Organization: IRC – International Rescue Committee
Location: Addis Ababa
Grade: Mid level – Mid level
Occupational Groups:
Public Health and Health Service
Managerial positions
Closing Date:
Requisition ID: req51881
Job Title: Senior Health and Nutrition Coordinator
Sector: Health
Employment Category: Regular
Employment Type: Full-Time
Open to Expatriates: No
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Work Arrangement:
Job Description
Job Overview:
The Senior Health and Nutrition Coordinator (SHNC) leads all health and nutrition programming in Ethiopia with a portfolio over $5M annually. In close collaboration with the Director for Programs and the Country Director, the SHNC will provide strategic leadership and technical support to all aspects of the health and nutrition programs.
The SHNC will contribute to the identification of programmatic priorities, design and direction and participate actively in the health and nutrition clusters, health sector coordination forums, other agencies and existingIRCprograms. In addition, the Health and Nutrition Coordinator will seek opportunities to integrate health programs with other IRC programs and ensure that the health and nutrition programs are of the highest quality and implementedinaccordancewithIRCEthiopiaStrategicActionPlan(SAP),theOutcome
Evidence Framework (OEF) and related Theory of Changes (ToC) and National and International Health/Nutrition protocols, guidelines, and best practices.
The SHNC reports to the Director for Programs and directly supervises two Health and Nutrition Coordinators, one Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning Manager, and one Country Pharmacist.
Ensure that all project designs are aligned with the IRC’s SAP, which includescontextualizing outcomes and the theories of change, and selecting interventionsadaptedtothelocalcontext,basedontheclientneedsandpreferences, and gender analysis.
CollaboratewithotherTechnicalCoordinatorsandfieldstafftodevelopwinning proposals.
Develop procurement and spending plans and review monthly Budget vs. Actual expenditure.
Ensuredatacollection,compilation,andnarrativereportsarecompletedand submitted in a timely manner.
EnsurethatappropriatemembersofH&Nteamprepareforandparticipatein Project Cycle Meetings.
Maintain open and professional relationships with team members, promoting a strong team spirit and providing oversight and guidance to enable staff to successfully perform in their positions.
Discuss job expectations and set objectives for direct reports, and provide appropriate and timely feedback regarding performance, including regular 1:1 meetings and timely staff performance management.
Conduct technical training and ongoingtechnicalcoaching for H&N program staff, including on IRC outcomes, theories of change, evidence, and indicators to build technical capacity of H&N team.
Report H&N Program support needs, progress and risks to the CountryLeadership.
Work with key staff to analyze health program data and lessons learned to identify innovations, successes and areas of course correction as needed.
Review and share program-specific tools / resources / and work with Technical Advisors to contextualize and adapt global and country-specific materials.
Take an active and hands on role in assessing impact and changing trends, advising on appropriate interventions and implementation where necessary and regularly review these against forecasts and action plans to enable integrated planning.
Liaise with relevant regional/ GlobalH&N Technical Advisors to support quality program delivery.
Buildandmaintaineffectiveworkingrelationshipswithdonors,government actors, UN agencies, international and local NGOs, and other relevant actors.
RepresentIRConcoordinationplatformssuchasnationalhealthcluster coordination.
Leadorassistinorganizingdonorsitevisitsto healthprogramactivities,travel with donors as necessary.
UponrequestandincoordinationwiththeCommunicationsManager,support development and update of communication materials relevant to the H&N sector.
Safeguarding Responsibilities: –
Promote and actively participate in initiatives and efforts to build team engagement, inclusion and cohesion in IRC [team/office]
Foster ongoing learning, honest dialogue and reflection to strengthen safeguarding and to promote IRC values and adherence to IRC policies
Job Requirements:-
Educational and work Requirements:
MD/RN or equivalent health related field with a Master’s/post-graduate degree in Public Health or other relevant field.
A minimum of 6 years’ work experience, of which at least 4 in managerial/coordination positions.
Experienceinstrategydevelopmentandworkingacrosssectorsor disciplines.
Expertise in working with donors, project design, proposal development, and monitoring and evaluation, with the ability to turn concepts and strategy into measurable action.
Experience in technical tools and materials development and monitoring and evaluation.
Strong interpersonal verbal and written communication skills and ability to facilitate collaboration.
Outstanding capacity to quickly understand the evolving country context, portfolio, and overall programmatic needs.
LanguageSkills:Fluency inspokenandwrittenEnglish.
Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply.
IRC is an equal employment opportunity employer.IRC considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability.
IRC strives to build a diverse and inclusive team at all levels who as individuals, and as a group, embody our culture statement creating a working environment characterized by critical reflection, power sharing, debate, and objectivity for us to achieve our aspirations as a team and deliver the best possible services to our clients.