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Technical Officer – Mega Kitchen at World Vision Bangladesh


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Job Description

As per organization's salary scale
3 Year
Bachelor Degree, Master Degree

Vacancy: 1
Location: Cox’s Bazar (Ukhia)
Minimum Salary: Negotiable
Experience: At least 3 years
Published: 9 Mar 2025



  • Master/Bachelor degree in Food Technology and Nutritional Science, Business Development Studies, or any other subject


  • At least 3 years
  • The applicants should have experience in the following business area(s):

Additional Requirements

  • Experience in Capacity building such as Women Entrepreneurship development, business development, and market linkage. etc.
  • Capacity building skill on safe and nutritional food product supplying, Skill in training needs assessment, module/guideline preparation for integrated project.
  • Practical working experience in multi-sectoral program management, such as quality, safe, and nutritional food delivery or any potential market actors for external market linkage.
  • Hands-on experience in project procurement planning.
  • Provided technical assistance to the project staff for resource implementation.
  • Experience in monitoring, targeting, and selecting vulnerable populations.
  • Reporting and accounting experience needed.
  • Experience in training monitoring, evaluation, and report writing.
  • Professional communication skills with the intra-WVB department, interpersonal skills, and cross-cultural sensitivity.
  • Skill in project coordination, collaboration, and networking in a humanitarian context.
  • Able to speak and write with a high standard of both English, Bangla.
  • Experience working in diverse office environments.
  • Must be able to use computer (MS Word, excel, software) and internet  Leadership, accountability, Good analytical, Creativity, and innovation skills.
  • 3-4 years of practical experience in supplying Safe and Nutritional Food products, Women Entrepreneurship Development, Market Promotion, and Business Development projects  Experience in INGO, NGO sector

Responsibilities & Context

  • The Technical Officer under the Social Cohesion through Unity, Livelihood, Partnership, and Training (SCULPT) project will be based on Ukhiya field office to ensure the capacity building initiative, women empowerment, guideline/module preparation, planning, quality, efficient and effective delivery of project activities for supplying quality and Safe Nutritional Food Product for the community, WV staff, related counter parts. The position will be responsible for the direct supplying the safe and nutritional food product of all kinds of integrated IGA, women empowerment and entrepreneurship development for training, gap analysis and food and food product branding, external linkages for quality food supply.Assist in the efficient and effective delivery of project services:
  • services Strengthen social cohesion in Ukhiya by addressing systemic inequalities and fostering inclusive economic growth within the host community. Enhanced economic empowerment, resilience, and livelihood opportunities for Mocha-affected women in the host community of Ukhiya. Trained in Safe and Nutritious Food Processing, Preservation, and Business Management, enabling them to become vital economic actors and contributing to a more cohesive and resilient community. Revamped Food Processing System for Staff and Stakeholders, enhancing efficiency, quality, and collaboration among local businesses, NGOs, and government agencies, promoting shared responsibility and community growth. Created livelihood opportunities for targeted women entrepreneurs by linking with private sectors, BSCIC, World Vision Foundation, and other stakeholders, facilitating economic inclusion and strengthening social cohesion through collaborative efforts and shared success. Average monthly income of women entrepreneurs Women reporting improved financial decision-making power. Women-led businesses operational after 12 months. Beneficiaries received training on the preparation, processing, and preservation of safe and nutritious food. Beneficiaries received training on jam, jelly, pickle, and dry food production, processing, and handling. Trainee reported improvement in their knowledge in preparation, processing, and preservation of safe and nutritious food. Food products certified by BSTI/BTAC. Volume/Quantity of biodegradable/eco-friendly packaging used for supplying of food products. Community-led business initiatives launched.Assist in overseeing the implementation of MEAL structures and systems for the project :
  • Assist in working with the MEAL team to develop the MEAL structures and system. Assist in ensuring that feedback from HA structures and systems and feedback from Monitoring systems is used to improve the quality and implementation of the interventions. Assist in updating partners and relevant stakeholders on required DME processes, standards, and systems. Well structured, coordinated, MEAL structures and systems that inform program quality and implementation.Assist in the Coordination and integration of other World Vision Foundation (WVF) services:
  •  Assist in overall coordination and lead the discussion on integrating other WVF services/activities. Assist in developing the schedules for integrated services/activities to improve the impact of WVF programs. Well-integrated services for greater impact and output.Assist in Reporting and Accounting:
  • Assist in reporting and tracking all commodities, food items, and inputs for the BnFs. Assist with internal weekly, monthly, and quarterly donor reporting. Assist in collaborating with the Communications Unit to document success stories. Coordinated reporting structures and verified reports from the projects Well-tracked movement of the community assets.Assist in ensuring Sustainability and Exit Strategy:
  • Assist in leading the sustainability and exit strategy discussions with the Community / Government, Community Leaders, and World Vision Foundation. Well continuation of certain project interventions in the WVF.

Compensation & Other Benefits

  • Mobile bill, Medical allowance, Weekly 2 holidays, Insurance, Gratuity, Provident fund
  • Festival Bonus: 1

Employment Status

Full Time

Job Location

Cox’s Bazar (Ukhia)

Company Information

World Vision Bangladesh

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Shanta Western Tower (14th Floor), 186 Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak (Gulshan-Tejgaon Link Road), Tejgaon, Dhaka- 1208




World Vision (WV) is an established international Christian humanitarian development and advocacy organization dedicated for working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their fullest potential by tackling the causes of poverty & injustice. It serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender or ability.

World Vision is committed to first do no harm to children or adult beneficiaries, to respect the rights of all beneficiaries, and to uphold the best interests of children as a primary consideration in all actions and decisions; accordingly all the recruits will go through specific checks and compliance procedures in accordance to its Child and Adult Safeguarding Policy.

World Vision Bangladesh has zero tolerance towards incidents of violence or abuse against children or adults, including sexual exploitation or abuse, committed either by employees or others affiliated with our work. World Vision Bangladesh as Child Safe Organization discourages anyone to apply with prior record of conviction related with child neglect, abuse and exploitation.

Women & Persons with Disability are highly encouraged to apply.

How to apply:

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