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Project Coordinator-Dominica - Nairobi


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Job Description

8+ Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree

Organization: UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme
Location: Nairobi
Grade: Level not specified – Level not specified
Occupational Groups:
Project and Programme Management
Managerial positions
Closing Date:

Result of Service
Provide high quality technical inputs and advice for the effective completion of the Full Funding Proposal and its annexes, and facilitate and promote coordination and collaboration with other actors engaged in the process, including the relevant Government agencies, Conservation International (CI), UNEP and E Co.
Work Location
Home-Based in Dominica
Expected duration
17 months
Duties and Responsibilities
Organizational Setting UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP’s Climate Change Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and capacity building support for the development and implementation of climate change policy and action, and strengthening the capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition to respond to climate change. Background Climate change impacts, particularly major hurricanes, have devastating effects on communities within the highly exposed coastal zone of Dominica. The increasing intensity of rainfall during extreme events will also increase the rate of surface runoff, with the consequential impacts on the: i) intensity of floods; ii) rate of erosion and sedimentation; iii) frequency of land- and mudslides; and iv) deposition of pollutants into coastal waters. The impacts of flooding are compounded at the coastal interface, where terrestrial flood waters interact with storm surges. These impacts are further exacerbated by an increase in debris from inland areas. Specifically, more frequent and prolonged periods of drought will cause a further die-off of trees, increasing treefall during hurricanes, while the changes in return period of intense hurricanes will reduce the recovery time for trees that get defoliated by strong winds. Along with the direct impact of extreme climate events on coastal communities noted above, climate change has negatively impacted coastal ecosystems and the services they provide. Projected increases in sea-surface temperatures will result in further ocean acidification and coral bleaching, as well as an increase in the abundance of toxic algae which directly impact fish populations. The impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems are exacerbated by pressures from human activity, further contributing to coastal ecosystem degradation. In particular, mangrove forests are susceptible to pressures for unsustainable land-use and livelihood practices, which have been shown globally to be a considerable driver of degradation. Other anthropogenic drivers include agriculture, local exploitation (for fuel wood or construction) and pollution. Coral reefs and seagrasses are also vulnerable to pressures from unsustainable practices. Coral reefs are also highly susceptible to the indirect impacts of forest degradation and the cascading impact of sedimentation, as well as the impacts of pollution. Without adequate livelihood support, local communities have few alternatives but to continue adopting these unsustainable practices. The resulting impacts on marine ecosystems will not only reduce the protective services of coral reefs but also the productivity of fisheries, resulting in significant impacts on coastal livelihoods. Dominica’s major economic sectors and most of its large urban centres are located within the coastal zone — particularly on the narrow western coastal strip where many buildings are situated in close proximity to the coastline. These areas are expected to sustain substantial damages and economic losses under future climate conditions. Inaction to climate change is expected to cost Dominica 34% of its GDP by 2050, and 77% by 2100, when considering sea-level rise (SLR), hurricane damage and loss of tourism. The combination of climate change impacts such as SLR and extreme rainfall, as well as intensified storm surges more intense hurricanes, result in increased flooding and associated damages during an extreme climate event. To support Dominica in addressing the vulnerability of these coastal communities, which represent ~70% of the national population, UNEP is developing a Green Climate Fund (GCF) funded project in collaboration with the Fisheries Division of Dominica’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy, and in consultation with the GCF National Designated Authority (NDA). The project will: i) strengthen national and local adaptation planning processes; ii) implement coastal protection Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA); and iii) strengthen private sector investment in upscaling of climate-adaptive practices in the country and to support early recovery from hurricane events. These interventions will build the climate resilience of communities and ecosystems in the coastal zone. Following the development and approval of a Concept Note for the project “Developing Climate Resilient Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Dominica”, the GCF approved in November 2023 a Project Preparation Facility (PPF) Application, with the aim of supporting the preparation of the Full Funding Proposal for the project over a 2-year period. The PPF resources will support specifically the implementation of activities that will deliver: •Improved information on the causal linkages between climate and non-climate drivers and climate impacts; •A fully evidenced climate rationale for the project; •A feasibility study with mapping, scoping and detailed designs of an integrated green and grey coastal protection strategy for selected areas of Dominica’s coastline; A market assessment of the insurance sector; A market assessment of adaptation innovation; An assessment of good practice that could be scaled up for adaptation benefits; •Full technical documentation for civil works and their budgeting; •A stakeholder engagement plan •An indigenous people’s plan; •A fully developed gender plan and environmental and social safeguards plan; •An economic and financial appraisal study; •A finalized Funding Proposal and all mandatory annexes; and •A comprehensive strategy to meet the Fund’s investment criteria relating to paradigm shift, contribution to sustainable development, and efficiency and effectiveness. UNEP, as the Delivery Partner for this PPF project, has contracted an international consulting company, E Co, to lead the compilation of the Full Funding Proposal and its annexes, with specific studies feeding into to be undertaken by other institutions and consultants. In this context, UNEP is seeking to recruit a part-time Project Coordinator for the PPF (project preparation) phase, to be based in Dominica. 1. Duties and Responsibilities Under the guidance of the UNEP Task Manager and the E Co Team Leader, the CTA will undertake the following tasks over the contract period: •Coordinate the communication and interaction between the different stakeholders involved in the project development process including UNEP, E Co., The Ministry of Finance (NDA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy (Executing Entity), Conservation International (Executing Entity), DHI, etc. •Support the process of project stakeholder mapping: Support the local stakeholder engagement expert in the identification of key stakeholders at local and national levels, specify if relevant for i) the consultations/ development phase, ii) for the project implementation phase (how would be involved in each component), or/and iii) the governance of the project. •Undertake stakeholder engagement and consultations to collect information needed for the project development process, as needed. •Collect and review documents and data to feed into the project development process, as needed. •Represent the project design team in meetings in Dominica, as needed. •Provide technical inputs/contributions to technical sections of the project Feasibility Study, Funding Proposal and annexes, as needed. •Revise, enhance and ensure the quality of technical sections of the project Feasibility Study, Funding proposal and annexes, as needed. •Ensure coordination between different deliverables from E Co, DHI, CI and other consultants, so that the project is developed and finalized in a timely fashion. •Support the organization of the project Validation Workshop and other consultation meetings in Dominica, as needed. •Support responding to key comments and queries from the E Co, UNEP and government teams, as needed. •Support responding to GCF review comments, as needed. Reporting Lines The consultant will work for the Climate Change Adaptation Unit (CCAU) in the UNEP Climate Change Division to undertake this assessment, under the supervision of the Task Manager and Portfolio Manager. Day-to-day interactions, guidance and oversight will be provided by the E Co Team Leader.
Qualifications/special skills
-At least a Master’s degree in Development, Environment, Ecology, Green and Blue Economy, Coastal Zone Management, or Climate Change Adaptation is required A minimum of ten (10) years’ experience on the development or implementation of climate change adaptation projects, coastal zone management, nature-based solutions, climate-resilient agriculture or related field in developing countries is required Experience in stakeholder engagement and consultation is required; Solid technical knowledge on adaptation planning processes, ecosystem-based adaptation measures and approaches, or climate risk management is required.
English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the post advertised fluency in oral and written English is required.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee


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