The Woods Hole Internship 2024-25 in the United States is now accepting applications. Woods Hole Summer Internship Program 2024 is open to all international students from across the world. Undergraduate students are eligible to apply for USA Internships. Students studying in any subject of science or engineering, including but not limited to biology, chemistry, engineering, geology, geophysics, mathematics, meteorology, physics, oceanography, and marine policy, are given preference.
Fellows are chosen based on their prior academic and scientific accomplishments, interests, and prospects. Students should arrive between the end of May and the middle of June for their internship. Each year, the number of fellows changes. It fluctuates between 25 and 30 every summer.
WHOI’s Woods Hole Summer Student Fellowship program aims to give talented students a meaningful first-hand exposure to oceanography, oceanographic engineering, or marine policy research.
Available Fields:
Preference is given to students studying in any of the fields of Science or Engineering including but not limited to the fields of Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Geophysics, Mathematics, Meteorology, Physics, Oceanography, and Marine Policy.
WHOI’s Woods Hole Summer Student Fellowship program aims to give talented students a meaningful first-hand exposure to oceanography, oceanographic engineering, or marine policy research.
Eligibility Criteria:
Apply also: EPFL Summer Paid Internships 2024-25 in Switzerland
Apply also: OIST Paid Internship Program 2024 in Japan
Required Documents:
The last date to apply for International Summer Internship Program in USA 2024-25 is 5th February 2024.