3assignmentsrelatingtotrainingofofficialsinthefieldofsector reforms on reintegration of returnees, legal migration pathways for potential migrants, socio- economic integration of displaced population and their host communities and other relevant topics.
How to apply
Simply click on the apply button, fill out of the form, and upload your documents