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GCUB-Mob Master and PhD Scholarships 2024, Brazil

Opportunity Deadline

Master Degree, PhD Degree
All Nationalities
Male, Female, Both

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Opportunity Details

Description of Opportunity: Job Description

International students can apply for scholarships for the 2024–2025 academic year through GCUB-Mob, the GCUB international mobility program. Nationals who wish to pursue a master’s or PhD at connected Brazilian universities may apply for this grant.

The International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) established this program with the aim of promoting academic, scientific, and cultural ties among its member institutions and university internationalization through partnerships with foreign universities and international organizations.

Crucial Details and Dates

Applications must be submitted by June 17, 2024, at 23:59 BRT.Announcement of Findings Time: 25 September 2024Funding Type: Scholarships with a monthly stipendThe organizer is the International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB).55 Taking Part The host institutions are universities in Brazil.Every nation is qualified.Men and women are both qualified.Target Audience: International graduate students pursuing master’s or doctorate degreesDomain: A variety of academic specialtiesStudy Level: Master’s or DoctorateThere are 800 scholarships up for grabs.Master’s programs last 24 months, whereas doctorate programs take 48 months.Program Language: The language requirements vary depending on which Graduate Program is chosen.The country of host is Brazil.

It should be mentioned that until the first scholarship payment is made, candidates must be able to pay for their own initial expenses.

University obligations:

Upon selection, the selected candidates receive an acceptance letter from the host university.Candidates in the Health Sciences receive an additional letter from the Program Coordinator that details limitations on patient operations.Candidates for medical programs receive specific guidelines for medical practice, including responsibilities for monitoring.An electronic copy of the acceptance letter was sent to GCUB in addition to the applicants.Host universities may also mail physical copies of the acceptance letter to the candidates’ addresses.

Benefits and Financial Aids

Selected candidates will benefit from the program as follows:

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Exemption from enrollment fees, tuition, or academic feesMonthly scholarships based on Brazilian federal funding standardsAccess to university facilities and services such as classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other university services

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants should meet these requirements:

Applicants should have citizenship of a country with diplomatic relations with BrazilNot holding Brazilian nationalityGood physical and mental healthAbility to finance additional expenses not covered by the scholarshipThey must have applied for a Master’s or Doctoral program (Each applicant can enroll in up to five Master’s or Doctoral programs)Submit graduation diploma for Master’s or Doctoral applicationsAdditional requirements for Doctoral candidates regarding previous degreesTheir application should be in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French.

Important Documents

Scholarship candidates wishing to be considered for Master’s or Doctorate programs that provide monthly stipends must use the online application form only. The required files must be directly submitted in PDF format into the form.

You should copy and save the identity document in PDF format, whether it is a passport, national identity document, or proof of citizenship.Curriculum Vitae (references to courses taken and experience verified; not need to be submitted at the time of application; however, they may be requested later).A diploma, a certificate of completion from their bachelor studies, or an official declaration from the university attesting to their successful completion of an undergraduate course are required for individuals pursuing a master’s degree.Doctorate candidates should hold a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, or a diploma or certificate of completion from an undergraduate program, if required by the doctoral program of their choice.

There are two essays for each selected study program option:Essay 1: Academic goals and interests; professional expectations and perspectives on returning to one’s own country (maximum of 1,000 words).Essay 2: Four hundred words or less, including the following: justification of choice, primary idea, research question, definition and defense of the study object, literature review, methodology, schedule, and bibliographical references.University teachers must provide evidence of a formal contract with a higher education institution.

The Selection Process

The three stages of the review process are document analysis, merit assessment, and final classification. Among the evaluation factors are academic merit, regional dispersion, and gender equality.

Phase 1: Consistency analysis of the documents

GCUB-affiliated universities are in charge of it, and a committee chosen by the GCUB Executive Board is in charge of it.review of the provided material to ensure it complies with the requirements.We discard submissions that are incomplete or submitted after the deadline.
Phase 2: Analysis of Admissibility and Merit

host universities’ responsibility.Proposals approved in Phase 1 are sent by GCUB to selected universities.Universities review applications on the basis of the materials submitted in an attempt to pre-approve candidates.Universities are recommended to pre-approve four times as many candidates as there are scholarships available.considering regional distribution and academic merit.

Phase 3: Final Classification

conducted by an Evaluation Advisory Committee consisting of PhD-holding scholars from GCUB-affiliated universities.The committee assigns and ranks pre-approved applicants from Phase 2 based on preset criteria.Among the requirements are the Human Development Index, gender parity, course preferences, academic affiliations, and geographic distribution.Reconsideration requests are not accepted at any stage of the application selection process.Neither GCUB nor the partner universities give applicants any documentation throughout the selection process.

Results of Selection:

The findings are made public on the GCUB website.The selected candidates receive emails with information about the university, the courses, and permission.Substitutes are notified if a candidate declines the scholarship based on the Evaluation Advisory Committee’s ranking.


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