UN Jobs

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Public Health Officer - Addis Ababa


Opportunity Deadline

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Job Description

6 Year
Male, Female, Both
Bachelor Degree

Organization: UNHCR – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Location: Addis Ababa
Grade: Level not specified – Level not specified
Occupational Groups:
Public Health and Health Service
Closing Date: 2024-09-01


Hardship Level

Family Type

Family Type

Residential location (if applicable)


Staff Member / Affiliate Type

National Professional Officer

Regular > Regular Assignment
Remote work accepted
Target Start Date

Job Posting End Date

September 1, 2024
Standard Job Description

Public Health Officer

Organizational Setting and Work Relationships

The Public Health Officer is a member of a multidisciplinary team and ensures that UNHCR’s public health programmes meet minimum UNHCR and global health standards to minimise avoidable morbidity and mortality among forcibly displaced and stateless persons and towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Public health programmes include primary health care, secondary health care, sexual and reproductive health (including HIV), nutrition, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS).

The incumbent provides effective and timely technical and strategic guidance to UNHCR senior management and partners including on the design and scope of UNHCR’s responses in public health, catalyses the engagement of other actors, supports resource mobilisation efforts including with the private sector and monitors the response.

S/he identifies problems and proposes solutions proactively and engages in developing, implementing and overseeing health strategies, including in the inter-agency context. S/he advances the concepts found in the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and applies a humanitarian-development nexus lens to UNHCR public health programming and the mainstreaming/inclusion of refugees into national health programmes, advocacy for refugees’ inclusion into national universal health coverage plans including health insurance and other social protection schemes.

The Public Health Officer is normally supervised by a Senior Public Health Officer or in the absence thereof, by operations/programmes staff.

All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.


Support the overall operational strategy and focus of public health programmes including ensuring strategic approaches are developed in a multi-sectoral and coordinated manner in cooperation with government, UN agencies, and NGOs and other humanitarian and development partners with due consideration to the approaches outlined in the Global Compact on Refugees, health-related pledges linked to the Global Refugee Forum and in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG3.

Support the development of a coherent strategic approach to public health towards greater inclusion and access of refugees to national health systems including social health protection as applicable.

Participate in relevant coordination and collaboration structures and lead such structures in the absence of a more senior health staff.

Support robust and timely emergency responses to new refugee influxes and disease outbreaks with a focus on inclusion and access into national health systems from the onset of an emergency.

Participate in relevant assessment and identification of needs, recognise and support the contributions of governments and other actors so as to align with and support national health system as much as possible.

Work with stakeholders, including Ministries of Health, UN agencies, NGOs, development actors and academic institutions in the development of public health response plans including multi-year, multi-partner solutions strategies and funding appeals such as regional refugee response plans or other humanitarian appeals.

Work closely with programme and other units as applicable in programme planning and monitoring as well as the review and analysis of relevant project proposals and budgetary submissions presented by UNHCR partners within the context of the UNHCR programming cycle and standards.

Support intersectoral collaboration throughout all stages of programme cycle between public health, and other sectoral areas to promote synergies and maximise impact.

Support the implementation of relevant UNHCR Health Information System suite of tools and surveys to support in analysis, interpretation, reporting and use of public health data as well as linkage/integration with national data systems including disaggregation by nationality.

Promote applied research and programme evaluation to enable the identification of gaps in programme implementation and standards, and to further promote evidence-based activities and guidance.

Undertake and/or support capacity strengthening of UNHCR and its implementing partners to ensure the technical integrity of public health programmes in a coordinated, multi-sectoral way.

Engage in relevant partnership fora, including in line with UNHCR’s role as a UNAIDS co-sponsor of the Joint Programme on AIDS and co-lead with WFP of the Division of Labour area of HIV in humanitarian settings.

Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making is risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).

Perform other related duties as required.

For positions in country operations

Perform a leading or a supporting role – in the country public health team – if supervised by a senior public health officer.

Ensure public health emergency preparedness and response planning at country level and prepare UNHCR’s lead role in response to new emergencies.

Ensure, in close co-ordination with other humanitarian actors, the technical integrity of health care services and that they are based on Ministry of Health, UNHCR and/or internationally recognized and most up-to-date standards and policies.

