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Programme Officer- Regenagri and CSA


Opportunity Deadline


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Job Description

As per organization's salary scale
5 Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree



Masters/Bachelor in Agriculture/Aquaculture/Dairy/ Irrigation Engineering from reputed university.

  • 5 to 7 years
Additional Requirements
  • At least 5 to 7 years of working experience in similar sector.
  • Experience of project rolling out, project management, partnership management, M&E including financial management;
  • Familiarity and understanding of global sustainable debates and issues related to the sustainability of the regenerative agriculture, environment, and water management;
  • Excellent Knowledge of performance evaluation and change management principles.
  • Candidate’s Competencies & Attributes
  • Excellent leadership skill and organizational skills to keep employees motivated and management of operation;
  • Fosters an inclusive workplace where diversity and individual differences are valued and leveraged to achieve the vision and mission of the organization.
  • Good initiator, liaison skills, negotiation skills, administrative and management skills, organizational skills, and interpersonal skills.
  • Outstanding analytical writing skills in English and Bangla; excellent communication skills and fluency in spoken English are required;

Employment Type: Project based fixed term.

Responsibilities & Context


Solidaridad is a global network organization working on sustainable, resources-efficient and inclusive supply chain development. Solidaridad (www.solidaridadnetwork.org) is working for fostering sustainability and empowerment of smallholders and workers, by developing scalable and economically sustainable solutions in the agricultural and industrial landscape in close collaboration with governments, businesses and communities. Solidaridad is also working to strengthen civic space for enhancing productivity and inclusivity in the commodity supply chain/value chain in Bangladesh.

Supported by the Dutch Government, Solidaridad, is planning to implement the project ‘SAFAL for Integrated Water Resources Management (SAFAL for IWRM)’ put forward a community-based water management model for enhancing sustainable use, protection and restoration of Watersheds for resilient agriculture through operationalization of IWRM in Southwest Bangladesh. It will improve and diversify coastal agriculture along with dairy of SW Bangladesh through innovative ecosystem-based water and land use planning that would provide greater climate resiliency and economic return for the coastal communities.

Solidaridad in Bangladesh is recruiting Programme officer– Regenagri and CSA to implement Solidaridad’s IWRM strategies. Solidaridad IWRM strategies and intervention focus on 1) water efficient- climate smart and regenerative agriculture production systems 2) watershed protection; and 3) Micro-watershed management and governance by local communities.

Overall, Job Description

The Programme officer– Regenagri and CSA will be expected to take a role for implementing and promote climate smart and regenerative agriculture production systems in aqua/horti/crop/ and dairy sub-sector for improving water use efficiency and soil health for generating higher productivity and income. S/he will also work with community to strengthen micro-watershed level water user groups and support in developing ecosystem, services for agricultural extension advisory services to adopt water efficient, regenerative and climate smart agricultural practices. The Programme officer– Regenagri and CSA will support to community to develop crop planning, resources planning and relevant advisory services.

The position will be based in Khulna/ Jashore District and will report to the Manager- Integrated Water Resources Management for Climate Smart Agriculture.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

