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UN Jobs in Ethiopia - WHO Consultant


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Job Description

5 Year
Male, Female, Both
Master Degree

About UN Jobs in Ethiopia – WHO Consultant:

The mission of WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme (The Programme) is to build the capacity of Member States to manage health emergency risks and, when national capacities are overwhelmed, to lead and coordinate the international health response to contain outbreaks and to provide effective relief and recovery to affected populations. All WHO personnel and collaborators are expected to respect and adhere to international standards of ethical and professional conduct that reflect WHO ethical principles, as well as to respect and adhere to the WHO Policy on zero tolerance to all forms of sexual misconduct, including zero tolerance to inaction, and to ensure that they adhere to and promote the WHO Policies related to PSEAH.

The position’s goal is to offer technical, operational, and administrative assistance for the mainstreaming of protection against sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (PSEAH) in WHO Tigray emergency response operations spanning Mikelle, Afar, and Amhara.

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Accountabilities & Tasks:

Under the direct supervision and overall guidance of the Incident Manager the Technical Officer will do the following :

a) Oversee and strengthen implementation of PSEAH interventions in the current WHO Northern Ethiopia emergency response operations:

  • Supervising, coordinating, and implementing a PRSEAH POA that has been approved and is tailored to the context and needs of the emergency operations
  • Supporting/advising all key stakeholders internally on responsibilities and accountabilities in preventing and responding to SEAH including regular briefings on risks, and incidents
    The Humanitarian Response Plan Ethiopia 2022
  • Integrate PRSEAH into WHO programs and operations, including human resource management and emergency response, to reduce potential risks through the implementation of safeguarding measures during recruitment, training of personnel, including volunteers, and dissemination of the PRSEAH information package to all personnel and implementing partners.
  • Mitigate PSEAH risks within WHO Programming for emergency operations through the dissemination of the PSEAH information package to all personnel, partners, and contractors;
  • Implementing PSEAH training and refresher courses to all personnel, implementing partners, volunteers, and Government counterparts.

b) Contribute to the Network collective efforts for scaling up PSEAH interventions in the NE response operations.

  • Contribution to and active representation of WHO in PSEA Network activities, including aligning with PSEA Network TORs and contributing to the implementation of relevant components of the joint Action Plan such as joint risk assessments, capacity building, community awareness and engagement on rights, reporting, and services; capacity building for victim support referral; SEAH prevention activities, and so on.
  • Actively represent WHO and contribute to various PSEA-related thematic working group (GBV, Gender, Protection Working Group, Child Protection working group, Health Cluster, etc.) activities to promote PSEAH objectives ;
  • Participate in and assist in the mapping of current victims’ and survivors’ service providers, gaps, and needs; and coordinate internally to ensure proper channeling of WHO resources to joint efforts for victims’ and survivors’ support systems.
  • Support and ensure the inclusion of PRSEAH in humanitarian needs overview, humanitarian response plans, event-specific SRPs, and funding appeals
  • Representing WHO and participating in routine Inter-agency PSEA Network meetings, as well as documenting and disseminating conclusions and suggestions internally and to senior leadership as needed.

c) Support PRSEAH mainstreaming among implementing partners, including national Governments, NGOs, and INGOs through:

  • Assist the WHO leadership in systematically implementing the UN Protocol on Allegations of SEA with implementing partners and accompanying partner assessment, and provide assistance as needed.
  • Ensure that implementing partners are trained on PRSEAH and that the PRSEAH clause is inserted in all contractual agreements
  • Organize and carry out awareness and training sessions for Implementing Partners in cooperation and collaboration with PSEA network partners as part of the PSEA capacity development activity for Implementing Partners.
  • Contribute to creating awareness and building capacities of national Governments on PSEAH and related capacities.

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  • Master’s degree or higher in gender studies, humanitarian affairs, human rights, law, social work, public health, development studies, or other related social science areas.


  • At least five years of relevant progressive work experience, including humanitarian assistance and/or health emergency response operations.
  • Strong knowledge of the local context, and WHO’s institutional approach to PSEA and related strategies, policies, rules, and regulations
  • Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH); Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP); Protection, including child protection; Human rights; Gender-based violence (GBV) and victim and survivor assistance; Staff misconduct and discipline; Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL); Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE); Training and Building Capacity.

Required Language:

  • English is essential
  • [Local language] is a strong benefit



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