Coordinate with partners, supply and programme for efficient procurement of medicines, supplies, equipment according to UNHCR guidelines.

Ensure community participation in design and implementation of programmes, fostering ownership and empowerment, ensuring inclusion of vulnerable groups, establishing two-way communication and building on local capacities and resources.

Monitor and support compliance with, and integrity of, all Public Health Administrative Instruction/ standard operating procedures in conjunction with Project Control and Programme staff and in line with delegated authorities, including flagging to senior managers when these are not in line with global guidance or not being followed.

For positions in regional bureaux

Perform a leading or a supporting role – in the country public health team – if supervised by a Senior Public Health Officer.

Ensure the coordination of public health programmes across the regional bureau and with country operations including assimilation and documentation of better practice/lessons learnt for dissemination.

Ensure solid technical advice and support (including missions) to country operations, in all aspects of public health service delivery, including in emergencies and in line with UNHCR’s policy and guidance.

Assess, analyse public health data and provide relevant support on the technical quality of public health programming in the operations.

Review and provide inputs for public health strategies, medicine management and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the operations and coordinate the review and clearance with HQ.

Ensure effective collaborative approaches across the departments in the bureaux and with HQ.

For positions in headquarters

Support development of organisation-wide guidance, policies, positioning, and tools, including policy documents, technical guidance, evaluations, lessons learnt, communication and visibility materials, reports, and synthesis.

Provide sound technical advice and support (including missions) to bureaux and country operations in pursue of greater inclusion and access to national health services as well as health system strengthening.

Support provision of technical support for the implementation of public health programs to regional bureaux and operations.

Support public health-related knowledge management, training and learning as well as sharing analytical products and tools with bureaux and country operations to inform policies, programmes and opportunities for inclusion into national public health systems.

Assimilate and produce better practice/lessons learnt/academic articles for dissemination.

Support effective collaborative approaches across the team and in between divisions and bureaux.


Minimum Qualifications

Education & Professional Work Experience

For P3/NOC – 6 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 5 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 4 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education

Medicine Medical Science   Medical Doctor

Nursing  Public Health        Epidemiology       or other relevant field.

Certificates and/or Licenses

Not specified

Relevant Job Experience


Experience in public health emergency responses as well as understanding of health systems and health system building blocks. Experience with evidence-based public health programming including data collection and analysis, in order to inform sound decision making. Demonstrated experience in working with internal and external stakeholders to achieve common public health objectives and in position(s) where the ability to draft clear, concise documentation was essential.


Experience in coordinating health actors to achieve common objectives in public health. Experience with UNHCR. Experience with managing health information systems. Experience with the provision of quality-assured medicines and medical supplies. Experience working with development partners across the humanitarian-development nexus. Experience with social health protection and social health insurance schemes.

Functional Skills

PM-Project monitoring and evaluation

PH- Public Health Epidemiology

MD-HIV/AIDS situation management

MD-Reproductive Health

PH-Community Health – Health Data Collection/Analysis/Interpretation

CO-Strategic Communication

UN-UN/UNHCR Mandate and Global Strategic Priorities

FO-Complex field emergency operations

(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.

For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.

For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.


Competency Requirements

All jobs at UNHCR require six core competencies and may also require managerial competencies and/or cross-functional competencies. The six core competencies are listed below.

Core Competencies



Organizational Awareness

Teamwork & Collaboration

Commitment to Continuous Learning

Client & Result Orientation

Managerial Competencies

Empowering and Building Trust

Managing Performance

Managing Resources

Cross-Functional Competencies

Analytical Thinking

Planning and Organizing

Stakeholder Management

All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination, and abuse of power.

As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.

