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National Consultant - End of Project Evaluation: Women's Leadership, Empowerment, Access, and Protection (LEAP) in Kenya- UN Women - Kenya


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Job Description

8+ Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree

National Consultant – End of Project Evaluation: Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access, and Protection (LEAP) in Kenya- UN Women – Kenya

Location : Kenya
Application Deadline : 25-Aug-23 (Midnight New York, USA)
Time left : 5d 22h 51m
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : National Consultant
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract : 40 days
Expected Duration of Assignment : 40 days
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

I. UN Women Organizational Context/ Background.

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. UN Women provides support to Member States’ efforts and priorities in meeting their gender equality goals and for building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.

UN Women operationalizes this through Flagship Programming Initiatives (FPIs) developed to achieve transformative results for gender equality and women empowerment. One such FPI is the Leadership, Empowerment, Access & Protection (LEAP in crisis response). Project implemented in Turkana County – which hosts Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, and in Garissa County – which hosts Dadaab Refugee Camp.

In May 2021, UN Women received funding from the Government of Japan to implement a two-year LEAP program that aimed at ensuring that women in refugee and host communities lead and participate in peace, security and humanitarian processes, and vulnerable women and girls benefit from protection mechanisms and enhance resilience and self-reliance through women’s economic empowerment. The project builds on the results achieved and lessons of previous projects supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan Supplementary Budget, specifically “Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection (LEAP) in Crisis Response: Regional Response to the South Sudan Displacement and Refugee Crisis (Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan)”(2018-2019) and “Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access & Protection in Crisis Response (LEAP): Promoting the Empowerment of Women and Girls within the Humanitarian- Development Nexus in Kenya”(2019-2020). The project contributes to the goal of gender, peace and security as envisioned in the 2030 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – particularly SDG 1 (no poverty), 2 (zero hunger), 5 (gender equality), 8 (on decent work and economic growth), and 10 (reducing inequality), 16 (peace, justice, and strong institutions) and 17(partnerships). The Programme also responds to the UN Secretary General’s Comprehensive Regional Prevention Strategy for the Horn of Africa and the UN Priority Agenda on Prevention and Sustaining Peace. It also contributes to the UN Women Kenya Country Strategic Note (2019-2022) strategic objective 4, Women in Peace and Security and Humanitarian Sector and is premised on UN Women Global Strategic Plan, Outcome 5, “Women and girls contribute and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and humanitarian action”.

At the national level, the project has a strategic alignment to national development priorities of Kenya Vision 2030, the Medium-Term Plan (MTP) III (2018-2022), and the Big Four Government development agenda28, which is translated in the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Strategic Result Area (SRA) I on Transformative Governance; outcome 1.3: “People in Kenya live in a secure, peaceful, inclusive and cohesive society” and SRA II on Human Capital Development, Outcome 2.8: “By 2022, individuals and communities in Kenya have reduced exposure to risks and are more resilient to disasters and emergencies”.

II. Program Overview / Description of  Results

Kenya has been affected by regional instability and spill-over effects from politically unstable countries in the region, Somalia, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, and Eritrea. These counties have remained in the top origins of international forced displacement for approximately three decades, resulting in the long-term existence of refugee camps in Kenya[1].Kenya currently hosts two refugee camps: Dadaab Refugee Camp, established in 1991 with 218,873 refugees as of July 2020; and Kakuma Refugee Camp, established in 1992 with 196,666 refugees[2]. The duration of displacement is becoming longer, and refugees spend 17 years on average living in refugee camps in Kenya[3].

This project is the third phase of interventions in refugee and host communities in Kenya and contributes to strengthening women’s engagement in peace and security and economic capacities for sustainable development for both refugee and host communities, which will lead the country to a more stable and sustainable society.

