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Technical Officer - Skills and Opportunities for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (SOYEE)


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Job Description

Tk. 57250 (Monthly)
3 Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree

Vacancy: 1
Location: Cox’s Bazar (Teknaf)
Minimum Salary: Tk. 57250 (Monthly)
Experience: At least 3 years
Published: 8 May 2024

Applicants are encouraged to submit Video CV.



  • Graduate/Master’s degree preferably in agriculture or livestock from any reputed university.


  • At least 3 years
  • The applicants should have experience in the following business area(s):
    NGO, Development Agency

Additional Requirements

• At least 3 years job experience in the development field along with relevant position/responsibility.

• Excellent planning, analytical, organizational and decision-making skills.

• Understanding on project planning and implementation.

• Communication with Govt. and other stakeholders.

• Good working relationships with colleagues, actors and allies.

• Excellent communication skills including written and spoken in English.

• Conversant in common IT applications (MS word, MS power point, internet browsing & e-mail communications).

Responsibilities & Context

Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) <www.ypsa.org> is an organization for sustainable development working in greater Chittagong division including Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) since 1985 (International Youth Year). YPSA is implementing a project at Host and Camp areas of Teknaf in Coxs Bazar titled “Youth from Host Communities and Rohingya Camps in Cox’s Bazar as Agents of Change” project (YPSA-YHCRCCAC Project). The project funded by the Federal German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and technical supported by Plan International Bangladesh & Germany.

Project Duration: 16 Months (High Possibility to extinction of the duration)

• Responsible to implement economic empowerment related planning, resource mobilization and capacity building for the most marginalized young women and men.

• Ensure that the project activities are implemented and executed and delivered timely to ensure the sustainability.

• Responsible for conduct market assessment to ensure access appropriate, market-specific income sources of Youths and young adults.

• Responsible for Individual Development Plans (IAP), Family Development Plan (FDP) and Business Development Plan (BDP) and developed based on market analysis.

• Organize and conduct work readiness skills and vocational training for youth to ensure targeted youth received basic interpersonal skills and work readiness skills.

• Responsible for engaging youth with decent economic activities through skill development initiatives.

• Responsible to ensure number youth received cash/kind support to start-up small scale business enterprises and youth got opportunities of apprenticeship in private sector.

• Responsible for ensure of targeted youth received training/employment opportunities due to linkages with government service providing department

• Responsible for overall management and Communication, Collaboration at the camp authority (CiC’s office, SMS, & other stakeholders)

• Responsible to prepare the reports on Daily, monthly, quarterly, six monthly and annual basis or as per reporting procedure of donor and within deadlines and provide documents/report to the organization as per need or instruction

• Regular Activity Follow up and finding Gap and provide support in proper implementation

• Support Project Officer on methodology and tool for assessment as well as provide training as per guideline if needed

• Implementation maintaining a quality standard of project, maintain records on progress reports, and provide technical inputs where necessary.

• Ensures that all programs and activities are implemented according to relevant legislation, policies and procedures

• Arranging and facilitating training, workshops and seminars for project beneficiary and others stakeholders.

• Arrange necessary resources for the project and utilise them efficiently for implementation in line with the budgets and value for money is ensured within the project.

• Collecting regular monitoring information related to the project, documenting, analysing the information and drawing possible conclusions and disseminating findings.

• Provide high quality and effective support to the staff of the project/beneficiaries and implementing in the job and enterprise-related issues based on identified needs.

• Maintains strategic partnerships with relevant skills development service providers for job placement; and maintain networks.

• Prepares a local resource map to identify and analyse existing skills development service providers to heightened of their value and potential for playing a major role in helping youth engage and re-engage in skills development.

• Continuously monitor changes in the context to guide the directions of the project coordinator, particularly with regards to the transfer of basic services to the vulnerable people.

• Prepares periodic and annual progress report on project activities specially focused on project component.

• Identifies best learning at implementation documents and shares to feed into the overall project on advocacy issues;

• Represents YPSA & Plan International at the local level network to promote YPSA & Plan’s profile and scale-up of Plan’s program in the program areas.

Employment Status

Full Time

Job Location

Cox’s Bazar (Teknaf)

Read Before Apply

If you are interested and competent for this position and have the required qualifications and experience, apply through bdjobs Apply Online on or before 15/05/2024.

YPSA is an equal opportunity employer and is sensitive to child protection and gender. Only the short-listed candidates will be contacted. Any persuasion or lobby will be treated as a disqualification for an applicant. Smokers are discouraged from applying for the position.


Note: Emergency 02334470996 from 9.30 am to 3.00 pm excluding govt. holidays

Company Information

YPSA – Young Power in Social Action


House # F 10 (P), Road # 13, Block # B Chandgaon R/A, Chittagong – 4212


Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), an organization in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC) since 2013, is a voluntary non-profit organization for sustainable development registered with the different departments of the People`s Republic of Bangladesh including NGO Affairs Bureau contributing to national goals for making a difference in the lives of the population since its establishment in 1985. YPSA, a fleet of professional staff specializes in the six thematic areas of Health; Education; Human rights and Governance; Economic Empowerment; Environment and Climate change; and Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarian Response. At present YPSA`s direct program interventions reach the Greater Chittagong Division including Chittagong Hill Tracts and part of the Dhaka and Sylhet division.

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এই চাকরির জন্য বিজ্ঞাপন দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান আপনার কাছ থেকে কোন অর্থ চাইলে অথবা কোন ধরনের ভুল বা বিভ্রান্তিকর তথ্য দিলে অতি সত্ত্বর আমাদেরকে জানান অথবা জবটি রিপোর্ট করুন। চাকরি পাওয়ার জন্য কোন ব্যাক্তি / প্রতিষ্ঠানকে অর্থ প্রদান করতে বিডিজবস কাউকে উৎসাহিত করেনা। কোন প্রকার অর্থ লেনদেনের দায়িত্ব বিডিজবস বহন করবে না।



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