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National Consultant for capacity development regarding stereotypes in media and advertising sectors, under the scope of Unstereotype Alliance activities - Remote | Ankara


Opportunity Deadline

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Job Description

7 Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree

Organization: UNDP – United Nations Development Programme
Location: Remote | Ankara
Grade: Consultancy – National Consultant – Locally recruited Contractors Agreement
Occupational Groups:
Communication and Public Information
Women’s Empowerment and Gender Mainstreaming
Education, Learning and Training
Closing Date: 2024-09-15

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

In Türkiye, in line with its global and , and the overall UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Türkiye (UNSDCF) (2021-2025), UN Women works towards the overarching goal of “Women and girls including those at greatest risk of being left behind fully exercise their human rights, enjoy a life free from violence and discrimination, and lead, influence and benefit from sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development towards the advancement of gender equality in Türkiye”. UN Women works in four thematic areas: (i) governance and participation in public life; (ii) women’s economic empowerment; (iii) ending violence against women and girls; and (iv) women, peace and security, humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction. UN Women contributes to three UNSDCF outcomes: 1) Women and girls have improved and equal access to resources, opportunities, and rights, and enjoy a life without violence and discrimination; 2) By 2025, Persons under the Law on Foreigners and International Protection are supported towards self-reliance. 3) By 2025, governance systems are more transparent, accountable, inclusive and rights-based with the participation of civil society, and quality of judicial services is improved.

Although Türkiye has made significant progress of advancing gender equality through legal reforms over the past two decades and has reached gender parity in most levels of education, deep-rooted discriminatory gender stereotypes and restrictive social norms continue and undermine efforts to combat violence against women and girls, and to increase women’s participation in decision-making and in economic, public and political life.

To support to overcome the systemic barriers against women’s economic participation in the country, UN Women engages with the private sector in the country. Türkiye has a vibrant and powerful private sector which provides employment to the majority of workers – some estimates show that almost 83% of employment is within the private sector. The well-established status and reach of private sector and its many constituents (i.e. employees, suppliers, clients, consumers etc.) give it commensurate impact, outreach and contribution to policy making. The Women’s

Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a set of Principles offering guidance to business on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community and thus creates an enabling business environment to contribute to overcome also the systemic barriers. Established by UN Global Compact and UN Women, the WEPs are informed by international labour and human rights standards and grounded in the recognition that businesses have a stake in, and a responsibility for, gender equality and women’s empowerment. UN Women uses the WEPs as the leading framework in creating the desired change within and beyond the private sector. WEPs offers the private sector a clear and powerful framework to address existing gender gaps and to bring about change. UN Women Türkiye works with the private sector in the country by crafting bespoke WEPs programmes for them to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) in their workplace, marketplace, and community.

UN Women Turkiye and one of a WEPs signatory private sector company (THE COMPANY) have agreed on a comprehensive and long-term programme to better implement the WEPs framework through incorporating data generation, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, to make a lasting and meaningful impact on the GEWE issues within and beyond THE COMPANY. The programme of collaboration with THE COMPANY covers these aspects in three Outputs under the overall framework of the WEPs.


Convened by UN Women, Unstereotype Alliance is a thought and action platform, that uses advertising as a force for good to drive positive change. It seeks to eradicate harmful gender-based stereotypes. The alliance is focused on empowering women in all their diversity (race, class, age, ability, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, language, education, etc.) and addressing harmful masculinities to help create a gender equal world. The Alliance brings together a powerful global coalition of industry leaders behind the common goal of eliminating gender bias and harmful gender stereotypes from their advertising.

Recognizing the power of partnerships to accelerate progress, this industry-led initiative convened by UN Women unites leaders across business, technology, and creative industries to tackle the widespread prevalence of stereotypes that are often perpetuated through advertising and content.

The Alliance’s efforts are on driving a positive change through communications that raise awareness of stereotypes among the public, creating progressive portrayals in advertising content free from stereotypes and fostering an unstereotyped culture within the business environment, with an emphasis on equality, diversity, and inclusionary practices. It also represents a knowledge hub to leverage good practices.

UN Women Turkiye Country Office will contract a National Consultant to support the office for conducting a comprehensive analysis of the above-mentioned private sector COMPANY to identify the gaps and support the development and implementation of the capacity development programme of a capacity-building program on gender equality, diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality, which will be aligned with the Unstereotype Alliance’s goals and tools, focusing on advertising and marketing communications. The National Consultant will collaborate with the team based in Turkiye and HQ Secretariat in New York, Unstereotype Alliance Turkiye National Chapter members and allies. The National Consultant will also develop a strategy and action plan for the marketing and advertising activities and review the corporate policies. Marketing and Advertising Policies Action Plan will identify the list of activities (e.g., capacity development programs and trainings, policy revisions, advocacy actions), their timelines, and resources necessary to complete the Action Plan.