“The Project for Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee and Host Communities” was designed to contextualize the global LEAP (Leadership, Empowerment, Access & Protection in Crisis Response) framework, UN Women’s flagship programme, into Turkana County – which hosts Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, and in Garissa County – which hosts Dadaab Refugee Camp. The two counties recorded the highest poverty and gender inequality levels in Kenya[4], are prone to inter-communal and transboundary violent conflicts, as well as food insecurity and displacements.

The project builds on gains, results and lessons learned from the implementation of the “Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access & Protection in Crisis Response (LEAP) -South Sudan Displacement and Refugee Crisis” (through JSB FY 2018), namely LEAP I, and “Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access & Protection in Crisis Response (LEAP): Promoting the Empowerment of Women and Girls within the Humanitarian- Development Nexus in Kenya” (through JSB FY 2019), called LEAP II, in cooperation with the Government of Japan. Specific lessons factored in designing this project include: i) the need for UN Women to continue empowering women economically to increase their resilience and ii) the need to strengthen protection mechanisms for SGBV victims and (iii) evidence generated on the need for gender-responsive preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) efforts to overcome vulnerability of women in Dadaab refugee camp and host community to violent extremism.

This project is the third phase of the intervention in refugee and host communities in Kenya and will contribute to strengthened women’s engagement in peace and security and economic capacities for sustainable development for both refugee and host communities, which will lead the country to a more stable and sustainable society. The project will be implemented in partnership with a wide range of strategic partners to sustain project outcomes beyond the project period.

The partners include the Government of Kenya, County Governments in Turkana and Garissa, UN agencies as well as non-state actors, including women’s organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs), media and the private sector.


If (1) women participate and influence decision-making processes related to peace and security and humanitarian action; and If (2) women and girls have access to services and economic opportunities during and post-conflict and disasters and in humanitarian settings; If (3) mechanisms are in place to protect women and girls’ basic human rights and are free from sexual and gender-based violence; Then (4) women and girls will be resilient to the impact of disasters/emergencies and conflicts; Because (5) peace and security efforts and humanitarian response will address the rights and needs of women and girls who will be at the centre of peace and security and humanitarian assistance, livelihood opportunities and GBV protection. This will in turn contribute to women being empowered to play crucial roles in the establishment of peaceful, sustainable, resilient, and cohesive societies.

Overall Goal:

The overall goal of the proposed project is “Women in refugee and host communities will lead and participate in peace, security and humanitarian processes, and vulnerable women and girls benefit from protection mechanisms and enhance resilience and self-reliance through women’s economic empowerment.

The program aims at achieving the following Outcomes:

Outcome 1: Women meaningfully participate and influence peace and security initiatives and humanitarian processes.

Output: 1.1: Women’s capacity to participate and influence policymaking and programming on conflict prevention, peace and security and humanitarian action increased.

Sub-Output 1.1:  An enable environment is created for women to participate and influence policy making and programming on conflict prevention, peace and security and humanitarian action increased.

Outcome 2: Women are economically empowered, have access to humanitarian services, and their protection and safety is strengthened against all forms of violence and exploitation.

Output 2.1: Refugee and host communities’ women and girls have new sources of income and economic opportunities through skills and livelihoods development.

Output 2.2: Vulnerable women and girls have increased access to effective services & protection mechanisms through social spaces in refugee and host communities.

III. Purpose of the Evaluation

The UN Women Evaluation Policy is the main guiding document that sets forth the principles and organizational framework for evaluation planning, conduct and follow-up in UN Women. These principles are aligned with the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards for Evaluation in the UN System. The key principles for gender-responsive evaluation at UN Women are: 1) National ownership and leadership; 2) UN system coordination and coherence with regard to gender equality and the empowerment of women; 3) Innovation; 4) Fair power relations and empowerment; 5) Participation and inclusion; 6) Independence and impartiality; 7) Transparency; 8) Quality and credibility; 9) Intentionality and use of evaluation; and 10) Ethics.