Desired Candidate Profile

• Knowledge of public health, reproductive health and nutrition in humanitarian situations. Exposure to UNHCR mandate, its priorities and principles. Good communicator with strong interpersonal and negotiations skills.
• Demonstrable experience in disease surveillance and response especially for epidemic prone diseases
• Experience working or collaborating with the Ministry of Health at national or at sub-national level.
• Experience in program management
• Experience in health systems strengthening.
• Experience in integrated community health programming
• Experience in emergency health and nutrition response
• Demonstrable knowledge on health information systems, application of data to inform public health decisions.
• Good epidemiological skills
• Experience in medical commodity management


• Additional qualifications in Nutrition and WASH and a thorough understanding of the linkages with public health and food security. Ability to coordinate a range of diverse actors and activities to achieve a common objective in the area of Public Health.
• Experience working with forcibly displaced persons.
Required languages (expected Overall ability is at least B2 level):



Desired languages



Operational context

Occupational Safety and Health Considerations:
Nature of Position:
Ethiopia has a long history of hosting refugees on its territory and a progressive asylum policy that allows humanitarian access and ensures protection to those seeking asylum. It is the third-largest refugee-hosting country in Africa, sheltering 1,051,918 registered refugees and asylum-seekers as of May 2024. Majority of refugees in Ethiopia originate from South Sudan, Somalia, and Eritrea. UNHCR and partners support health service provision for refugees and asylum seekers in Ethiopia. Health services are additionally provided in collaboration with the national services in specific programs e.g., HIV/TB, vaccination programs etc. and specific locations.

The Public Health Officer will monitor the progress for health and nutrition related pledges and provide targeted support to country operations to advance concretization, implementation and reporting of pledges. The Public Health Officer will foster a culture of knowledge sharing, harmonization of practices and cross-country learning among public health staff in the region through regular meetings and exchanges.

The Public Health Officer will provide technical oversight on effective supply chain management of medicines and medical supplies and will be overall responsible for the quality of health information for refugee programs and will oversee the results of the public health sector countrywide. The incumbent will contribute to fund raising efforts for public health programs in Ethiopia.

The incumbent will ensure regular updates and share information within UNHCR as well as with the government, UN and NGO partners and donor communities on the health status and needs of the refugee including in support of UNHCR’s role in advocacy for the wellbeing and rights of refugees and other Forcibly Displaced Persons.

The Public Health Officer will coordinate at regional level with key partners such as WHO and UNICEF and bring the perspectives of FDPs to regional fora including on inclusion into national health systems. Engage with other relevant stakeholders such ILO on social health protection and World Bank (in cooperation with other relevant units)

The Public Health Officer will engage with WFP at regional level on global commitments for targeting of assistance to meet basic needs and overall food assistance (in collaboration with programme and protection colleagues). Support country operations in the planning of Joint Assessment Missions and review of corresponding Joint Plans of Action.

The Public Health Officer is normally supervised by a Senior Operations/ Assistant Representative (Operations)/ Senior Program Officer. The incumbent has a functional line with the Public Health Section in Geneva regarding authoritative guidance and support in technical matters and is expected to maintain regular contact with the PHS and the Regional Bureau.

Living and Working Conditions:
Addis Ababa is a category B duty station in UN security Level 1 with relatively calm environment with minimal reported crimes within the city. However, a sense of vigilance and alertness is required especially in view of the current situation in the country. Applicants are requested to adhere to security advisory before travelling to the country.


Addis Ababa is a family duty station; the medical facilities are moderately available with the main services being offered at the UN operated clinic which is available to all staff members and their dependents. Transportation outside the country is readily available as major airlines operate from Addis Ababa. There are schools to accommodate international students. Hotels are of international standards with recreational facilities available within the city. Addis Ababa has good working and living conditions.



Additional Qualifications


CO-Strategic Communication, FO-Complex field emergency operations, MD-HIV/AIDS situation management, MD-Reproductive Health, PH-Community Health-Health Data Collection/Analysis/Interpretation, PH- Public Health Epidemiology, PM-Project monitoring and evaluation, UN-UN/UNHCR Mandate and Global Strategic Priorities

Bachelor of Arts (BA): Epidemiology, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Medical Doctor, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Medical Science, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Medicine, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Nursing, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Public Health

Work Experience


Accountability, Analytical thinking, Client & results orientation, Commitment to continuous learning, Communication, Judgement & decision making, Managing performance, Managing resource, Organizational awareness, Planning & organizing, Stakeholder management, Teamwork & collaboration
UNHCR Salary Calculator


Additional Information

Functional clearance

This position requires Functional Clearance


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UN Jobs