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Research and Proposal Writing


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Job Description

Male, Female, Both
High School Diploma


Mission and objectives

CAMAAY is a non-political, non-religious, non-profit association. CAMAAY envisions a society wherein every individual has the opportunity to grow and contribute to the socioeconomic development of the community. We endeavour to achieve our goals through activities that promote sustainable community development in Cameroon. These activities involve strong participation from local community members with the guidance and valuable assistance of CAMAAY and its volunteers. We, the members of the members of Cameroon Association of Active Youths (CAMAAY), a non-profit association, commit ourselves to work in the interest of humanity without distinction as to race, sex or religious background with due respect to the law. We pledge to work closely with other associations, foreign representatives/institutions, NGOs and the Cameroon Government in promoting the principles and practices of quality agriculture, education, healthcare, sports, social well-being and environmental protection. We agree to join forces in the attainment of the United Nations objective in making the world a better place in which to live, with sufficient food and conducive environments. We therefore commit ourselves to achieving our objectives through our activities and the implementation of policies consistent with our objectives. We agree to work with respect to the laws governing the functioning of associations. We believe that: 1) Agriculture is the backbone of our economy. 2) Agriculture is top among our efforts in the fight against poverty, which is a global challenge 3) 80% of our people still live in rural areas and solely depend on agriculture for survival. 4) Our environment is and will remain the only natural habitation for humanity and if care is not taken mankind will be eliminated from his environment. 5) Health is the basic requirement for a productive and progressive community and can only be achieved through what people eat, the environment in which they live and mental well-being. 6) T


We are looking for passionate online volunteers with a love for the realization of the UNSGDs specifically goals number 3, to help us conduct a situational analysis on hearing lost in Cameroon. The Volunteers will not be allowed to contact any third party on our behalf.

Task type

Healthcare Services

Task description

We are looking for 5 Online Volunteers who have experience in research and research proposal with excellent writing skills. The task will include the following responsibilities: – Discuss and determine parameters for the research – Identify and gather sources – Conduct research – Develop the questionnaire and budget for execution and any other details. Online volunteers will not be allowed to contact any third party on our behalf and will not be requested to make donations in-kind or financial contributions or to solicit donations from third parties


Required experience

Candidates should have strong research and analytical skills. Some experience in health research and proposal writting


French, Level: Fluent, Desirable English, Level: Basic, Desirable

Other information

Inclusivity statement

United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.


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UN Jobs