Duties and Responsibilities
Under supervision of Unstereotype Alliance Programme Analyst and in close collaboration with other teams and UN Women staff in Türkiye, the National Consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

Conduct meetings with the UN Women team to clarify objectives and expectations, gather input, and ensure the timely delivery of the assessment report.
Review THE COMPANY’s strategic advertising and marketing content and policies and provide an assessment.
Based on the assessment, offer policy recommendations aligned with the Unstereotype Alliance’s targets and tools.
Conduct a debriefing session with THE COMPANY and UN Women on the main findings and outline next steps.
Deliver a capacity development training program on addressing gender-based stereotypes in marketing and advertising communications, including the implementation of the 3Ps, to relevant departments.
Supervise at least 20 pieces of the company’s advertising and marketing briefs.
Perform administrative and work plan related tasks regarding the UA TR National Chapter.
Expected Deliverables and Payment Schedule

Duration of the assignment is from 30 September 2024 to 10 August 2025. The National Consultant is expected to spend up to 40 working days on non-consecutive basis throughout the assignment.

The following table summarizes the main activities and expected deliverables against the targeted submission deadlines and indicative working days to be invested by the Consultant.




Target Deadline

Work days up to

Submit a work plan and working methodology, including agenda, assessment questions, content of the training and the timeline for completing expected deliverables

Work plan and working methodology, including agenda, assessment questions, content of the training and the timeline for completing expected deliverables

October 20, 2024

2 days

Submit an assessment based on the findings of the marketing content and policies.


Assessment Brief

November 20, 2024

10 days

Deliver at least three training sessions on gender-based stereotypes in marketing and advertising communications, including the implementation of the 3Ps.

Training Materials,


Attendance Sheets

February 28, 2025

6 days

Submit an evaluation and reporting of trainings results including recommendations for ongoing capacity-building initiatives and follow-up activities to sustain the impact of the training


Evaluation Report of training results

March 20, 2025

2 days

Supervise the ad briefings of THE COMPANY and their agencies’ storyboards and prepare a report on them.



Activity Notes and Feedbacks

31 Jul 2025

14 days

Perform administrative and work plan related tasks regarding the UA TR National Chapter


Activity Notes and Feedbacks

1 August 2025

4 days

Submit a final report summarizing all work undertaken for the assignment.


Final Report

10 August 2025

2 days

Total Working Days



Up to 40 Days


All deliverables shall be received and cleared by UN Women in Turkiye. Bi-Monthly briefs shall be presented in English and the final report shall be presented both in Turkish and English, in electronic version to UN Women (Annexes can be provided in Turkish).


The amount paid to the Consultant shall be gross and inclusive of all associated costs such as travel, social security, pension, and income tax etc. Payments will be made upon submission and approval of deliverables above and certification by the UN Women supervisor that the services have been satisfactorily completed.

The Consultant’s payments will be carried out on the basis of timesheets and brief reports presented and approved by the supervisor. Payment shall be affected only if time sheets and reports in this ToR are submitted to UN Women within the timeframes stipulated in the ToR and are approved by the supervisor. Without submission and approval of the deliverables, monthly timesheets, and reports, the Consultant shall not receive any payment even if s/he invests time for this assignment.

The mentioned number of working days has been estimated as being sufficient/feasible for the envisaged volume of work to be completed successfully and is proposed as a guideline for the duration of assignment. It cannot and shall not be used as criteria for completion of work/assignment. The provision of envisaged deliverables and timesheets approved by the UN Women Programme Analyst (Project Coordinator) shall be the only criteria for Consultant’s work being completed and eligible for payments.


Consultant’s Workplace and Official Travel

This is a home-based assignment with no travel foreseen. THE COMPANY is based in Istanbul. In case of an unforeseen travel, UN Women Türkiye Office will cover the organization and the costs of the consultant’s travel as per UN Women’s rules and regulations. UN Women will not be responsible for covering any transportation costs within the duty station, including taxi fares.


Mandatory Training Courses

The Consultant shall complete all the mandatory and other required UN training courses and modules on time. The certificates shall be submitted to the supervisor.


Key Performance Indicators:

Adherence to UN Women mandate, standards, and rules
Timely and quality delivery of the capacity development activities and training programme on gender-based stereotypes across marketing and advertising communications and implementation of 3Ps
Representation of Unstereotype Alliance Turkiye in required industry events and organizations
Timely and quality delivery of briefings, presentations and reports (incl. inputs for the 2023 of Turkiye Chapter’s Playbook in public and members-only versions)
Core Values:

Respect for Diversity
Core Competencies:

Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
Creative Problem Solving
Effective Communication
Inclusive Collaboration
Stakeholder Engagement
Leading by Example
Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies:





Awareness and sensitivity regarding gender Issues and intersectionality
Creative Problem Solving
Ability to gather and interpret data, reach logical conclusions, and present findings
Effective Communication
Inclusive Collaboration
Stakeholder Engagement

Required Skills and Experience

Education and Certification:

• Master’s in business administration, marketing, advertising or another related field.

• A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.



Minimum 7 years of progressive professional experience in the field gender equality and/or women’s empowerment, gender-based stereotypes, diversity and inclusion is required.
Minimum 2 years of experience in design and evaluation of a gender equality research study across marketing and advertising is an asset.
Experience in developing high quality training content, knowledge product and facilitating workshops across marketing communications industry is required.
Previous professional experience with UN and/or NGOs in the field gender equality and/or women’s empowerment is an asset.


Fluency in written and spoken Turkish and English is required.
Personal CV or P11 (P11 can be downloaded from: )
A cover letter (maximum length: 1 page)
Managers may ask (ad hoc) for any other materials relevant to pre-assessing the relevance of their experience, such as reports, presentations, publications, campaigns, or other materials.


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