The two-year LEAP Japan project whose implementation commenced in May 2021 will come to an end in December 2023 having received a no-cost extension from April 2023. In line with the project requirements and the UN Women evaluation policy, an end of Programme evaluation is to be conducted to assess the performance of the Project, provide accountability, and enhance learning. The purpose of this independent end-term evaluation is to assess the project’s achievements against the set objectives, identify and document lessons learnt (including design issues, lessons, and best practices that can be upscaled or replicated), and assess how the program contributed to gender equality and economic empowerment of women in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement Turkana County, and in Dadaab Refugee Camp, Garissa County.

It is a priority for UN Women that this end line program evaluation will be gender-responsive and will actively support the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment, with emphasis on UN Women key areas central to supporting women and girls’ empowerment in humanitarian action: Leadership and participation, Protection and safety, and Economic well-being.

The primary intended users of this evaluation are:

  • Relevant staff in target ministries, local government, and targeted government institutions, and participating CSOs
  • Target beneficiary communities/groups
  • Members of community leadership structures
  • Relevant staff in participating UN-agencies.
  • Staff of implementing partners
  • Sector leads in the participating UN-agencies and refugee response coordination.
  • Development partners.

Primary intended uses of this evaluation are:

  1. Information on the project’s effectiveness will be used to inform decision making for the design, review and scale up of Women, Peace and Security Interventions and LEAP in particular;
  2. Feedback, participation, and accountability to affected communities;
  3. Accountability for the development effectiveness of the LEAP to the donors and other stakeholders;
  4. Capacity development and mobilization of national stakeholders to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women.

IV. Evaluation criteria and key questions

The Overall Objective of the final evaluation is to assess the extent to which the Project has achieved the intended and/or unintended outcomes, provide in-depth analysis and understanding of why certain intended or unintended outcomes have or have not occurred, analyse the challenges encountered, and document lessons for improving future projects in the area.

The specific objectives of the evaluation are to:

  1. Assess the relevance of LEAP intervention in addressing the needs of refugee and host community women in alignment with gender equality and women’s empowerment;
  2. Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of UN Women’s approach for achievement of results, as defined in the logical framework, including the Projects Theory of Change;
  3. Analyse how the human rights approach and gender equality principles were integrated in LEAP and humanitarian action programming;
  4. Identify and validate lessons learned, promising practices and innovations of work supported by LEAP Program within the context of the aid effectiveness agenda;
  5. Assess the added value of the LEAP strategy and related interventions to UN Women’s mandate and to the overall UN System presence in project locations;
  6. Assess the inter-connectedness and sustainability of UN Women’s initiatives on increasing leadership, protection and economic opportunities for refugee women and analyse possible weaknesses in order to improve next steps for scale-up programming;
  7. Provide actionable recommendations with respect to the strategy, and overall approach to UN Women’s programming in humanitarian settings.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation will apply six UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) evaluation criteria (relevance, effectiveness-including normative, and coordination mandates of UN Women- efficiency, coherence and sustainability), as well as standards based on Human Rights and Gender Equality.

The evaluation will seek to answer the following key evaluation questions and sub-questions:

Criterion Questions
Relevance Was the Project design appropriate to address the identified needs of beneficiaries?
Was the choice of partners most relevant to the situation of refugee women and marginalized groups in the project operational areas?
Was the project aligned with national policies, priorities and other relevant normative frameworks for GEWE?
Were the choice of interventions most relevant to the situation in the target thematic areas?
Did interventions target the underlying causes of gender inequality?
Was the technical design of the project including the ToC relevant?
Effectiveness To what extent has UN Women achieved planned outputs and contributed to expected outcomes?
Were there any unintended, (positive or negative), effects of the interventions on women, men, and institutions?
How has the intervention affected the well-being of marginalized groups such as persons living with disabilities, HIV, ethnic minorities?
 To what extent have settlements and spaces established for women to access services, assets and protection served as empowerment and leadership hubs, and to what extent have they addressed gender-specific structural barriers rooted in prevailing social norms and attitudes?
What were the main program enabling and hindering factors to achieving planned outcomes and what actions need to be taken to overcome any barriers that limit required progress?
Coherence Is the balance and coherence between programming-operational, coordination and policy-normative work optimal?

