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National Protection Cluster Co-coordinator at DRC


Opportunity Deadline

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Job Description

7 Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree

Organization: DRC – Danish Refugee Council
Location: Addis Ababa
Grade: Mid level – Mid level
Occupational Groups:
Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals
Humanitarian Aid and Coordination
Managerial positions
Closing Date: 2025-01-16

Title: National Protection Cluster Co-coordinator

Location:  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Employment Category:  G

Salary: Based on DRC Salary scale

Reporting To:  Country Director

Contract Duration:  12 Months

Posting date: January 3, 2025

Required Employee: 1       


Since 1997, the international non-governmental organization (NGO) Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has been offering development and relief assistance in the Horn of Africa. DRC encourages and supports solutions to the issues that internally displaced people (IDPs), migrants, and refugees experience. Since 2009, the group has operated in Ethiopia and has offices throughout the region. DRC is currently carrying out a number of initiatives throughout Ethiopia with financial support from bilateral and multilateral donors, such as providing WASH and shelter, protecting children and youth, responding to gender-based violence, raising awareness of migration risks, protecting migration routes, and supporting livelihoods for returning migrants or those at risk of migration.

The role’s overall goal:

In collaboration with UNHCR, the Lead Agency for the Protection Cluster, DRC hosts the Co-Coordinator position. In order to address increasingly complex humanitarian needs, such as the large number of people displaced by conflict and climate change, the Co-Coordinator collaborates with various humanitarian sectors and keeps in regular contact with OCHA and the larger humanitarian community. The UNHCR-appointed Coordinator, who is in charge of carrying out the cluster coordination function overall in compliance with IASC guidelines on cluster leadership and accountability, will collaborate with the DRC Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator to: a) guarantee Centrality of Protection in the humanitarian response;In order to improve humanitarian protection programming and advocacy, it is necessary to: b) strengthen the cluster’s effective management; c) increase the representation of INGOs and other important stakeholders, such as national civil society organizations; and d) strengthen the humanitarian response’s accountability towards the cluster’s people of concern.


The Co-coordinator is responsible for performing the following Protection Cluster activities and delivering the following outputs alongside and in collaboration with the UNHCR-appointed Coordinator, and in coordination with the relevant Areas of Responsibilities (AoRs) and technical working groups. The Co-Coordinator represents the Protection Cluster jointly with the Coordinator and ensures an NGO voice in humanitarian coordination.  The Co-Coordinator complements the Coordinator and provides a representation of NGOs in this essential coordination body.

The Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator will support the Protection Cluster Coordinator to carry out activities outlined in the Protection Clusters ToRs and Protection Cluster Strategy. Activities will be shared and divided as agreed, with the ultimate responsibility remaining with the Protection Cluster Coordinator who reports through UNHCR on the implementation of the Protection Cluster ToRs.

Protection Cluster Meetings, Information Exchange and Representation

  • Co-facilitate meetings for the Protection Cluster alongside the Coordinator, ensuring agreement and follow-through of key decisions and action points.
  • Ensure that Protection Cluster partners are updated on protection needs and situation analysis, gaps, planning, funding processes, etc.
  • Ensure coordination and information exchange on protection issues with other clusters, UN and government counterparts, and strengthen links with recovery and development partners as appropriate.
  • Contribute to inter-cluster coordination and planning, including meeting participation in the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) on behalf of the Protection Cluster.
  • Liaise with and coordinate the different components (‘Areas of Responsibility’) (AoRs) of the Protection Cluster (i.e. Child Protection, GBV, Housing, Land and Property (HLP) and Mine Action), including consolidate input received from the AoRs.
  • Liaise with and coordinate the Protection Assessment and Monitoring WG of the Protection Cluster.
  • Represent the interests of the Protection Cluster in discussions with the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC)/Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), donors and other stakeholders on issues related to prioritization, resource mobilization and advocacy issues identified by the Protection Cluster members.
  • Conduct field missions to strengthen links between sub-national clusters and the Protection Cluster at the national level.
  • Enhance monitoring, tracking, documentation and information exchange on protection concerns between Protection Cluster members.
  • Provide support via internal and external advocacy at national and global level.

