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Procurement Officer Ethiopia Shire at NRC


Opportunity Deadline

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Job Description

Male, Female, Both

Organization: NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council
Location: Addis Ababa | Shire
Grade: Mid level – Mid level
Occupational Groups:
Closing Date: 2025-01-16


  • Organize all logistics process and ensure adherence with NRC policies, tools, handbooks, guidelines, and donor regulations.
  • Responsible for the effective management of the procurement process by ensuring adherence to country and NRC regulations
  • Provide technical support in market surveys and assessment at Area Office.
  • Provide anti-corruption, transparency and cost-efficiency focus on all procurement processes
  • Provide training to project staff in procurement matters
  • Establish proper filing system of all procurement documents.
  • Prepare and develop status reports as required by management in weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly basis
  • Implement internal controls and procedures for ensuring strict compliance with the NRC Mission’s Logistics Handbook and its standard operating procedures.
  • Prepare online tender on e-Sourcing tool and provide support to tender opening committee
  • Development of holistic and needs based programmes, including cash-based interventions and marked based programmes

Specific responsibilities 

  • Manage procurement activities at the support office that includes procurements requested from the area and field offices.
  • Manage closed tenders and ensure it is complaint with NRC and donors’ regulations.
  • Support area offices teams to carry out local market assessments
  • Ensure daily verification of agresso procurement tracker and provide update to the Logistics Manager.
  • Maintains an up-to-date electronic record of all correspondence related to purchase orders, requisitions, and Good Received Notes (GRN) and records.
  • Support the tender opening committee (both online and manual processes) when it comes to preparing and mobilizing resources.
  • Ensure the inclusion of cash-based interventions and marked based programmes in country and area-based strategies and their implementation across and within NRC’s core competencies
  • Provide an enabling environment for the implementation of cash-based interventions, including multi-purpose cash assistance, emergency cash responses.

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Geneva leads NRC’s representation with the IASC and UN agencies, and coordinates donor engagement with the UN and Swiss donors. NRC strives to assist and protect vulnerable and displaced people during crises, especially in situations of conflict. Established in 1946, NRC is an independent, humanitarian, non-profit, non-governmental organisation working in around 31 countries with approximately 14’000 staff. NRC employs a rights based approach, challenging those with responsibility to uphold the rights of displaced people set out within national and International Laws. NRC endeavors to secure the acceptance of local stakeholders for activities and is committed to the principles of humanity, neutrality, independence and impartiality.

NRC seeks to engage with all relevant actors in order to promote the full respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people; secure and maintain access for humanitarian operations and promote the achievement of durable solutions. NRC Geneva, with the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), are NRC’s primary presence in Geneva.

How to apply

Simply click on the apply button, fill out of the form, upload your documents


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