The extent to which other interventions support or undermine the intervention and vice-versa, including aspects of complementarity, harmonization, and coordination.

What is UN Women’s comparative advantage compared with other UN entities and key partners in delivering on this program?

Efficiency To what extent have planned outputs been achieved on time and on budget?
To what extent did the interventions add value while avoiding duplication of efforts?
To what extent has gender equality and women’s empowerment been mainstreamed in LEAP geographical scope such as UN joint programming?
To what extent did the UN Women management structure support efficiency for implementation and delivery of required results (including Risk and Financial Management)?
Did the project utilize existing local capacities of right-bearers and duty-holders to achieve its objectives?
Has a Results Based Management system been established and effectively implemented for the LEAP program?
Did the IPs have access to the necessary skills, knowledge, and capacities needed to deliver the program?
Inter-connectedness, Sustainability and impact To what extent did interventions as designed and implemented take longer-term and interconnected problems into account? Did they contribute to interventions planned in the longer term, such as recovery or development?

To what extent was the capacity of partners developed in order to ensure sustainability of efforts and benefits and what are the measures that have been incorporated to promote sustainability?

What accountability and oversights systems were established to secure benefits of the intervention for rights holders beyond this intervention

To what extent was gender equality and women’s empowerment advanced as a result of the intervention?

What is the potential to scale up existing models to reach larger groups of women?

What difference has the intervention made in the lives of refugee women and girls including members of host communities (intended and unintended) and to what extent have they collaborated to create synergies beyond this project?

Human Rights and Gender Equality What contribution did this project make to implement global norms, standards and programming principles for Human rights, development effectiveness; gender equality and the empowerment of women?
To what extent did the project change the dynamics of power in relationships between different groups (including refugees and host communities)?
How has attention to/integration of gender equality and human rights concerns advanced the area of work?































































[1] UNHCR, “Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2019”, https://www.unhcr.org/5ee200e37.pdf

[2] UNHCR, Registered refugees and asylum-seekers, https://www.unhcr.org/ke/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/08/Kenya-Infographics-31-July-2020.pdf

[3] UNHCR, Kalobeyei Settlement, https://www.unhcr.org/ke/kalobeyei-settlement

[4] World Bank, “Desk Review on Livelihoods and Self-Reliance for Refugees and Host Communities in Kenya,” http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/685581553241680189/pdf/135485-WP-P169281-PUBLIC-Livelihoods.pdf

V. Scope of the evaluation

The evaluation is an end-of-project evaluation and will cover all project activities implemented from May 2021 – December 2023, following a no-cost extension from April 2023, in line with the results framework and the theory of change and against the UN Women Evaluation Policy and adhere to the United Nations norms and standards and criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, impact, sustainability, and gender equality and human rights). This is an end-term evaluation focusing on the achievements as well as recommendations for sustainability, learning and course correction for future programming. The evaluation will cover key stakeholders and beneficiaries’ representatives including members of host communities in the project counties.

The consultant is expected to undertake a rapid evaluability assessment in the Inception. This should include the following:

  1. An assessment of the relevance, appropriateness, and coherence of the implicit or explicit theory of change, strengthening or reconstructing it where necessary through an inception interview;
  2. An assessment of the quality of performance indicators in the program, and the accessibility and adequacy of relevant documents and secondary data;
  3. A review of the conduciveness of the context for the evaluation;
  4. Ensuring familiarity with accountability and management structures for the evaluation.

VI. Evaluation Approach and methodology

The evaluation will be an external, independent, and participatory exercise, which should be completed within a timeframe of 40 days spread over a period of two months  beginning 15th September 2023. The final evaluation methodology will document and analyze the distinct achievements of outputs and outcome, while also assessing the ways in which efforts contributed to national implementation and program-level work influenced country advocacy and policy.