Strategic Planning and Reporting

  • In equal partnership with the Cluster Coordinator, facilitate and contribute to Protection Cluster needs assessment and analysis, reporting and development/review of strategic, contingency and response plans, ensuring that these are in line with and contribute to the Protection Cluster strategy.
  • In equal partnership with the cluster coordinator and the protection cluster, periodically review strategy and its action plan, that prioritises protection needs and gaps and identifies response, remedial and environment building activities.
  • Ensure effective implementation of the action plan in consultation with partners and sub-clusters or sub-national Protection Cluster.
  • Ensure that cluster analysis and priorities are adequately reflected in humanitarian country strategies and plans, e.g. Humanitarian needs overview (HNO) and the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).
  • Ensure adequate monitoring and reporting mechanisms are in place to review the progress and outcomes of Protection Cluster response, and its alignment with the HRP and the Cluster Strategy.
  • Ensure strong cluster participation, including of international and national NGOs, in the Ethiopian Humanitarian Fund (EHF) pooled funding process.

Capacity Building, Trainings and Promotion of Protection Mainstreaming

  • Ensure the integration of protection issues in sectoral needs assessment, analysis, planning, monitoring and response.
  • Ensure gender-sensitive programming and promote gender equality, including in line with the Gender Road Map for Ethiopia.
  • Promote age and disability inclusion in cluster programming, response and monitoring.
  • Regularly involve Gender Focal Points and PSEA Focal points in cluster activities to promote gender inclusion and PSEA results among cluster members.
  • Support the development and dissemination of beneficiary selection and vulnerability criteria and guidance.
  • Support efforts to strengthen the capacity of the local authorities and civil society.
  • Together with the Cluster Coordinator, identify gaps in current cluster member capacities and opportunities for the roll-out of targeted capacity building activities. To that end, design, facilitate and/or deliver protection trainings, including tools and methodology for protection mainstreaming in emergency response and protection needs assessment, to Protection partners and across sectors, to ensure adherence to relevant standards and guidelines.

Protection Tools and Protection Information Analysis

  • Support the compilation of information and draft reports and briefs on protection concerns for sharing with partners, the HCT, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC), donors and government counterparts as appropriate.
  • Actively contribute to the work of the Protection Assessment and Monitoring Working Group (PAMWG) for the improvement of assessment and protection monitoring tools, joint assessment and joint protection analysis and the elaboration of the Protection Analysis Updates (PAU).
  • Identify key advocacy concerns and consolidate policy positions amongst protection partners; support the development and implementation of advocacy initiatives.

Resource Mobilization

  • Liaise with donors to mobilize resources for joint protection response and update donors on Protection cluster priorities and needs.
  • Engage with donors to fund humanitarian actors to carry out priority activities while encouraging sectoral group participants to mobilize resources for their activities through their usual channels.
  • Engage with DRC to fundraise for the sustainability of the funding of the National Protection Cluster Co-coordinator.

Promote and Support Accountability to Affected Populations

  • Support timely and coordinated action by cluster participants to meet the protection needs of IDPs and affected populations in the country, according to humanitarian principles, including Do No Harm.
  • Ensure that Cluster participants are aware of relevant policy guidelines, technical standards and commitments under international humanitarian and human rights law.
  • Support Cluster partners in their development and implementation of mechanisms for increased accountability to affected populations, including by liaising with the Accountability to Affected Population Working Group (AAP WG) Coordinator.
  • Support and build the capacity of the Government to uphold its obligation and responsibilities to protect the rights of affected civilian population in adherence with international and national laws.


DRC’s core competencies:

  • Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process.
  • Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback.
  • Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation.
  • Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly.
  • Demonstrating integrity: You act in line with our vision and values.

Experience and technical competencies: (include years of experience)

  • Excellent understanding of protection issues in emergency situations and detailed knowledge of humanitarian principles, standards and relevant legal frameworks (e.g. human rights, international humanitarian law, Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement).
  • Excellent leadership, coordination, capacity building, planning, advocacy and analytical skills.
  • Minimum of 7years proven experience working on protection related issues in humanitarian environments, including provision of technical advice to field teams.
  • Previous experience in cluster/sector coordination in complex emergency context; Previous experience as cluster coordinator or co-coordinator preferred.
  • Proven experience with protection monitoring, documentation and analysis of protection data.
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills.
  • Excellent representation and interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to establish effective and working relationships with members of cluster, consortiums, or other groups with diverse members.

EDUCATION: (include certificates, licenses, etc.)

  • Postgraduate degree in international law, social sciences or related field

LANGUAGE: (indicate fluency level)

  • Excellent verbal and written English.

How to apply

Simply click on the apply button, fill out of the form, upload your documents


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