  • Shall be responsible for achieving the SaFaL -IWRM project result through IWRM strategies and intervention mentioned in the pathways.
  • To lead Collectivization of SaFaL and other farmers in the project area and mobilized the water user group for agriculture and assessing the farm household group for their needs of water for agriculture.
  • To facilitate cluster-based crop planning, developing the capacity of the farm households on climate resilient agriculture, salinity, water logging impact and early warning system.
  • Developing coordination and cooperation with Union Parishads, local LGED, DAE, DoF, DLs and other relevant department for promoting adaptive climate smart technologies and regenagri practices.
  • To facilitate agriculture extension and advisory services and conducting training, orientation and follow up of field facilitator activities and capacity development of farmers on digital advisory services.
  • To develop Demo plots, closely monitoring of the performance and result of the demo plots arranging field day among the community for demonstration of the result.
  • To develop farmers capacity on CSA and regenagri practices and developing necessary tools/module techniques/materials/check list and preparing farmers documents for certification.
  • To develop necessary training module/script/SMS for digital advisory services and early waring system
  • Developing linkage with different private sector and research institute for climate resilient seed promotion in the region also coordinate with SRDI and taking soil fertility improvement initiatives and providing farmers fertilizer recommendation card.
  • To promote and implement water efficient technologies and practices in coordination with Khulna university, BARC, BAU, DAE, LGED etc.
  • Ensure water user groups, local community and union parishad involvement and mobilize the farmers for developing hydrological mapping and plan development.
  • To facilitate the Identification of watershed clusters, Formation of watershed committees and Capacity building of watershed committee and local community groups.
  • To ensure watershed committee and farmers participation for developing watershed design and farm design.
  • To mobilize the community for recharge and rejuvenation of water source like collection of rainwater and drained water from farms which will be used for irrigation during the dry season, rainwater harvesting at the household level, community-based rainwater harvesting through underground storage ponds etc.
  • To help the formation of multi stakeholder’s platform (MSP) at local level in coordination with agriculture sector companies and companies that have increased usage of water, Government Ministry Officials, Public departments, University representatives, Civil Society Organizations and Local Community Groups
  • Developing backward and forward market linkage to increase market uptake and capitalize the opportunities of the water and agriculture intervention.
  • Assist management in drafting and preparing case study, report, information dissemination developing various operational processes and procedures, contracts and agreements from time to time.
  • Carry out process documentation, collection and compilation of required information from the beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Perform the cross functional activities with relevant department

Compensation & Other Benefits

Solidaridad offers an attractive compensation and benefits package in line with Solidaridad Asia’s pay scales and Service Rules. The benefits package includes a provident fund, one festival bonus, gratuities, and medical insurance as per the organizational policy.

Employment Status


Job Location

Jashore, Khulna

Read Before Apply

To apply, please send a CV (3 pages max.) and a cover letter (1 page) explaining your desire, relevant skills, and experiences to recruitment.hrsna@gmail.com. The position applied for should be clearly mentioned in the email’s subject line. Only short-listed candidates will be called for the recruitment test.

Closing date of application is 14 September 2024

Solidaridad strives to be an equal opportunities employer, committed to equality of opportunity and to non-discrimination for all job applicants and employees, and we seek to ensure we achieve diversity in our workforce regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs, nationality, ethnic/national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status and disability.

Apply Procedure

Email your CV

Send your CV to the given email recruitment.hrsna@gmail.com

Company Information

Solidaridad Network Asia


Apartment # A1, Merry dale (1st Floor), House # 32, Road # 10A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209


Solidaridad Network Asia is a global network organization working on sustainable, resources-efficient and inclusive supply chains. Working across 56 countries through 10 Regional Excellence Centres, Solidaridad Network Asia is facilitating the development of socially responsible, ecologically sound, and profitable supply chains. It invests in farms and land-use approaches to serve the twin goals of increasing production and conserving ecosystems. Solidaridad Network Asia brings together supply chain actors and engage them in innovative solutions to improve production, ensuring the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy that maximizes the benefit for all.
In Bangladesh with support from the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherland, Solidaridad is implementing the Sustainaable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL) project in partnership with Uttaran and Jagarani Chakra Foundation JCF), and supply chain actors to develop a viable business model to increase the farm productivity of the smallholders. Solidaridad along with the partners are investing in smallholders? sustainable farm productivity through a shift from self-subsistence to a more business oriented approach for better functioning supply chains connecting farmers to input and output markets. SaFaL is supporting 56,825 smallholder producers on improved farm management through developing their farm business plan and market linkages.

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এই চাকরির জন্য বিজ্ঞাপন দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান আপনার কাছ থেকে কোন অর্থ চাইলে অথবা কোন ধরনের ভুল বা বিভ্রান্তিকর তথ্য দিলে অতি সত্ত্বর আমাদেরকে জানান অথবা জবটি রিপোর্ট করুন। চাকরি পাওয়ার জন্য কোন ব্যাক্তি / প্রতিষ্ঠানকে অর্থ প্রদান করতে বিডিজবস কাউকে উৎসাহিত করেনা। কোন প্রকার অর্থ লেনদেনের দায়িত্ব বিডিজবস বহন করবে না।


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