The evaluation shall provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable, and useful and will be based on gender and human rights principles, as defined in the UN Women Evaluation Policy and adhere to the United Nations norms and standards for evaluation.

The evaluation methodology will employ mixed methods and an innovative approach for capturing results, while ensuring that the views of the most excluded groups of women are represented in the evaluation. An initial desk review and brief discussions with key stakeholders will support the refinement and finalization of the methodology and analytical framework. An important component of this evaluation will be the assessment of the LEAP Program’s Theory of Change and results framework to assess whether the project remained on track to achieve expected outcomes. The UN Women Rapid Assessment Tool for Evaluation of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Results in Humanitarian Context will be used as part of the data collection instruments.

The evaluation is expected to follow a collaborative and participatory approach ensuring close engagement with Project beneficiaries, implementing partners, county local government leadership, Humanitarian actors and other key stakeholders as will be informed by the stakeholder mapping process.  The analysis of the application of human rights and gender equality principles in LEAP interventions will be an integral part of the evaluation. Integration of human rights and gender equality issues into the evaluation requires adherence to three main principles – inclusion, participation, and fair power relations.

The main recommended phases of the evaluation methodology are:

a) Inception Phase:

  • Conduct an initial desk review of available documents, gather, and analyse programme data, conceptualize the evaluation approach, and develop an evaluation matrix, consult internally on the approach, develop data collection tools, stakeholder mapping, sampling strategy, engage reference group.
  • Conduct inception interviews with key stakeholders to refine the evaluation scope and methodology.
  • Draft an Inception Report that will be reviewed by the Evaluation Reference Group.
  • Refine the evaluation methodology/question matrix based on Evaluation Reference Group’s feedback and integrate proposed changes (as appropriate) into the final evaluation report.

b) Data collection Phase

  • Collect survey data from beneficiaries and key stakeholders as informed by the stakeholder analysis.
  • Conduct in-depth interviews with UN Women staff, partner organizations, donor representatives, and others as necessary.
  • Deliver PowerPoint presentation of preliminary field key findings to Evaluation Reference Group.

c) Analysis and Report Writing Phase:

  • Review and analyze all available data including staff, partner, and stakeholder survey(s), and interpret findings.
  • Prepare the first draft of the evaluation report and submit it to the Evaluation Reference Group for comments and possible endorsement.
  • Revise the report based on the feedback from the Evaluation Management Group and debriefing session (as appropriate).
  • Compile final report. The report should not be longer than 40 pages in the following format:
    • Title and opening pages
    • Executive summary
    • Background and purpose of the evaluation
    • Programme/object of evaluation description and context
    • Evaluation objectives and scope
    • Evaluation methodology and limitations
    • Findings
    • Conclusions
    • Recommendations
    • Lessons learned
    • Annexes (Terms of reference, documents reviewed, list of interviews conducted)


The evaluation and quality assurance will be managed by UN Women Kenya Country Office (KCO). The Consultant will be accountable to UN Women on behalf of the team and report to the Kenya CO Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. The evaluation will be conducted in accordance with UN Women evaluation guidelines and UNEG norms and standards. Upon completion of the evaluation, UN Women has the responsibility to prepare a management response that addresses the findings and recommendations to ensure future learning and inform implementation of their relevant programmes, especially the Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection in Crisis Response.  For quality assurance, the evaluation report will be rated against the Global Evaluation Report Assessment & Analysis System (GERAAS).

The evaluation management structure will comprise of one coordinating entity and two consultative bodies: The Evaluation Management Group and the Evaluation Reference Group. The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will manage the day-to-day aspects of the evaluation. This evaluation will be a participatory process and the evaluation manager will ensure consultations with all the key stakeholders as required.

The Evaluation Management Group will be responsible for management of the evaluation. It will coordinate the selection and recruitment of the evaluation team, manage contractual agreements, budget and personnel involved in the evaluation, support the reference groups, provide all necessary data to the evaluation team, facilitate communication between the evaluation team and the reference group.

