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Social and Environmental Safeguards Analyst Job at UNDP in Afghanistan


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Job Description

2 Year
Male, Female, Both
Bachelor Degree, Master Degree

Brief Details About Social and Environmental Safeguards Analyst Job at UNDP in Afghanistan:

  • Locations: Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Posting Date: 05/05/2023, 11:24 AM
  • Apply Before: 05/20/2023, 11:59 PM
  • Job Schedule: Full time
  • Agency: UNDP
  • Grade: NPSA-9
  • Vacancy Type: National Personnel Service Agreement
  • Practice Area: Inclusive Growth
  • Bureau: Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific
  • Contract Duration: 1 Year
  • Education & Work Experience: Master’s Degree – 2 year(s) experience OR Bachelor’s Degree – 4 year(s) experience
  • Required Languages: English and Pashtu or Dari
  • Vacancy Timeline: 2 Weeks

About UNDP:

The United Nations’ principal organization for global development is the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It seeks to end poverty, lessen inequality, and advance sustainable development in 170 nations and territories. In order to help people live better lives, UNDP promotes transformation and links nations to knowledge, experience, and resources. One of UNDP’s strategic goals is to help nations carry out the Global Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Apply also: National Associate Coordination Officer Job at UNESCO in Afghanistan

Main Responsibilities and Tasks:

The Social and Environmental Safeguards Analyst he/she will undertake the following tasks to ensure the success of the project:

  • Coordinate with experts for finalization of environmental social management framework (ESMF)/ environmental social management plan (ESMP), Grievance redressal mechanism GRM, stakeholder engagement plan (SEP)
  • Review and follow up with vendors for ESMP implementation.
  • Monitor the overall SES compliance
  • Report on new risks.

Coordinate with experts for finalization of ESMF/ESMP, GRM, SEP:

  • Assist and coordinate with technical working group meetings with different stakeholders including donors and relevant actors working in SESEHA.
  • Assist and support the financial team as the ESMP will be part of the bidding documents. The bids will be required to allocate financial resources towards mitigation measures/ compliance with the ESMF.
  • Provide the assistant to support in undertaking desk based and onsite environment and social screening of the identified project location and provide individual (site specific) report based on risk assessment and mitigation measures as part of site specific ESMP.
  • Verify the effectiveness of grievance mechanisms and that all grievances and responses are tracked.
  • Provide technical assistance to the consulting firms related to SEP/ GRM so that they can organize national/regional training workshops and run other capacity-development-related events.
  • Conduct spot checks and field visits to project location sites.

Review and follow up with vendors for ESMP implementation:

  • Assist the organization of meetings, seminars, and other events on social and environmental standards issues.
  • Review the technical support inputs and follow up with quality assurance measures, including spot-checking and screenings of ESMP implementation.
  • Participates in international, regional or national meetings related to social and environmental standards in humanitarian contexts.
  • Review tailored ESMF operational tools and checklists as needed.

Monitor the overall ESS compliance:

  • Assist in monitoring and ensure that the ESMP would be customized during implementation based on site specific conditions identified during feasibility analysis prior to its installation, commissioning and operation and maintenance arrangements.
  • Review the monitoring plan for ESMF as per the Social and Environment Standard (SES).
  • Support improved sub-project monitoring, recording, and reporting, including tracking of incidents and response measures.
  • Work with Third Party Monitoring (TPM) agent to ensure ESMF implementation is considered in monitoring activities.
  • Review TPM reports to ensure findings and lessons related to ESMF implementation.

Report on new risks

  • Assist in providing specialized environmental and social safeguards related inputs to feed into UNDP knowledge and learning systems.
  • Review the risks and impacts of Climate Change and Disaster Risks.
  • Follow all the project activities in field site to ensure that adequate measures would be undertaken at every stage of site identification, selection.

Required Abilities, Skills, and Experience:

  • Master’s degree in environmental management, social sciences, international development, or relevant areas, or Bachelor’s degree in environmental management, social sciences, international development, or relevant areas in combination with 2 additional years of qualifying experience.
  • At least 2 years with Master or 4 years with Bachelor’s degree of relevant experience implementing environmental and social safeguards.
  • Hand on experience on experience implementing environmental and social safeguards, including occupational health and safety is required
  • Practical experience in the field of monitoring.
  • Relevant experience in producing various related reports, including environmental and social screenings, assessments, and management plans.
  • Good capacity to communicate with people from different backgrounds and positions, as well as with local and national stakeholders and authorities
  • Experience in project planning, evaluation and oversight of environmental compliance is desirable.
  • Experience of coordination of environmental management within the UN System and representation in interagency network is highly desirable
  • Knowledge of Geographical Information System (GIS) and other mapping software
  • Knowledge of project management software such as Microsoft Project is desirable


  • Proficiency in oral and written English
  • Fluency in Pashtu or Dari is required

Professional Certificate:

  • Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health will be an asset


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