The Evaluation Management Group will include UN Women Deputy Country Representative, PME&R Specialist, the Project’s M&E Focal Point (Task Manager), Operations Manager, Team Leader and the Project Focal Point.

The Evaluation Reference Group will provide direct oversight, safeguard independence, and give technical input over the course of the evaluation. It will provide guidance on evaluation team selection and key deliverables (Inception Report and Evaluation Report) submitted by the evaluation team. It will also support the dissemination of the findings and recommendations. The Reference Group will include a select UN Women KCO and ESARO Team, Government Partners, Civil Society Partners, and the development partner the Embassy of Japan representative.

VIII.Time frame and Deliverables

The evaluation will be conducted between mid-September – November 2023. The primary evaluation deliverables are:

Deliverables Estimated number of working days Tentative Timelines Payment %
  1. Inception Report: This report will include a detailed evaluation methodology, revised evaluation question matrix, proposed data collection tools and analysis approach, and final evaluation work plan (with corresponding timeline).
6 days September  2023 30%
  1. Data Collection and Analysis: Evaluation data is collected, cleaned, and coded. Data is analysed (All raw data collected shall be shared with UN Women in CV format).
16 days September/October 2023 30%
  1. First draft of the evaluation report and presentation of preliminary findings to the Evaluation Management and Reference Groups: The reference group will review the first draft and give written comments/feedback. The preliminary findings will be presented in person or virtually (online) to the Evaluation Management and Reference Groups for feedback. The recommendations shall also be discussed in this meeting.
6 days October 2023
  1. Second draft of the Evaluation Report: The draft evaluation report should include all annexes summarizing the data analysis and incorporating feedback from the Evaluation Management and Reference Groups, the second draft version of the evaluation report should also include an audit trail of how comments have been integrated into the report and all final annexes.
4 days October 2023
  1. PowerPoint Presentation to the Evaluation Management and Reference Group & Validation Workshop with Stakeholders on main Findings/ Recommendations and proposed dissemination strategy
1 day October 2023 40%
  1. Final Evaluation products with the following components:
  • Executive summary (Not more than 5 pages)
  • Stand-alone Evaluation report (Not more than 30 pages)
  • Comprehensive Evaluation report (with all annexes)
  • Evaluation comments log/audit trail
  • Annexes (Separately)
4 days November


  1. Communications piece (Policy Brief): Submission of innovative knowledge products (Policy Brief) that capture the evaluation findings in a clear and concise manner, with infographics, in line with the UN Women branding guidelines.
3 days November 2023
Total 40 Days   100%


Core values and Guiding principles:

  • Integrity: Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.
  • Cultural sensitivity and valuing diversity: Demonstrate an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrate an international outlook, appreciating difference in values and learning from cultural diversity.


  • Ethics and Values:  Demonstrate and promote ethics and integrity by creating organizational precedents.
  • Organizational Awareness: Build support for the organization and ensure political acumen.
  • Development and Innovation: Support staff competence development and contribute to an environment of creativity and innovation.
  • Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
  • Communication and Information Sharing:
    • Create and promote an environment for open and effective communication.
    • Facilitate and encourage open communication and strive for effective communication.
    • Excellent oral and written skills.
    • Listen actively and respond effectively.
    • Self-management and Emotional Intelligence:
    • Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have consistent behaviour towards others.

The selected consultant should fulfill the following requirements:


  • A Master’s degree related to any of the social sciences, political science, international relations, economics, gender studies and evaluation.

Work Experience

  • A minimum of 10 years of working experience in conducting evaluations including; proven practical professional experience in designing and conducting major evaluations within humanitarian settings
  • Over 5 years’ experience evaluating gender and/or aid effectiveness
  • Over 5 years’ experience in evaluating interventions in humanitarian settings and familiarity with Gender in Humanitarian Action (GiHA) and the Comprehensive Refugees Response Framework (CRRF)
  • Extensive knowledge and experience in the application of quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods with a strong gender focus
  • High level data analysis skills in both quantitative and qualitative data
  • In-country or regional experience in programming in refugee setting
  • Flexibility and Ability to work with teams in multicultural settings
  • Demonstrable ability to work under pressure to meet challenging deadlines.


  • Language proficiency in English and Kiswahili (written and spoken) is mandatory.

X. Application Process

Applicants are required to upload an electronic application in one single PDF on the UNDP job website not later than the date of the application deadline. The application should include the following documents/information.

  1. Cover letter outlining experiences relevant to this assignment and availability for assignment
  2. Personal History Form – P 11 which can be downloaded from http://www.unwomen.org/about-us/employment indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of at least three professional references.

XI. Ethical Code of Conduct

UN Women has developed the UN Women Evaluation Consultants Agreement Form for evaluators that must be signed as part of the contracting process, which is based on the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct. The signed Agreement will be annexed to the consultant contract. The UNEG Guidelines note the importance of ethical conduct for the following reasons:

  1. Responsible use of power: All those engaged in evaluation processes are responsible for upholding the proper conduct of the evaluation.
  2. Ensuring credibility: With a fair, impartial, and complete assessment, stakeholders are more likely to have faith in the results of an evaluation and to take note of the recommendations.
  3. Responsible use of resources: Ethical conduct in evaluation increases the chances of acceptance by the parties to the evaluation and therefore the likelihood that the investment in the evaluation will result in improved outcomes.

The evaluator is expected to provide a detailed plan on how the following principles will be ensured throughout the evaluation (see UNEG Ethical Guidance for descriptions): 1) Respect for dignity and diversity; 2) Right to self-determination; 3) Fair representation; 4) Compliance with codes for vulnerable groups (e.g., ethics of research involving young children or vulnerable groups); 5) Redress; 6) Confidentiality; and 7) Avoidance of harm.

Specific safeguards must be put in place to protect the safety (both physical and psychological) of both respondents and those collecting the data. These should include:

  1. A plan to protect the rights of the respondent, including privacy and confidentiality
  2. The interviewer or data collector is trained in collecting sensitive information, and if the topic of the evaluation is focused on violence against women, they should have previous experience in this area
  3. Data collection tools are designed in a way that is culturally appropriate and does not create distress for respondents.
  4. Data collection visits are organized at the appropriate time and place to minimize risk to respondents.
  5. The interviewer or data collector is able to provide information on how individuals in situations of risk can seek support.

As with the other stages of the evaluation, the involvement of stakeholders should not interfere with the impartiality of the evaluation.

The evaluator has the final judgment on the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation report, and the evaluator must be protected from pressures to change information in the report.

If the evaluator identifies issues of wrongdoing, fraud or other unethical conduct, UN Women procedures must be followed, and confidentiality is maintained. The UN Women Legal Framework for Addressing Non-Compliance with UN Standards of Conduct and accompanying policies protecting against retaliation and prohibiting harassment and abuse of authority, provide a cohesive framework aimed at creating and maintaining a harmonious working environment, ensuring that staff members do not engage in any wrongdoing and that all allegations of wrongdoing are reported promptly, investigated, and appropriate action is taken to achieve accountability. The UN Women Legal Framework for Addressing Non-Compliance with UN Standards of Conduct defines misconduct and the mechanisms within UN Women for reporting and investigating. More information can be provided by UN Women if required.


The Consultant shall not, either during the term or after the termination of the assignment, disclose any proprietary or confidential information related to the consultancy service without prior written consent. Proprietary interests in all materials and documents prepared by the consultants under the assignment shall become and remain properties of UN Women.



In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Diversity and inclusion:

At UN Women, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. UN Women recruits, employs, trains, compensates, and promotes regardless of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, national origin, or any other basis covered by appropriate law. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, competence, integrity and organizational need.

If you need any reasonable accommodation to support your participation in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application.

UN Women has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to UN Women’s policies and procedures and the standards of conduct expected of UN Women personnel and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. (Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.


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